

Documentación del módulo[ver] [editar] [historial] [purgar]

A continuación se muestra la documentación transcluida desde la subpágina /doc. [salta a la caja de código]


Esta documentación está transcluida desde Módulo:Copa/doc.
Por favor, añade las categorías en la subpágina de documentación y los interwikis en Wikidata. Subpáginas de este módulo.
-- -- This module will implement {{TeamBracket}} --  local p = {} local args local rounds local showSeeds local roundNames = {} local roundNamesExists local dates={} -- Fecha de cada round local roundDatesExists local teamsRound1 -- Diferente local teams = {} -- Diferente. Número de equipos de un round local matches = {} -- Diferente. Número de partidos de un round local allMatches= {} -- Diferente. Número de partidos de un round y de los anteriores  local rows={} local numberOfRows local rowsPerTeam  local scoresConBlancos = false local scoresConComas = false  -- Constantes local CRoundNames = {'Final', 'Semifinales', 'Cuartos de final', 'Octavos de final', 'Dieciseisavos de final', ['3rd']='Tercer lugar'} local CteamCellWidth={'176px',  '16em' -- de la plantilla:Copa de 4 equipos-1 ronda  --, '16em'   , '11em' -- de la plantilla:Copa de 8 equipos-1 ronda con número  } -- 150px en el original siempre. 226 en total  local function getArgs(frame)  -- Lo rehago. No funcionaba  local parent = frame:getParent();  local args = {}   for k,v in pairs(parent.args) do  args[k] = v  end   for k,v in pairs(frame.args) do  args[k] = v  end   -- Es diferente a la versión original del módulo pues en la Wikipedia española el nombre de los campos puede ser diferente  local args2 = {}  local k2   for k,v in pairs(args) do  k2= tostring(k):gsub('seed0','seed')  k2= k2:gsub('team0','team')  k2= k2:gsub('score0','score')  k2= k2:gsub('a$','-1') -- {{{RD3-score01a}}}  k2= k2:gsub('b$','-2') -- {{{RD3-score01b}}}   args2[k2] = v  end   return args2; end  function getRounds() -- Diferente  if args['RD5'] or args['RD5-team1'] then  return 5  elseif args['RD4'] or args['RD4-team1'] then  return 4  elseif args['RD3'] or args['RD3-team1'] then  return 3  elseif args['RD2'] or args['RD2-team1'] then  return 2  elseif args['RD1'] or args['RD1-team1'] then  return 1  end end  function getGroup(round, group)  local groupArg = args['RD' .. round .. '-group' .. group]   if groupArg then  return groupArg  end   if args['group8'] then -- hay 8 grupos  if rounds == round + 4 then  return args['group'..group]  end  elseif args['group4'] then -- hay 4 grupos  if rounds == round + 3 then  return args['group'..group]  end   elseif args['group2'] then -- solo hay 2 grupos  if rounds == round + 2 then  return args['group'..group]  end  end end  function getScore(round, team, match)  local resultado  if round == '3rd' then  resultado = args[round .. '-score' .. team .. '-' .. match] or  (match==1 and args[round .. '-score' .. team]) or ''  else  resultado = args['RD' .. round .. '-score' .. team .. '-' .. match] or  (match==1 and args['RD' .. round .. '-score' .. team]) or ''  end   if resultado:match(',') then  scoresConComas= true  end   if resultado:match(' ') and not resultado:match(' %(') and not resultado:match(' {{') and not resultado:match(' <') then  scoresConBlancos = true  end   return resultado end  function getSeeds()  local seeds = {1, 2}  local count = 2  local before = false  for r = 2, rounds do  local max = math.pow(2, r)  for i = 1, count do  local pos = i * 2  if before then pos = pos - 1 end  table.insert(seeds, pos, max - seeds[i * 2 - 1] + 1)  before = not before  end  count = count * 2  end  return seeds end  function addTableRow(tbl)  return tbl:tag('tr') end  function addBlank(row, width)  local cell = row:tag('td')  if width then  cell:css('width', width)  end  return cell end  -- Draws an horizontal line  function addPath(row, top, showPath)  local cell = addBlank(row)  :attr('rowspan', '2')   if showPath then  cell  :css('border-width', '0')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-color', 'black')  :css(top and 'border-bottom-width' or 'border-top-width', '1px')  end  return cell end  function addCompactPath(index, round, top, left)  local prop = top and 'border-bottom-width' or 'border-top-width'  if left and round == 1 then  addBlank(rows[index])  return nil  else  local cell = addBlank(rows[index])  :css('border-width', '0')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-color', 'black')  if left or round < rounds and not left then  cell:css(prop, '2px')  end  return cell  end end  function getWidth(param, default)  local arg = args[param .. '-width']  if not arg or string.len(arg) == 0 then  arg = default  end  if tonumber(arg) ~= nil then  arg = arg .. 'px'  end  return arg end  function getTeamArg(round, type, team)  return args[getTeamArgName(round, type, team)] end  function getTeamArgName(round, type, team)  if round == '3rd' then  return '3rd-' .. type .. team  else  return string.format('RD%d-%s%01d', round, type, team)  end end  function renderTeam(row, round, team, top, compact, showTeam)  local seedCell  local seedArg = getTeamArg(round, 'seed', team)  -- seed value for the paired team  local pairSeedArg = getTeamArg(round, 'seed',  team % 2 == 0 and team - 1 or team + 1)   -- show seed if seed is defined for either or both  local showSeed = showTeam and (seedArg and string.len(seedArg) > 0  or pairSeedArg and string.len(pairSeedArg) > 0)   local teamArg = getTeamArg(round, 'team', team)   if showSeed and showSeeds then  seedCell = row:tag('td')  :css('text-align', 'center')  :css('background-color', '#f2f2f2')  :css('border-color', '#aaa')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-top-width', '1px')  :css('border-left-width', '1px')  :css('border-right-width', '0')  :css('border-bottom-width', '0')  :wikitext(seedArg)  :newline()  end   if not teamArg or string.len(teamArg) == 0 then  teamArg = '&nbsp;'  end  local teamCell = row:tag('td')  if showTeam then  teamCell  :css('background-color', '#f9f9f9')  :css('border-color', '#aaa')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-top-width', '1px')  :css('border-left-width', '1px')  :css('border-right-width', '0')  :css('border-bottom-width', '0')  :css('padding', '0 2px')  :wikitext('&nbsp;' .. teamArg .. '&nbsp;') -- Diferente  :newline()  end  if not showSeed and showSeeds then  teamCell:attr('colspan', '2')  end   local scoreCell   for match= 1, matches[round] do  scoreCell = row:tag('td')  if showTeam then  scoreCell  :css('text-align', 'center')  :css('border-color', '#aaa')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-top-width', '1px')  :css('border-left-width', '0')  :css('border-right-width', '1px')  :css('border-bottom-width', '0')  :css('background-color', '#f9f9f9')  :wikitext(getScore(round,team,match))  :newline()  end   if not compact then  scoreCell:attr('rowspan', '2')  end   if showTeam and not compact and not top then  scoreCell:css('border-bottom-width', '1px')  end  end   if not compact then  if seedCell then  seedCell:attr('rowspan', '2')   if not top then  seedCell:css('border-bottom-width', '1px')  end  end  teamCell:attr('rowspan', '2')   if showTeam then  teamCell:css('border-right-width', '1px')   if not top then  teamCell:css('border-bottom-width', '1px')  end  end  else  if not top then  if seedCell then  seedCell:css('border-bottom-width', '1px')  end  if showTeam then  teamCell:css('border-bottom-width', '1px')  end  end  end end  function renderRound(round)  local teamsRound = teams[round]  local step = numberOfRows / teamsRound  local topTeam = true -- is top row in match-up  local topPair = true -- is top match-up in pair of match-ups  local team = 1  local showTeam   for i = 1, numberOfRows, step do  local offset, height, blank   if getTeamArg(round, 'team', team) or (team%2 == 0 and getTeamArg(round, 'team', team - 1)) or  (team%2 == 1 and getTeamArg(round, 'team', team + 1)) then  showTeam = true  else  showTeam = false  end   if not topTeam then  topPair = not topPair  end   -- leave room for groups for teams other than first and last  if round ~= rounds then  if team == 1 or team == teamsRound then  offset = topTeam and i or i + 2  height = step - 2  else  offset = topTeam and i + 1 or i + 2  height = step - 3  end  if height > 0 then  local k=offset  while k < offset + height do  blank = addBlank(rows[k])  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 4 or 3) + matches[round])   if showTeam then  blank  :css('border-color', 'black')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-width', '0')  if not topPair and round < rounds then  blank:css('border-right-width', '2px')  end  end   k=k + 1  end   end  end   -- Mostrar las 6 filas de los 2 equipos  if showTeam and topTeam then  rows[i + step - 3].show = true  rows[i + step - 2].show = true  rows[i + step - 1].show = true  rows[i + step].show = true  rows[i + step + 1].show = true  rows[i + step + 2].show = true  end   -- add bracket  local j = topTeam and i + step - 2 or i  -- add left path  if round == 1 then  addBlank(rows[j]):css('height', '7px')  addBlank(rows[j + 1]):css('height', '7px')  else  local showLeftTeams  local aux = 4 * (math.ceil(team/2) - 1)   if getTeamArg(round - 1 , 'team', 1 + aux) or  getTeamArg(round - 1 , 'team', 2 + aux) or  getTeamArg(round - 1 , 'team', 3 + aux) or  getTeamArg(round - 1 , 'team', 4 + aux) then  showLeftTeams = true  end   addPath(rows[j], topTeam, showTeam and showLeftTeams)  end   renderTeam(rows[j], round, team, topTeam, false,showTeam)   local rightPath = addPath(rows[j], topTeam, showTeam and round < rounds)   if not topPair and round < rounds and showTeam then  rightPath:css('border-right-width', '2px')  end  team = team + 1  topTeam = not topTeam  end end   function renderCompactRound(round)  local teamsRound = teams[round]  local step = numberOfRows / teamsRound  local topTeam = true -- is top row in match-up  local topPair = true -- is top match-up in pair of match-ups  local team = 1   for i = 1, numberOfRows, step do  local offset, height, blank  -- empty space above or below  local offset = topTeam and i or i + 1  local height = step - 1   if height > 0 then  blank = addBlank(rows[offset])  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 4 or 3) + matches[round])  :css('border-color', 'black')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-width', '0')  :attr('rowspan', height)  end  -- add bracket  local j = topTeam and i + step - 1 or i  -- add left path  addCompactPath(j, round, topTeam, true)  renderTeam(rows[j], round, team, topTeam, true)  local rightPath = addCompactPath(j, round, topTeam, false)  if not topTeam then topPair = not topPair end  if not topPair and round < rounds then  if blank then blank:css('border-right-width', '2px') end  rightPath:css('border-right-width', '2px')  end  team = team + 1  topTeam = not topTeam  end end  function renderGroups(round)  local roundFromLast = rounds - round + 1  local groups = math.pow(2, roundFromLast - 2)  local step = numberOfRows / groups  local group = 1  local cell   for i = step / 2, numberOfRows, step do  addBlank(rows[i]):css('height', '7px')  addBlank(rows[i + 1]):css('height', '7px')  addBlank(rows[i])  :attr('rowspan', '2')  :attr('colspan', ((showSeeds and 4 or 3)) * round + allMatches[round] - 2)  :css('text-align', 'center')  :wikitext(getGroup(round, group))  :newline()  cell=addBlank(rows[i])  if getTeamArg(round, 'team', 1 + (group - 1) * 4) or getTeamArg(round, 'team', 2 + (group - 1) * 4) then  cell  :css('border-color', 'black')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-width', '0 2px 0 0')  end   cell=addBlank(rows[i + 1])  if getTeamArg(round, 'team', 3 + (group - 1) * 4) or getTeamArg(round, 'team', 4 + (group - 1) * 4) then  cell  :css('border-color', 'black')  :css('border-style', 'solid')  :css('border-width', '0 2px 0 0')  end   group = group + 1  end end  function renderTree(tbl, compact)  -- create 3 or 1 rows for every team  rowsPerTeam = compact and 1 or 3  numberOfRows = teamsRound1 * rowsPerTeam   for i = 1, numberOfRows do  rows[i] = addTableRow(tbl)  end  if not compact then  -- fill rows with groups  for r = 1, rounds - 1 do  renderGroups(r)  end  end  -- fill rows with bracket  for r = 1, rounds do  if compact then  renderCompactRound(r)  else  renderRound(r)  end  end   -- Third. De momento solo si no es compacto  if args['3rd-team1'] or args['3rd-team2'] then  if rounds == 2 then  addBlank(rows[numberOfRows])  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 4 or 3) + matches[1])  --:css('height', '20px')  :wikitext('&nbsp;')   numberOfRows = numberOfRows + 1  rows[numberOfRows] = addTableRow(tbl)  addBlank(rows[numberOfRows])  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 4 or 3) + matches[1])  rows[numberOfRows].show=true  numberOfRows = numberOfRows + 1  rows[numberOfRows] = addTableRow(tbl)  addBlank(rows[numberOfRows])  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 4 or 3) + matches[1])  rows[numberOfRows].show=true  numberOfRows = numberOfRows + 1  rows[numberOfRows] = addTableRow(tbl)  addBlank(rows[numberOfRows])  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 4 or 3) + matches[1])  rows[numberOfRows].show=true  numberOfRows = numberOfRows + 1  rows[numberOfRows] = addTableRow(tbl)  addBlank(rows[numberOfRows])  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 4 or 3) + matches[1])  rows[numberOfRows].show=true  numberOfRows = numberOfRows + 1  rows[numberOfRows] = addTableRow(tbl)  addBlank(rows[numberOfRows])  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 4 or 3) + matches[1])  rows[numberOfRows].show=true  end  addBlank(rows[numberOfRows - 7])  local cell = addBlank(rows[numberOfRows - 7])  :attr('rowspan', 2)  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 2 or 1) + matches['3rd'])  :css('text-align', 'center')  :css('border', '1px solid #aaa')  :css('background-color', '#f2f2f2')  :wikitext(args['3rd'] or CRoundNames['3rd'])  :newline()   addBlank(rows[numberOfRows - 4])  renderTeam(rows[numberOfRows - 4], '3rd', 1 , true, false, true)  addBlank(rows[numberOfRows - 2])  renderTeam(rows[numberOfRows - 2], '3rd', 2 , false, false, true)  end   -- Hide empty rows  local j, row   for j, row in pairs(rows) do  if not row.show then  row:css('display','none')  end  end end  function renderHeading(tbl, compact)  if not roundNamesExists then  return  end   local titleRow = addTableRow(tbl)  local dateRow = roundDatesExists and addTableRow(tbl)  local widthRow = addTableRow(tbl)   for r = 1, rounds do  addBlank(titleRow)  addBlank(widthRow, r > 1 and '5px' or nil)  titleRow:tag('td')  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 2 or 1) + matches[r])  :css('text-align', 'center')  :css('border', '1px solid #aaa')  :css('background-color', '#f2f2f2')  :wikitext(roundNames[r])  :newline()  local seedCell  if showSeeds then  seedCell = addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('seed', '25px'))   if not compact then  seedCell:wikitext('&nbsp;')  end  end -- local teamCell = addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('team', '150px'))  local teamCell = addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('team', CteamCellWidth[rounds] or '150px'))   if compact then  teamCell:css('height', '7px')  else  teamCell:wikitext('&nbsp;')  end   local scoreCell   for match= 1, matches[r] do  scoreCell = addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('score', (matches[1]>=3 and '12px') or '25px'))   if not compact then  scoreCell:wikitext('&nbsp;')  end  end   addBlank(titleRow)  addBlank(widthRow, r < rounds and '5px' or nil)   if roundDatesExists then  addBlank(dateRow)   dateRow:tag('td')  :attr('colspan', (showSeeds and 2 or 1) + matches[r])  :css('text-align', 'center')  :css('border', '1px solid #aaa')  :css('background-color', '#f9f9f9')  :wikitext(dates[r] or '&nbsp;')  :newline()  addBlank(dateRow)  end  end end  function p.teamBracket(frame)  local round   args = getArgs(frame)  --rounds = tonumber(args.rounds) or 2  -- Diferente  rounds = tonumber(args.rounds) or getRounds(args) or 2 -- Diferente   rows = {}   -- Get the names and the dates of each round  local argRound   for round = 1, rounds do  argRound = args['RD' .. round]   roundNames[round] = (argRound and argRound:match('([^<]*)<br />.*')) or argRound  or CRoundNames[rounds - round + 1] or ("Round of " .. teams[round])   if roundNames[round] ~= '' then  roundNamesExists = true  end   dates[round] = args['RD' .. round .. '-date'] or (argRound and argRound:match('[^<]*<br />(.*)')) or ''   if dates[round] ~= '' then  roundDatesExists = true  end  end    --Set the number of teams of each round  teamsRound1 = 2   for round=rounds,2,-1 do  teams[round] = teamsRound1  teamsRound1 = teamsRound1 * 2  end   teams[1] = teamsRound1   showSeeds = true  if args['seeds'] and args['seeds'] == 'no' then  showSeeds = false  end   --Set the matches of each round  for round=1,rounds do  matches[round] = 1  end   for k,v in pairs(args) do  round,match = k:match('^RD(.*)%-score.*%-(.*)$')   if round and match then  round=tonumber(round)  match = tonumber(match)  if match and matches[round] and match > matches[round] then  matches[round] = match  end  end  end   allMatches[1] = matches[1]   for round=2,rounds do  allMatches[round] = allMatches[round - 1] + matches[round]  end   --Set the matches of 3rd  matches['3rd'] = 1   for k,v in pairs(args) do  match = k:match('^3rd%-score.*%-(.*)$')   if match then  match = tonumber(match)  if match > matches['3rd'] then  matches['3rd'] = match  end  end  end    --if true then return require('Módulo:Tablas').tostring(matches) end   -- set default seeds for round 1  local seeds = getSeeds()  local argname  for i = 1, table.getn(seeds) do  argname = getTeamArgName(1, 'seed', i)  if not args[argname] then  args[argname] = seeds[i]  end  end   local tbl = mw.html.create('table')  :css('border-style', 'none')  :css('font-size', '90%')  :css('margin', '1em 2em 1em 1em')  :css('border-collapse', 'separate')  :css('border-spacing', '0')   local compact = false  if args['compact'] and args['compact'] == 'yes' then  compact = true  end   if compact then  tbl:css('font-size', '90%'):attr('cellpadding', '0')  end   renderHeading(tbl, compact)  renderTree(tbl, compact)   local output  output = tostring(tbl)  if scoresConComas then  output = output .. '[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Artículos que usan la plantilla copa con comas]]'  end  if scoresConBlancos then  output = output .. '[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Artículos que usan la plantilla copa con espacios en blanco]]'  end   return output end  -- Diferencias con el módulo original p.copa = p.teamBracket   return p 

módulo, copa, documentación, módulo, editar, historial, purgar, módulo, copa, código, discusión, tests, comprobar, tests, subpáginas, enlaces, continuación, muestra, documentación, transcluida, desde, subpágina, salta, caja, código, esta, documentación, está, . Documentacion del modulo ver editar historial purgar Modulo Copa codigo doc discusion tests comprobar tests subpaginas enlaces A continuacion se muestra la documentacion transcluida desde la subpagina doc salta a la caja de codigo Uso Esta documentacion esta transcluida desde Modulo Copa doc Por favor anade las categorias en la subpagina de documentacion y los interwikis en Wikidata Subpaginas de este modulo This module will implement TeamBracket local p local args local rounds local showSeeds local roundNames local roundNamesExists local dates Fecha de cada round local roundDatesExists local teamsRound1 Diferente local teams Diferente Numero de equipos de un round local matches Diferente Numero de partidos de un round local allMatches Diferente Numero de partidos de un round y de los anteriores local rows local numberOfRows local rowsPerTeam local scoresConBlancos false local scoresConComas false Constantes local CRoundNames Final Semifinales Cuartos de final Octavos de final Dieciseisavos de final 3rd Tercer lugar local CteamCellWidth 176px 16em de la plantilla Copa de 4 equipos 1 ronda 16em 11em de la plantilla Copa de 8 equipos 1 ronda con numero 150px en el original siempre 226 en total local function getArgs frame Lo rehago No funcionaba local parent frame getParent local args for k v in pairs parent args do args k v end for k v in pairs frame args do args k v end Es diferente a la version original del modulo pues en la Wikipedia espanola el nombre de los campos puede ser diferente local args2 local k2 for k v in pairs args do k2 tostring k gsub seed0 seed k2 k2 gsub team0 team k2 k2 gsub score0 score k2 k2 gsub a 1 RD3 score01a k2 k2 gsub b 2 RD3 score01b args2 k2 v end return args2 end function getRounds Diferente if args RD5 or args RD5 team1 then return 5 elseif args RD4 or args RD4 team1 then return 4 elseif args RD3 or args RD3 team1 then return 3 elseif args RD2 or args RD2 team1 then return 2 elseif args RD1 or args RD1 team1 then return 1 end end function getGroup round group local groupArg args RD round group group if groupArg then return groupArg end if args group8 then hay 8 grupos if rounds round 4 then return args group group end elseif args group4 then hay 4 grupos if rounds round 3 then return args group group end elseif args group2 then solo hay 2 grupos if rounds round 2 then return args group group end end end function getScore round team match local resultado if round 3rd then resultado args round score team match or match 1 and args round score team or else resultado args RD round score team match or match 1 and args RD round score team or end if resultado match then scoresConComas true end if resultado match and not resultado match and not resultado match and not resultado match lt then scoresConBlancos true end return resultado end function getSeeds local seeds 1 2 local count 2 local before false for r 2 rounds do local max math pow 2 r for i 1 count do local pos i 2 if before then pos pos 1 end table insert seeds pos max seeds i 2 1 1 before not before end count count 2 end return seeds end function addTableRow tbl return tbl tag tr end function addBlank row width local cell row tag td if width then cell css width width end return cell end Draws an horizontal line function addPath row top showPath local cell addBlank row attr rowspan 2 if showPath then cell css border width 0 css border style solid css border color black css top and border bottom width or border top width 1px end return cell end function addCompactPath index round top left local prop top and border bottom width or border top width if left and round 1 then addBlank rows index return nil else local cell addBlank rows index css border width 0 css border style solid css border color black if left or round lt rounds and not left then cell css prop 2px end return cell end end function getWidth param default local arg args param width if not arg or string len arg 0 then arg default end if tonumber arg nil then arg arg px end return arg end function getTeamArg round type team return args getTeamArgName round type team end function getTeamArgName round type team if round 3rd then return 3rd type team else return string format RD d s 01d round type team end end function renderTeam row round team top compact showTeam local seedCell local seedArg getTeamArg round seed team seed value for the paired team local pairSeedArg getTeamArg round seed team 2 0 and team 1 or team 1 show seed if seed is defined for either or both local showSeed showTeam and seedArg and string len seedArg gt 0 or pairSeedArg and string len pairSeedArg gt 0 local teamArg getTeamArg round team team if showSeed and showSeeds then seedCell row tag td css text align center css background color f2f2f2 css border color aaa css border style solid css border top width 1px css border left width 1px css border right width 0 css border bottom width 0 wikitext seedArg newline end if not teamArg or string len teamArg 0 then teamArg amp nbsp end local teamCell row tag td if showTeam then teamCell css background color f9f9f9 css border color aaa css border style solid css border top width 1px css border left width 1px css border right width 0 css border bottom width 0 css padding 0 2px wikitext amp nbsp teamArg amp nbsp Diferente newline end if not showSeed and showSeeds then teamCell attr colspan 2 end local scoreCell for match 1 matches round do scoreCell row tag td if showTeam then scoreCell css text align center css border color aaa css border style solid css border top width 1px css border left width 0 css border right width 1px css border bottom width 0 css background color f9f9f9 wikitext getScore round team match newline end if not compact then scoreCell attr rowspan 2 end if showTeam and not compact and not top then scoreCell css border bottom width 1px end end if not compact then if seedCell then seedCell attr rowspan 2 if not top then seedCell css border bottom width 1px end end teamCell attr rowspan 2 if showTeam then teamCell css border right width 1px if not top then teamCell css border bottom width 1px end end else if not top then if seedCell then seedCell css border bottom width 1px end if showTeam then teamCell css border bottom width 1px end end end end function renderRound round local teamsRound teams round local step numberOfRows teamsRound local topTeam true is top row in match up local topPair true is top match up in pair of match ups local team 1 local showTeam for i 1 numberOfRows step do local offset height blank if getTeamArg round team team or team 2 0 and getTeamArg round team team 1 or team 2 1 and getTeamArg round team team 1 then showTeam true else showTeam false end if not topTeam then topPair not topPair end leave room for groups for teams other than first and last if round rounds then if team 1 or team teamsRound then offset topTeam and i or i 2 height step 2 else offset topTeam and i 1 or i 2 height step 3 end if height gt 0 then local k offset while k lt offset height do blank addBlank rows k attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 matches round if showTeam then blank css border color black css border style solid css border width 0 if not topPair and round lt rounds then blank css border right width 2px end end k k 1 end end end Mostrar las 6 filas de los 2 equipos if showTeam and topTeam then rows i step 3 show true rows i step 2 show true rows i step 1 show true rows i step show true rows i step 1 show true rows i step 2 show true end add bracket local j topTeam and i step 2 or i add left path if round 1 then addBlank rows j css height 7px addBlank rows j 1 css height 7px else local showLeftTeams local aux 4 math ceil team 2 1 if getTeamArg round 1 team 1 aux or getTeamArg round 1 team 2 aux or getTeamArg round 1 team 3 aux or getTeamArg round 1 team 4 aux then showLeftTeams true end addPath rows j topTeam showTeam and showLeftTeams end renderTeam rows j round team topTeam false showTeam local rightPath addPath rows j topTeam showTeam and round lt rounds if not topPair and round lt rounds and showTeam then rightPath css border right width 2px end team team 1 topTeam not topTeam end end function renderCompactRound round local teamsRound teams round local step numberOfRows teamsRound local topTeam true is top row in match up local topPair true is top match up in pair of match ups local team 1 for i 1 numberOfRows step do local offset height blank empty space above or below local offset topTeam and i or i 1 local height step 1 if height gt 0 then blank addBlank rows offset attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 matches round css border color black css border style solid css border width 0 attr rowspan height end add bracket local j topTeam and i step 1 or i add left path addCompactPath j round topTeam true renderTeam rows j round team topTeam true local rightPath addCompactPath j round topTeam false if not topTeam then topPair not topPair end if not topPair and round lt rounds then if blank then blank css border right width 2px end rightPath css border right width 2px end team team 1 topTeam not topTeam end end function renderGroups round local roundFromLast rounds round 1 local groups math pow 2 roundFromLast 2 local step numberOfRows groups local group 1 local cell for i step 2 numberOfRows step do addBlank rows i css height 7px addBlank rows i 1 css height 7px addBlank rows i attr rowspan 2 attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 round allMatches round 2 css text align center wikitext getGroup round group newline cell addBlank rows i if getTeamArg round team 1 group 1 4 or getTeamArg round team 2 group 1 4 then cell css border color black css border style solid css border width 0 2px 0 0 end cell addBlank rows i 1 if getTeamArg round team 3 group 1 4 or getTeamArg round team 4 group 1 4 then cell css border color black css border style solid css border width 0 2px 0 0 end group group 1 end end function renderTree tbl compact create 3 or 1 rows for every team rowsPerTeam compact and 1 or 3 numberOfRows teamsRound1 rowsPerTeam for i 1 numberOfRows do rows i addTableRow tbl end if not compact then fill rows with groups for r 1 rounds 1 do renderGroups r end end fill rows with bracket for r 1 rounds do if compact then renderCompactRound r else renderRound r end end Third De momento solo si no es compacto if args 3rd team1 or args 3rd team2 then if rounds 2 then addBlank rows numberOfRows attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 matches 1 css height 20px wikitext amp nbsp numberOfRows numberOfRows 1 rows numberOfRows addTableRow tbl addBlank rows numberOfRows attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 matches 1 rows numberOfRows show true numberOfRows numberOfRows 1 rows numberOfRows addTableRow tbl addBlank rows numberOfRows attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 matches 1 rows numberOfRows show true numberOfRows numberOfRows 1 rows numberOfRows addTableRow tbl addBlank rows numberOfRows attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 matches 1 rows numberOfRows show true numberOfRows numberOfRows 1 rows numberOfRows addTableRow tbl addBlank rows numberOfRows attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 matches 1 rows numberOfRows show true numberOfRows numberOfRows 1 rows numberOfRows addTableRow tbl addBlank rows numberOfRows attr colspan showSeeds and 4 or 3 matches 1 rows numberOfRows show true end addBlank rows numberOfRows 7 local cell addBlank rows numberOfRows 7 attr rowspan 2 attr colspan showSeeds and 2 or 1 matches 3rd css text align center css border 1px solid aaa css background color f2f2f2 wikitext args 3rd or CRoundNames 3rd newline addBlank rows numberOfRows 4 renderTeam rows numberOfRows 4 3rd 1 true false true addBlank rows numberOfRows 2 renderTeam rows numberOfRows 2 3rd 2 false false true end Hide empty rows local j row for j row in pairs rows do if not row show then row css display none end end end function renderHeading tbl compact if not roundNamesExists then return end local titleRow addTableRow tbl local dateRow roundDatesExists and addTableRow tbl local widthRow addTableRow tbl for r 1 rounds do addBlank titleRow addBlank widthRow r gt 1 and 5px or nil titleRow tag td attr colspan showSeeds and 2 or 1 matches r css text align center css border 1px solid aaa css background color f2f2f2 wikitext roundNames r newline local seedCell if showSeeds then seedCell addBlank widthRow getWidth seed 25px if not compact then seedCell wikitext amp nbsp end end local teamCell addBlank widthRow getWidth team 150px local teamCell addBlank widthRow getWidth team CteamCellWidth rounds or 150px if compact then teamCell css height 7px else teamCell wikitext amp nbsp end local scoreCell for match 1 matches r do scoreCell addBlank widthRow getWidth score matches 1 gt 3 and 12px or 25px if not compact then scoreCell wikitext amp nbsp end end addBlank titleRow addBlank widthRow r lt rounds and 5px or nil if roundDatesExists then addBlank dateRow dateRow tag td attr colspan showSeeds and 2 or 1 matches r css text align center css border 1px solid aaa css background color f9f9f9 wikitext dates r or amp nbsp newline addBlank dateRow end end end function p teamBracket frame local round args getArgs frame rounds tonumber args rounds or 2 Diferente rounds tonumber args rounds or getRounds args or 2 Diferente rows Get the names and the dates of each round local argRound for round 1 rounds do argRound args RD round roundNames round argRound and argRound match lt lt br gt or argRound or CRoundNames rounds round 1 or Round of teams round if roundNames round then roundNamesExists true end dates round args RD round date or argRound and argRound match lt lt br gt or if dates round then roundDatesExists true end end Set the number of teams of each round teamsRound1 2 for round rounds 2 1 do teams round teamsRound1 teamsRound1 teamsRound1 2 end teams 1 teamsRound1 showSeeds true if args seeds and args seeds no then showSeeds false end Set the matches of each round for round 1 rounds do matches round 1 end for k v in pairs args do round match k match RD score if round and match then round tonumber round match tonumber match if match and matches round and match gt matches round then matches round match end end end allMatches 1 matches 1 for round 2 rounds do allMatches round allMatches round 1 matches round end Set the matches of 3rd matches 3rd 1 for k v in pairs args do match k match 3rd score if match then match tonumber match if match gt matches 3rd then matches 3rd match end end end if true then return require Modulo Tablas tostring matches end set default seeds for round 1 local seeds getSeeds local argname for i 1 table getn seeds do argname getTeamArgName 1 seed i if not args argname then args argname seeds i end end local tbl mw html create table css border style none css font size 90 css margin 1em 2em 1em 1em css border collapse separate css border spacing 0 local compact false if args compact and args compact yes then compact true end if compact then tbl css font size 90 attr cellpadding 0 end renderHeading tbl compact renderTree tbl compact local output output tostring tbl if scoresConComas then output output Categoria Wikipedia Articulos que usan la plantilla copa con comas end if scoresConBlancos then output output Categoria Wikipedia Articulos que usan la plantilla copa con espacios en blanco end return output end Diferencias con el modulo original p copa p teamBracket return pObtenido de https es wikipedia org w index php title Modulo Copa amp oldid 136270587, wikipedia, wiki, leyendo, leer, libro, biblioteca,


, española, descargar, gratis, descargar gratis, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, imagen, música, canción, película, libro, juego, juegos