
Arno Tausch

Arno Tausch (nacido el 11 de febrero de 1951 en Salzburgo, Austria) es un politólogo de Austria y uno de los fundadores de las investigaciones cuantitativas sobre el sistema mundial así como del desarrollo en Europa.[1]

Arno Tausch
Información personal
Nacimiento 11 de febrero de 1951
Salzburg, Austria
Nacionalidad Austríaca
Educado en Universidad de Salzburgo
Información profesional
Área Ciencias Políticas
Conocido por Teoría de la Dependencia
Empleador Universidad de Innsbruck, Departamento de Ciencias Políticas
Ministerio de Asustos Sociales y Protección del Consumidor en Viena

Tausch es un participante activo en el movimiento de la teología de la liberación[2]​ y del movimiento ecuménico y defensor del diálogo entre las grandes religiones del mundo. Está involucrado en el estudio de los efectos cuantitativos de la globalización sobre los sistemas sociales.[3]

Está casado y tiene tres hijas.

Formación y vida académica

Tausch recibió su doctorado en ciencia política de la Universidad de Salzburgo en 1976[4]​ y su habilitación para la Universidad de Innsbruck.[5]

Fue profesor visitante Asociado en el Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Hawái en Manoa, Estados Unidos e Investigador Invitado en el Instituto Internacional de Investigación Social Comparativo, Centro de Ciencias, Berlín Occidental (ahora: WZB - Centro de Investigación de Ciencias Sociales de Berlín). Actualmente es Profesor Adjunto (Universitaetsdozent), de Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de Innsbruck y Profesor Visitante de Ciencias Económicas en la Universidad de Corvinus en Budapest, Hungría.

Fue diplomático austriaco en el exterior y Consejero de Trabajo y Migración en la Embajada de Austria en Varsovia.

Es uno de los científicos que contribuyen, desde sus inicios, en la revista académica Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar, publicación conjunta de la Universidad de Málaga y la Universidad de Cádiz. Actualmente es miembro del consejo científico internacional de la citada revista. También es miembro del consejo científico de varias otras revistas, entre ellas Innovation. The European Journal of Social Science Research (publicado por Routledge, Londres).

Formación especializada e investigación

A pesar de su formación en la economía neoclásica no le convencían sus explicaciones por lo que desde muy pronto dirigió su interés al estudio cuantitativo de la economía política y la ciencia política cuantitativa. Después de terminar su doctorado en la Universidad de Salzburgo,[6]​ ganó un puesto como profesor asistente de ciencias políticas en la Universidad de Innsbruck en el otoño de 1977.

Junto con Otmar Höll y Kunibert Raffer, Tausch fue un pionero en los estudios sobre el sistema-mundial y de la teoría de la dependencia en Austria desde mediados del decenio de 1970 en adelante.[7]

Durante los últimos años 1970, investigadores como Volker Bornschier y Dieter Senghaas comenzaron a remitir periódicamente a sus obras. Su primer verdadero trabajo reconocido internacionalmente fue el ensayo, escrito con Otmar Höll, en Austria y la periferia de Europa, en 1980.

Su libro más influyente es la Teoría Socio-Liberal de Desarrollo Mundial (1993, Macmillan, en inglés), que cuantitativamente da pruebas de la relevancia de los programas de reforma presentadas por los demócratas sociales de Europa durante la década de 1920. Se basa en estudios de los patrones de desarrollo en todo el mundo desde el decenio de 1960.[8][9]

Durante el decenio de 1980 y los principios de 1990, trabajó estrechamente con el economista australiano Ted Wheelwright, el investigador sueco Björn Hettne, el investigador polaco Zbigniew Bablewski, y el político y cientico finlandés Kimmo Kiljunen en el marco de la Asociación Europea de Investigación para el Desarrollo (EADI). Los resultados de estos esfuerzos incluyen el estudio de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas (1989).

Fue uno de los primeros autores que presentaron escépticas evaluaciones de la Perestroika y el proceso de transformación. Su Russlands Tretmühle (Rusia rodante) predijo un nuevo endurecimiento del régimen ruso.[10]

Su posterior trabajo, escrito después de su entrada en el sector público en 1992, es sobre el análisis de la política social y la migración en la nueva Europa ampliada después de las terapias de choque, que experimentó la región.[11]

Después de volver a Viena desde su trabajo como diplomático en Polonia, Tausch trata de los análisis de las contradicciones del proceso de ampliación de la UE, aspectos de la reforma de las pensiones, y con el inagotable debate sobre Islam y desarrollo. Como autor ha editado, coeditado o contribuido a las mismas obras, con Samir Amin, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Andre Gunder Frank, e Immanuel Wallerstein.

El último capítulo de su análisis del Islam y desarrollo es el análisis sistemático de los datos de ESS, European Social Survey y WVS, World Values Survey. En los análisis sobre el proceso de Lisboa, trabajó en estrecha colaboración con el economista sueco Almas Heshmati.

Sus escritos sobre la reforma de las pensiones fueron influenciados por Franco Modigliani y Robert Holzmann, director del departamento de protección social en el Banco Mundial. Tausch contribuyó al volumen de conmemoración, dedicado al Premio Nobel de Economía, Franco Modigliani.


En general, la literatura de ciencias sociales menciona la obra de Tausch principalmente en el contexto de los debates sobre el Keynesianismo Global, [12]​ La Teoría Socio-liberal del desarrollo mundial, [13]​ los ciclos de Kondratieff, [14]​ la mediación de la pobreza infantil, [15]​ la teoría de la dependencia y enfoques del [sistema mundial] en las relaciones internacionales, [16]​ el World Values Survey, [17]​ estudios sobre Antisemitismo, [18]​ estudios sobre Islám, [19]​ y estudios Unión Europea y de la Política Social Europea. [20]

Sus publicaciones más conocidas de los últimos años y las reacciones en la literatura son sobre Anti-Americanismo,[21]​ pobreza de los niños;[22]Islamismo,[23]​ ciclos de Kondratieff;[24]​ teología de liberación;[2]​ reforma de las pensiones,[25]​ la Unión Europea y sus contradicciones,[26]​ la eficiencia y la efectividad de los gastos sociales,[27]​ Keynesianismo global,[28]​ Islamophobia,[29]​ y los efectos de la desigualdad para la salud pública.[30]

Arno Tausch es autor y coautor de numerosos libros en inglés y alemán; cuenta con más de 280 artículos en 9 idiomas y 33 países. Es publicado por los principales editores. Sus obras también están disponibles en la Universidad de California, Riverside, en el Red de investigación en Ciencias Sociales en Nueva York y en IDEAS en la Universidad de Connecticut.

Obra de Arno Tausch

Libros en inglés

  • (1993; in collaboration with Fred PRAGER) 'Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development'. Basingstoke and New York: Macmillan/St. Martin's Press
  • (1999, Editor, with Andreas Mueller OFM and Paul Zulehner), “Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences. An analysis of the contradictions of modernity at the turn of the millennium” (with contributions by Samir Amin et. al) Huntington, New York: Nova Science. Paperback edition 2001
  • (2001, with Peter Herrmann) Globalization and European Integration. Huntington NY, Nova Science. ISBN 1-560729295.
  • (2001, with Gernot Koehler) Global Keynesianism: Unequal exchange and global exploitation. Huntington NY, Nova Science. ISBN 1-59033-002-1. Paperback edition 2001
  • (2003, Editor) ‘The Three Pillars of Wisdom? A Reader on Globalization, World Bank Pension Models and Welfare Society’. Nova Science Hauppauge, New York, 2003
  • (2005, Editor, with Peter Herrmann) ‘Dar al Islam. The Mediterranean, the World System and the Wider Europe. Vol. 1: The "Cultural Enlargement" of the EU and Europe's Identity; Vol. 2: The Chain of Peripheries and the New Wider Europe’. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers. Abridged paperback editions, 2006, under the title: “The West, Europe and the Muslim World” (Vol. 1) and “Towards a Wider Europe” (Vol. 2)
  • (2007), ‘The City on a Hill? The Latin Americanization of Europe and the Lost Competition with the U.S.A.’ Ámsterdam: Rozenberg (for info: http://www.rozenbergps.com/).
  • (2007, Editor, with Almas Heshmati), ‘Roadmap to Bangalore? Globalization, the EU’s Lisbon Process and the Structures of Global Inequality’ Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info: ).
  • (2007, with a postface by Christian Ghymers), ‘From the “Washington” towards a “Vienna Consensus”? A quantitative analysis on globalization, development and global governance’. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info: ).
  • (2007, with Christian Bischof, Tomaz Kastrun and Karl Mueller), ‘Against Islamophobia: Muslim Communities, Social Exclusion and the Lisbon Process in Europe’ Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info: ).
  • (2007), ‘Against Islamophobia. Quantitative analyses of global terrorism, world political cycles and center periphery structures’ Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info: ).
  • (2008), ‘Multicultural Europe: Effects of the Global Lisbon Process.’ Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info: ).
  • (2009), “Titanic 2010? The European Union and its failed “Lisbon strategy”” Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info: ).
  • (2009, with a foreword by Mansoor Moaddel), “What 1.3 billion Muslims really think. An answer to a recent Gallup study, based on the “World Values Survey”” Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers ((for info: ).
  • (2009, with Christian Bischof, and Karl Mueller), ‘”Muslim Calvinism”, internal security and the Lisbon process in Europe’ Rozenberg Publishers, Ámsterdam (for info: http://www.rozenbergps.com/).
  • (2012, with Almas Heshmati and Ulrich Brand), 'Globalization, the Human Condition and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century. Cross-national Perspectives and European Implications' London, New York and Delhi: Anthem Press
  • 2014, with Almas Heshmati and Hichem Karoui, ‘The political algebra of global value change. General models and implications for the Muslim world’. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info: ).

Libros en alemán

  • 1979 Armut und Abhaengigkeit. Politik und Oekonomie im peripheren Kapitalismus. Studien zur österreichischen und internationalen Politik, Bd. 2 (Eds. P. Gerlich und A. Pelinka) W. Braumueller, Vienna http://www.braumueller.at/
  • 1991 Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien. Sozialtransformationen und der Paradigmenwechsel in der Entwicklungsforschung. (Eds. H. Reinwald, H.A. Steger) Wilhelm Fink, Muenchen, Beitraege zur Soziologie und Sozialkunde Lateinamerikas
  • 1991 Russlands Tretmühle. Kapitalistisches Weltsystem, lange Zyklen und die neue Instabilität im Osten. Eberhard, Muenchen
  • 1993 Produktivkraft soziale Gerechtigkeit? Europa und die Lektionen des pazifischen Modells. Eberhard, Muenchen
  • 1997 Schwierige Heimkehr. Sozialpolitik, Migration, Transformation, und die Osterweiterung der Europaeischen Union Múnich: Eberhard
  • 2009 ‚Das EU-Budget und der Lissabon-Prozess: Eine empirische Effizienzanalyse aus konvergenzpolitischer und regionalpolitischer Sicht’ Hrsg. Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft d. AK Wien, Wien: Kammer f. Arbeiter u. Angestellte f. Wien, 2009, Serie: Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft; 107, ISBN 978-3-7063-0384-2.
  • 2010, Armut und Radikalität? Soziologische Perspektiven zur Integration der Muslime in Europa, basierend auf dem „World Values Survey“ und dem „European Social Survey“ Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag, Serie ‚ Schriftenreihe: Studien zu vergleichender Sozialpädagogik und internationaler Sozialarbeit und Sozialpolitik’ ()
  • 2011, Globalisierung und die Zukunft der EU-2020 Strategie. Hrsg. Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft d. AK Wien, Wien: Kammer f. Arbeiter u. Angestellte f. Wien, 2009, Serie: Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft; 107, ISBN 9783706304221

Libros en francés

  • 2011, Trois essais pour une économie politique du 21e siècle - Mondialisation, gouvernance mondiale, marginalisation

Par Arno Tausch, Philippe Jourdon. Paris: L'Harmattan. ISBN 978-2-296-54400-0.

  • 2011, Les musulmans: un cauchemar ou une force pour l'Europe? Par Arno Tausch, Hichem Karoui. Paris: L'Harmattan. ISBN 978-2-296-13980-0

Capítulos de libros (selección)

(1980, with O. HÖLL) Austria and the European Periphery in 'European Studies of Development' (J. de BANDT J./MANDI P./SEERS D. (Eds.)) Macmillan, London: 28-37

(1986) 'Positions within the Global Order, Patterns of Defense Policies, and National Development: Austria and Pakistan Compared' in 'Security for the Weak Nations. A Multiple Perspective. A Joint Project of Pakistani and Austrian Scholars' (S. FAROOQ HASNAT/PELINKA A. (Eds.)) Izharsons, Lahore: 245-255

(1989) 'Stable Third World Democracy and the European Model. A Quantitative Essay' in 'Crisis in Development' (Z. BABLEWSKI and B. HETTNE (Eds.), The European Perspectives Project of the United Nations University, University of Gothenburg, PADRIGU-Papers: 131-161

(2001) 'Mature Economy' in 'Routledge Encyclopedia of Political Economy' (Ed. R. J. Barry Jones) Vol. 2, pp. 1007-1008. London and New York: Routledge

(2002) ‘The European Union and the World System’. in ‘The European Union in the World System Perspective’ (The Polish Institute for International Affairs, Ryszard Stemplowski (Ed.)), Warsaw: Collections PISM (Polish Institute for International Affairs): 45-93.

(2003) ‘The European Union: Global Challenge or Global Governance? 14 World System Hypotheses and Two Scenarios on the Future of the Union’ in ‘Globalization: Critical Perspectives’ (Gernot Kohler and Emilio José Chaves (Editors)), pp. 93-197, Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers

(2004) ‚Towards a European Perspective for the Common Mediterranean House and the Positive Development Capability of Islamic Countries’ In ‚European Neighbourhood Policy: Political, Economic and Social Issues’ (Fulvio Attina and Rosa Rossi (Eds.), pp. 145-168, Università degli Studi di Catania Facoltà di Scienze Politiche

(2007) ‘Some reflections on European regional development’ In ‘Stosunki ekonomiczne w rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej. Economic relations in the EU enlarged’ (Jaroslaw Kundera (Ed.)), pp. 399-408, Wroclaw: Kolonia Limited.

(2007), ‘World Bank Pension Reforms and Development Patterns in the World System and in “Wider Europe”’ In ‘Reforming European Pension Systems’ (Arun Muralidhar and Serge Allegreza (Eds.)), pp. 167-222, Ámsterdam, NL and West Lafayette, Indiana, USA: Dutch University Press, Rozenberg Publishers and Purdue University Press.

(2011), ‘Paul Boccara’s Analysis of Global Capitalism’ In ‘All the Same – All Being New. Basic Rules of Capitalism in a World of Change’ (Peter Herrmann (Ed.)), pp. 95 – 127, Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag.

Artículos en revistas científicas (Selección)

Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations; Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health; British Medical Journal (electronic edition); Economic Papers, Warsaw School of Economics; Evropa, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs; History and Mathematics (Volgograd, Russia); Hoover Digest, Stanford University; Insight Turkey; Current Politics and Economics of Europe; International Journal of Health Planning and Management; International Social Science Journal (UNESCO, Paris); Islamic Perspective, London; Journal of Globalization Studies (Moscow); Journal of Scholarly Publishing, Toronto; Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnyje otnošenija, IMEMO Institute, Moscow; OeMZ. Oesterreichische Militaerische Zeitschrift, Vienna; Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft; Ökonomenstimme. KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle der ETH Zürich; Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica; Revista de Trabajo e Inmigración, Ministerio de Trabajo y de Inmigración, Madrid; Revista Internacional de Sociología, CSIC, Madrid; Social Evolution and History (Volgograd, Russia) Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review (Bratislava) Society and Economy, Corvinius University, Budapest; The European Journal of Comparative Economics; and Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Vienna).

Publicaciones sobre Arno Tausch (Selección)

  • Alam S., Klein N., & Overland J. (2011). Globalisation and the quest for social and environmental justice: the relevance of international law in an evolving world order. Abingdon, UK; New York: Routledge.
  • Austin, K. F. (2013). Export agriculture is feeding malaria: a cross-national examination of the environmental and social causes of malaria prevalence. Population and Environment, 35(2), 133-158.
  • Babones, S., & Chase-Dunn Ch. (2012). Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis, London and New York.
  • Balambo, M. A. (2014). Hofstede's model revisited: an application for measuring the Moroccan national culture. International Journal of Business, Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research, ISSN 2349-5677, Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2014.
  • Bleich, E. (2011). What is Islamophobia and how much is there? Theorizing and measuring an emerging comparative concept. American Behavioral Scientist, 55(12), 1581-1600.
  • Bleich, E. (2012). Defining and Researching Islamophobia. Review of Middle East Studies, 180-189.
  • Brand, U. (2011). Post-Neoliberalismus. Aktuelle Konflikte und gegenhegemoniale Strategien. Hamburg: VSA.
  • Bures, O. (2013). EU counterterrorism policy: a paper tiger?. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
  • Canac, P., & García-Contreras, R. (2011). Colonial Hangover: The Case of the CFA. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 46(1), 54-68.
  • Center for Transatlantic Relations. Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. Johns Hopkins University (Vedran Dzihic/Thomas Schmidinger (eds.). (2011). Looming Shadows. Migration and Integration at a time of Upheaval. European and American Perspectives. Washington DC, 2011.
  • Černý, K. (2010). Dvě tváře SP Huntingtona: Od teorií modernizace k civilizacionistice. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, (02), 301-311.
  • Cho, E. Y. N. (2014). A Clustering Approach to Comparing Children’s Wellbeing Across Countries. Child Indicators Research, 1-15.
  • Cho, E. Y. N. (2014). Children’s Wellbeing in East and Southeast Asia: A Preliminary Comparison. Social Indicators Research, 1-19.
  • Çolak, M. S., & Ege, A. (2013). An Assessment of EU 2020 Strategy: Too Far to Reach?. Social indicators research, 110(2), 659-680.
  • de Hart, J. J. M.; Dekker, P.; & Halman, L. (2013). Religion and civil society in Europe. Dordrecht; New York: Springer.
  • Degryse, Ch. et al. 2011. Social Developments in the European Union, 2010: Twelfth annual report. European Union Trade Union Institute, ETUI, Bruxelles: 2011.
  • Department of Social Protection / An Roinn Coimirce Sóisialai, Republic of Ireland (Dorothy Watson and Bernd Maitre) 2013. Social Transfers and Poverty Alleviation in Ireland. Department of Social Protection, Dublin, 2013.
  • Duquesne, I. (2011). Nepal, Zone of Peace: A Revised Concept for the Constitution. Paris: l'Harmattan.
  • Ekici, T., & Yucel, D. 2014. What Determines Religious and Racial Prejudice in Europe? The Effects of Religiosity and Trust. Social Indicators Research, June 2014.
  • Ellison, G., & Pino, N. W. (2012). Globalization, Police Reform and Development. Doing it the Western Way? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Emerson, L. (2010). The good life for children: Do we really care about the trends?. The Australian Journal of Social Issues, 45(1), 101.
  • Froestad, J., & Shearing, C. D. (2013). Security governance, policing, and local capacity. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Giedraitis, V. R., Rastenienė, A., & Rajanbabu, H. (2011). Baltic and Asian tigers: The biotechnology sectors of Lithuania and India as sources of innovation and economic growth. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business, PIEB, (3/(9), 5-11.
  • Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Seliger, G., Khraisheh, M. K., & Jawahir, I. S. (2011). Advances in sustainable manufacturing: Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. Berlín: Springer.
  • Greinacher, N. (2010). Von der Wirklichkeit zur Utopie der Weg eines Theologen. Frankfurt a.M. Berlín, New York, NY: Peter Lang, Erfahrung und Theologie, Bd. 37.
  • Grinin, L. E., & Grinin, A. L. (2013). Global Technological Transformations. In “Globalistics and Globalization Studies” (2012) Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya; Korotayev, Andrey. Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House (pp. 98-128).
  • Grinin, L., & Korotayev, A. (2011). The coming epoch of new coalitions: possible scenarios of the near future. World Futures, 67(8), 531-563.
  • Grinin, L., & Korotayev, A. (2012). Does “Arab Spring” Mean The Beginning Of World System Reconfiguration?. World Futures, 68(7), 471-505.
  • Gurgul, H., & Lach, Ł. (2014). Globalization and economic growth: Evidence from two decades of transition in CEE. Economic Modelling, 36, 99-107.
  • Hajjat, A., & Mohammed, M. (2013). Islamophobie: Comment les élites françaises fabriquent le "problème musulman. Paris: la Découverte.
  • Haller, M. (2010). European integration as an elite process: the failure of a dream?. London and New York: Routledge.
  • International Seminar on Democratic and Secular Education, Panikkar, K. N., & Bhaskaran, N. M. (2011). Emerging trends in higher education in India: Concepts and practices. Delhi: Longman.
  • Jackson, P. I., & Doerschler, P. (2012). Benchmarking Muslim well-being in Europe: Reducing disparities and polarizations. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Jackson, R. H., Jackson R., & Sørensen G. 2012. Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches. Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Jovanovic, A., Renn O., & Schröter R. (2012). Social Unrest, OECD Publishing. DOI: 10.1787/9789264173460-en .
  • Kharlamova, G. (2012). Environmental security and its economical aspect. Springer Netherlands.
  • Khayyat, N. T., & Lee, J. D. (2014). A measure of technological capabilities for developing countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Available online 26 September 2014.
  • Kindiki, M. M. (2014). Dependency in international regimes: the case of the apparel industry in sub-Saharan Africa. Review of African Political Economy, (ahead-of-print), 1-15.
  • Korotayev, A. V., & Grinin, L. E. (2012). Kondratieff Waves in the World System Perspective. In: Kondratieff Waves. Dimensions and Prospects at the Dawn of the 21 st Century, 23-65. Volgograd: Uchitel.
  • Korotayev, A. V., & Grinin, L. E. (2014). Kondratieff Waves in the Global Studies Perspective. In: Globalistics and Globalization Studies: Aspects Dimensions of Global Views, 65, Volgograd: Uchitel.
  • Korotayev, A. V., & Tsirel, S. V. (2010). A spectral analysis of world GDP dynamics: Kondratieff waves, Kuznets swings, Juglar and Kitchin cycles in global economic development, and the 2008–2009 economic crisis. Structure and Dynamics, 4(1).
  • Korotayev, A., Zinkina, J., & Bogevolnov, J. (2011). Kondratieff waves in global invention activity (1900–2008). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(7), 1280-1284.
  • Leimgruber, M. (2012). The historical roots of a diffusion process: The three-pillar doctrine and European pension debates (1972-1994). Global Social Policy, April 2012; vol. 12, 1: pp. 24-44; .
  • Lubieniecka, E. R. (2014). Chinese Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can the Beijing Consensus be Explained Under World-Systems Analysis?. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 433-450.
  • Lučev, J. (2014). How Long Before NATO Aircraft Carrier Force Projection Capabilities Are Successfully Countered? Some effects of the fiscal crises. Croatian International Relations Review, 20(71), 122-152.
  • Martorano, B., Natali, L., de Neubourg, C., & Bradshaw, J. (2013). Child well-being in advanced economies in the late 2000s. Social Indicators Research, 1-37.
  • McKendrick, J. H. (2014). Geographies of Children’s Well-Being: in, of, and for Place. In “Handbook of Child Well-Being” (pp. 279-300). Springer Netherlands.
  • Minujin, Z. A., & Nandy, S. (2012). Global child poverty and well-being: Measurement, concepts, policy and action. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
  • O’Hare, W. P. (2014). A Research Note on Statistical Methods Used to Create Indices of Child Well-Being. Child Indicators Research, 1-20.
  • Osorio, A. M., & Aguado, L. F. (2010). Una mirada a la situación de laniñez en el Valle del Cauca; Uma olhada à situação da infância no Valle del Cauca; A look at the childhood situation in the Province of Valle del Cauca. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 8(2), 1169-1193.
  • Otoiu, A., Titan, E., & Dumitrescu, R. (2014). Are the variables used in building composite indicators of well-being relevant? Validating composite indexes of well-being. Ecological Indicators, 46, 575-585.
  • Park, S., & Vetterlein, A. (2010). Owning Development. Creating Policy Norms in the IMF and the World Bank. Cambridge: at the University Press.
  • Saba, F. (2012). Presence of Mind. Social Philosophy Today, 28: 131-146.
  • Saul, B. (2010). “Why do they hate us?” … They hate our freedoms’: The globalization of terrorism and counterterrorism. In: Globalisation and the Quest for Social and Environmental Justice. The Relevance of International Law in an Evolving World Order (Edited by Shawkat Alam, Natalie Klein, Juliette Overland), pp. 207 – 236, London: Routledge
  • Schröter, R.; Jovanovic, A., & Renn, O. (2014). Social unrest: a systemic risk perspective. In: Planet@Risk, 2(2): 125-134, Davos: Global Risk Forum GRF Davos.
  • Shields, R. (2013). Globalization and international education. London: Continuum.
  • Subasat, T. (2013). Can Differences in International Prices Measure Unequal Exchange in International Trade?. Competition Change, 17(4), 372-379.
  • Taylor, B. (2014). Who wants to give forever? Giving meaning to sustainability in development. Journal of International Development, 26(8), 1181-1196.
  • Villaroman, N. G. (2011). Rescuing a Troubled Concept: An Alternative View of the Right to Development. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 29, 13.
  • Vogli, R. D., Kouvonen, A., Elovainio, M., & Marmot, M. (2014). Economic globalization, inequality and body mass index: a cross-national analysis of 127 countries. Critical Public Health, 24(1), 7-21.
  • Wood, G., & Demirbag M. (2012). Handbook of Institutional Approaches to International Business. Cheltenham, Glos. And Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Yilmaz, I. (2010). Utilization of Social Capital for Sustainable Development and Peacebuilding in Global Conflict Zones by Faith-Based Movements. European Journal of Economic and Political Studies, 3, 189.

Eco en los medios de comunicación internacional

Arena Magazine, Sydney, 2001, 52, April/May: 44-46 (book review, Wheelwright T. on “Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences, 1999”)

Bild, 23.05.2008 “Sozialsystem nur Mittelmaß” (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

BBC Monitoring International Reports “AUSTRIAN ISLAM CONFERENCE SPEAKERS AT ODDS OVER DEMOCRACY, SECULARISM, BBC Monitoring International Reports, March 28, 2007 Wednesday, A200703281B-143F1-GNW, 374 words”

Journal of Common Market Studies, Globalization and European Integration, by A. Tausch and P. Herrmann..., FRANCESCO DUINA, Bates College, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 42, Issue 2, Page 437-451, Jun 2004; Globalization, the EU's Lisbon Process and the Structures of Global Inequality – Edited by A. Heshmati and A. Tausch, FERRAN BRUNET, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 46, Issue 3, Page 741-741, Jun 2008

Der Westen (WAZ-Gruppe), 23.05.2008: Deutsches Sozialsystem nur mittelmäßig (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

Die Zeit, 1987, 42, 38: 11-09-1987 (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’)

Die Welt, 23. 05. 2008: „Europäischer Vergleich. Das deutsche Sozialsystem ist nur Mittelmaß“ (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

evangelischer pressedienst entwicklungspolitik, 1979: 24: 27 (Book review by Dieter Senghaas on „Armut und Abhängigkeit“)

El Nacional, Venezuela “Tragedia puso a prueba las instituciones’. El Nacional (Venezuela), April 18, 2010 Sunday, 680 palabras, Gruber, Armando

El Nacional, Venezuela July 2, 2011 Saturday, Polonia deberá liderar a la UE ante el reto de la crisis griega

Format (Vienna) 25.01.08 Echte Österreicher; Muslim ist nicht gleich Muslim. Nicht alle leiden unter Bildungsdefiziten und schlechtem Einkommen. Aber alle unter Vorurteilen und Beleidigungen. / Zwei Stunden volles FORMAT (APA)

Frankfurter Neue Presse 24.05.08 Deutsches Sozialsystem/nur mittelmäßig

Frankfurter Rundschau, 24.05.08 „Schwache Performance/Deutsches Sozialsystem schneidet mäßig ab“ (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

Milano Finanza, June 2, 2007 (“Che si legge a Palazzo” on: “Against Islamophobia: Quantitative Analyses of Global Terrorism, World Political Cycles and Center Periphery Structures”) and MF, September 11, 2007, Commenti & Analisi; Pg. 6, 763

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1987, 146, 27/28 June (91) (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’)

Nürnberger Nachrichten 24.05.08 „Sozialsystem nicht effektiv genug?“ (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

Pakistan Times, 1987, April 24 (book review on collective volume Farooq-Hasnat S. and Pelinka A. (1986), ‘Security for the Weak Nations’)

Profil (Vienna) 18.01.99 Erlesener Osten; Sach- u. Fachliteratur/ Südosteuropäische Geschichte und Geschichtswissenschaft. Eine/Einführung./ Karl Kaser, Böhlau 1990, 412 S., öS 496,/ Im Osten was Neues. Profil (APA)

Radio Praha, News 23.05.2008, http://www.radio.cz/de/nachrichten/104386 (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

Reference & Research Book News, February 1, 2008, 248 words (on Almas Heshmati and Arno Tausch)

SciTech Book News, December 1, 2007, 262 words (on Almas Heshmati and Arno Tausch)

Spiegel Online 23.05.08 Studie. „Deutsches Sozialsystem ist Mittelmaß - das tschechische Spitze“ (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

Stuttgarter Nachrichten 24.05.08 „Sozialsystem nur mittelmäßig“ (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

Stuttgarter Zeitung 24.05.08 „Sozialsystem laut Studie mittelmäßig“ (on IZA Discussion Paper 3482, “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending”)

The Nation (Pakistan), 1987, August 21, 1987 (book review on collective volume Farooq-Hasnat S. and Pelinka A. (1986), ‘Security for the Weak Nations’)

Trierischer Violksfreund (Trier, Germany) 26.04.01 UNIVERSITÄT Kolloquium Zukunft" UNIVERSITÄT/Kolloquium/Zukunft"/TRIER. Auch in diesem Sommer bietet das Zentrum für europäische Studien der Uni Trier wieder eine Vorlesungsreihe unter dem; Trierischer Volksfreund

Wiener Zeitung (Vienna) 27.03.07 Streit über Islam in Europa; Wien. "Es gibt Hassprediger in den Moscheen, aber auch in den Medien." Gleich am Anfang der zweitägigen Konferenz "Islam in Europa" in der Diplomatischen Akademie, Wiener Zeitung (APA)

Wiener Zeitung (Vienna) 30.04.04 Ein Sonderweg mit Stolpersteinen; Von Michael Schmölzer/ Wie ist es eigentlich dazu gekommen, dass die europäische/Zivilisation eine so deutlich andere Richtung, einen "Sonderweg" im/Vergleich; Wiener Zeitung (APA)

Notas y referencias

  1. Literatura y referencias generales sobre su obra: Alan Freeman, Boris Kagarlicky, Transnational Institute, Amsterdam 2004 The politics of empire. Globalisation in crisis. Cambridge, Polity Press; NOLTE, Hans-Heinrich. "Why is Europe's South Poor? A Chain of Internal Peripheries Along the Old Muslim-Christian Borders," Review Fernand Braudel Center, State University of New York at Binghamton, XXVI, 1, 2003, 49-66; Robert J. Ross 2004. Slaves to Fashion. Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshops, The University of Michigan Press; Bernd Hamm 2005 Devastating Society. The Neo-liberal Assault on Democracy and Social Justice Pluto Press, London; 112), 2006. O Espresso, (Lisboa), "À espera do efeito dominó", Jorge Nascimento Rodrigues, 6 de Maio 2006; El Nacional, Venezuela "Tragedia puso a prueba las instituciones". April 18, 2010; WNYC Radio and Public Radio International, in collaboration with The BBC World Service, New York Times Radio and WGBH Boston: Lessons from Latin America: An Education for the EU? Tuesday, December 07, 2010, http://www.thetakeaway.org/people/arno-tausch/ el 16 de enero de 2014 en Wayback Machine.; El Nacional July 2, 2011 Saturday, "Polonia deberá liderar a la UE ante el reto de la crisis griega".
  2. Ivan Petrella, 2004 The Future of Liberation Theology: An Argument and Manifesto,’ Ashgate, Farnham, UK/ Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company
  3. artículos recientes en la prensa internacional en idioma Castellano(2013) ‘La clave son los desequilibrios entre el número de fieles y el de cardenales’ El Tiempo Argentino (Buenos Aires, 17.02.2013: página 10. Free access el 2 de enero de 2014 en Wayback Machine.; (2013) ‘Schengen ¿otro fracaso europeo? No solo el euro está en crisis final’ El Tiempo Argentino (Buenos Aires, 6.04.2013).Free access el 2 de enero de 2014 en Wayback Machine. (2013) ‘La teoría se toma revancha’ El Tiempo Argentino (Buenos Aires, 04.05.2013). Free access el 2 de enero de 2014 en Wayback Machine. (2013) ‘Las perspectivas son pésimas’ El Tiempo Argentino (Buenos Aires, sábado 8 de junio de 2013). link
  4. Die Grenzen der Wachstumstheorie. Vienna Institute for Development, 1976
  5. Resenas en Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie, 1988, 14, 2: 354-359 (Michael Nollert); Das Argument, 1989, 173: 134-136 Hans-Heinrich Nolte; Vierteljahresberichte. Probleme der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung), 117, September 1989: 311 – 313; and Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 1988, 14, 4: 567-570 (Kunibert Raffer)
  6. Dieter Senghaas Weltwirtschaftsordnung und Entwicklungspolitik: Plädoyer für Dissoziation. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag KG, 1977, ediciones varias
  7. Political Science Quarterly, 1978, Vol. 93, No. 2 (Summer, 1978), pp. 277-299; Rose Gauger, 1980 Wird die Barbarei siegen? Bericht ueber den Widerstand in den USA, Hamburg: Junius-Verlag; Albert Kadan (1979) "Literaturüberblick zum politischen System in Österreich". Austriaca, 8/1979, Université de Haute Normandie
  8. See: Political Studies, 1995, 43, 4: 730 - 731 (book review of Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development, 1993)
  9. 1998. ACRL Choices outstanding academic books, 1992–1997, Rebecca Ann Bartlett.
  10. Tausch, Arno 1991 Russlands Tretmuehle. Kapitalistisches Weltsystem, lange Zyklen und die neue Instabilitaet im Osten. Eberhard, Muenchen; Véase las reacciones en Das Argument por parte de Hans-Heinrich Nolte, 1992; 34, 3: 478-479; véase también André Gerrits y Nancy Adler 1994 Vampires unstaked. National images, stereotypes and myths in East Central Europe, Amsterdam: North Holland
  11. "Armas socialistas, subdesarrollo y violencia estructural en el Tercer Mundo", Revista Internacional de Sociologia, 47(4), 583 - 716. Reacciones sobre este estduio véase Dirk Berg-Schlosser y Ferdinand Mueller-Rommel 2003‚ Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft: Ein einfuehrendes Studienhandbuch, Leske and Budrich, Opladen; y Rafael Calduch, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1993 Dinámica de la Sociedad Internacional Editorial CEURA, Madrid. Mas ensayos y libros utilizando su interpretación véase: Hannes Hofbauer, 2003‚ Osterweiterung. Vom Drang nach Osten zur peripheren EU-Integration. Wien: Promedia-Verlag; Erhard Busek, 2003 Offenes Tor nach Osten: Europas grosse Chance,’ Molden, Vienna
  12. Hackett, C. (2016). Development in an Era of Capital Control: Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility Within a Transnational Regulatory Framework. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.: Hickel, J. (2017). Is global inequality getting better or worse? A critique of the World Bank’s convergence narrative. Third World Quarterly, 1-15.: Ricci, A. (2016). Unequal Exchange in International Trade: A General Model. Working Papers Series in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. Department of Economics, Society and Politics, University of Urbino. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrea_Ricci5/publication/311533485_Unequal_Exchange_in_International_Trade_A_General_Model/links/586bde7408aebf17d3a5b03b/Unequal-Exchange-in-International-Trade-A-General-Model.pdf
  13. Çelik, Y., Khan, M., & Hikmet, N. (2016). Achieving value for money in health: a comparative analysis of OECD countries and regional countries. The International journal of health planning and management. 2016 Aug 11. doi: 10.1002/hpm.2375. [Epub ahead of print]; Menchaca, M. (2016). The Politics of Dependency: US Reliance on Mexican Oil and Farm Labor. University of Texas Press. Wang, F. L. (2016). Institutions and institutional change in China: Premodernity and modernization. Springer;
  14. Ichkitidze, Y. R., & Petryakov, A. A. (2016). Cascade Model of Innovative Dynamics with Investment Flows. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(14), Le Monde, Mardi 21 Mars 2017
  15. Canaviri, J. A. (2016). Measuring the concept of “wellbeing”: A first approach for Bolivia. International Journal of Wellbeing, 6(1), 36-80. doi:10.5502/ijw.v6i1.363; Kim, Y., Oh, D. H., & Kang, M. (2016). Productivity changes in OECD healthcare systems: bias‐corrected Malmquist productivity approach. The International journal of health planning and management, 31(4), 537-553; Köhler, L. (2016). Monitoring children's health and well‐being by indicators and index: apples and oranges or fruit salad?. Child: care, health and development. 2016 Nov;42(6):798-808. doi: 10.1111/cch.12373. Epub 2016 Aug 6.; Mishra, A., Ray, R., & Risse, L. (2016). The Multidimensional Disadvantage of Australian Children with a Comparison between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Children (No. 19-16). Monash University, Department of Economics, DISCUSSION PAPER 19/16.; Thoresen, P., Fielding, A., Gillieatt, S., & Thoresen, S. H. (2016). Identifying the Needs of Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children in Thailand: A Focus on the Perspectives of Children. Journal of Refugee Studies, few028.
  16. Barlow, P., McKee, M., Basu, S., & Stuckler, D. (2017). The health impact of trade and investment agreements: a quantitative systematic review and network co-citation analysis. Globalization and health, 13(1), 13.; Hackett, C. (2016). Development in an Era of Capital Control: Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility Within a Transnational Regulatory Framework. Palgrave Macmillan.; Jawad, A. Q., & Scott-Jackson, W. (2016). Redefining Well-Being in Nations and Organizations: A Process of Improvement. Springer.; Parshad, R. D., Quansah, E., Black, K., & Beauregard, M. (2016). Biological control via “ecological” damping: An approach that attenuates non-target effects. Mathematical biosciences, 273, 23-44.; Pilke, R., & Stocchetti, M. (2016). Inequality and poverty: The ill-fitting pieces in the EU’s development partnerships. Regions and Cohesion, 6(1), 1-22.; Quansah, E., Parshad, R. D., Mondal, S., & Upadhyay, R. K. (2016). Can the control of invasive species be left to chance?. Natural Resources & Engineering, 1(1), 13-25.
  17. Zhai, Y. (2017). Values of deference to authority in Japan and China. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 58(2), 120-139; Balambo, M. A. (2014). Hofstede’s model revisited: an application for measuring the Moroccan national culture. International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research, 1(3), 5-9.; Cavalcanti, T. M. (2016). A natureza dos valores humanos: Evidências acerca das necessidades psicológicas. Ph.D. thesis, Universidade Federal de Paraiba, Brasil.; Ekici, T., & Yucel, D. (2015). What determines religious and racial prejudice in Europe? The effects of religiosity and trust. Social Indicators Research, 122(1), 105-133.; Habibov, N., & Cheung, A. (2017). The contextual‐level effects of social trust on health in transitional countries: Instrumental variable analysis of 26 countries. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 2017 Jun 19. doi: 10.1002/hpm.2427. [Epub ahead of print]; Haney, J. L. (2016). Predictors of Homonegativity in the United States and the Netherlands Using the Fifth Wave of the World Values Survey. Journal of homosexuality, 63(10), 1355-1377.; Nollert, M., & Sheikhzadegan, A. (2016). Participation and Sharing, or Peaceful Co-Existence? Visions of Integration among Muslims in Switzerland. Social Inclusion, 4(2)
  18. Beattie, P. (2016). Anti-Semitism and opposition to Israeli government policies: the roles of prejudice and information. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-19.
  19. Beninati, J. A. (2016). Examining the cyber operations of ISIS (Doctoral dissertation, Utica College).; Bonino, S. (2016). The British state ‘security syndrome’ and Muslim diversity: challenges for liberal democracy in the age of terror. Contemporary Islam, 10(2), 223-247.; Cesari, J. (2017). Religion and Diasporas: Challenges of the Emigration Countries. In Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host Society Volume 1 (pp. 173-199). Springer International Publishing; Esmer, Y. (2013). Democracy, Civil Society, and Islam. In Religion and Civil Society in Europe (pp. 267-284). Springer Netherlands.; Filetti, A. (2017). the decline of self-interest: reality or myth? analysing the polarisation of opinions across european societies. European Political Science, 16, 60-78.; Solomon, H. (2016). Islamic State and the coming global confrontation. Springer
  20. Maria, B., & Mitrakos, T. (2016). Social Indicators and the Effectiveness of Social Transfers in Greece over the Recent Crisis. Bank of Greece Discussion Papers, 2016-04-18; Piet, R. B. (2011). Energy and environment—The “coal and steel” of the Union for the Mediterranean: How sustainable development can ensure democratization in the Middle East and North Africa. University of Miami, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Political Science; Yilmaz, G. S. (2017). The Effectiveness Analysis of Public Education and Health Expenditure. Turkish Economic Review, 4(1), 122.; Magnusson, L., & Stråth, B. (2016). A Brief History of Political Economy: Tales of Marx, Keynes and Hayek. Edward Elgar Publishing; Khayyat, N. T., & Lee, J. D. (2015). A measure of technological capabilities for developing countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 92, 210-223; Katrougalos, G. S. (2010). Constitutional limitations of Social Security Privatisation: A human rights approach. European Journal of Social Security, 12(1), 16-40.; Stuchlik, A. (Ed.). (2009). Rentenreform in Mittel-und Osteuropa: Impulse und Politikleitbilder für die Europäische Union. Springer-Verlag.; Bolle, M., & Pamp, O. (2010). Sustainable Convergence and Pension Reform in Central and Eastern Europe. In Rentenreform in Mittel-und Osteuropa (pp. 225-249). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.; Galazoulas, T., & Tsetoura, A. (2014). Social Security Administration Confronting Sustainability Challenges the Greek Pension System from a Comparative Perspective. European Journal of Social Security, 16(2), 140-164.
  21. Holsti, Ole R. 2009 To see ourselves as others see us: how publics abroad view the United States after 9/11 University of Michigan Press
  22. OECD (Doing Better for Children. www.oecd.org/els/social/childwellbeing. ISBN 978-92-64-05933-7, Publication Date: 1 September 2009
  23. Center for Transatlantic Relations. Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. Johns Hopkins University (Vedran Dzihic/Thomas Schmidinger (eds.): Looming Shadows. Migration and Integration at a time of Upheaval. European and American Perspectives. Washington DC, 2011; American Behavioral Scientist, December 2011; vol. 55, 12: pp. 1581-1600; Erik Bleich: "What Is Islamophobia and How Much Is There? Theorizing and Measuring an Emerging Comparative Concept"; Oldrich Bures, Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic, 2011 EU Counterterrorism Policy. A Paper Tiger? Ashgate, Farnham, UK/ Burlington, VT; Ruediger Lohlker, 2008 Islam: eine Ideengeschichte Facultas UTB Wien; furthermore: Milano Finanza, June 2, 2007, Che si legge a Palazzo, and Milano Finanza, September 11, 2007, Commenti & Analisi; Pg. 6, 763; Official Website of the Muslim Brotherhood, http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=21090; United States Airforce: TERRORISM 2007, Special Bibliography No. 332, July 2007, Compiled by Bibliography Branch, Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center, Maxwell Airforce Base, Alabama http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/bibs/terror07.htm; Al Awan (Kuweit), http://www.awan.com/pages/oped/265351; 12/12/2009 العدد:7; ما يعتقده حقاً مليار و300 مليون مسلم [What one billion and 300 million Muslims really think]; Sociologicky Casopis (Prague), 46, 2, 301-311, Karel Cerny on What 1.3 Billion Muslims Really Think; Karl Pfeifer in Hagalil, October 2010 http://buecher.hagalil.com/2010/10/integration/
  24. Korotayev Andrey; Zinkina Julia; Bogevolnov Justislav: "Kondratieff waves in global invention activity (1900-2008)". Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: 78; Issue: 7; Pages: 1280-1284; Shawkat Alam, Natalie Klein and Juliette Overland, 2011 Globalisation and the quest for social and environmental justice: the relevance of international law in an evolving world order, Abingdon, UK; New York: Routledge
  25. Matthieu Leimgruber, 2012, "The historical roots of a diffusion process: The three-pillar doctrine and European pension debates (1972-1994)". Global Social Policy, April 2012; vol. 12, 1: pp. 24-44; Susan Park; Antje Vetterlein, 2010 Owning development: creating policy norms in the IMF and the World Bank. Matheu Leimgruber, 2008 Solidarity without the State? Business and the shaping of the Swiss welfare state, 1890-2000, Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press
  26. Francesco Duina: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 42, Issue 2, Page 437-451, Jun 2004; Fernand Brunet: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 46, Issue 3, Page 741-741, Jun 2008
  27. Associated Press Worldstream - German, 23. Mai 2008 Freitag 2:01 PM GMT, Berliner Zeitung 24.05.08; Bild, 23.05.2008; ddp Basisdienst, 23. Mai 2008; Der Westen (WAZ-Gruppe), 23.05.2008; Deutschlandfunk (interview with Arno Tausch on the Study "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending") http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/europaheute/805302/; Die Welt, 23. 05. 2008; Frankfurter Rundschau, 24.05.08; Hamburger Abendblatt; Radio Praha, News 23.05.2008, http://www.radio.cz/de/nachrichten/104386; Spiegel Online 23.05.08; Stuttgarter Zeitung 24.05.08
  28. OECD – Employment Outlook, 2005 http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/44/22/35333694.pdf; Salvatore Babones, Christopher Chase-Dunn, 2012, Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis, London and New York; Ramón Grosfoguel, Ana Margarita Cervantes Rodriguez, 2002, The Modern/Colonial/Capitalist World-System in the Twentieth Century Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, Connecticut; Lund Studies in Human Ecology (John Brolin, Lund University, Sweden: "The Bias of the World. Theories of Unequal Exchange in History": Lund Studies in Human Ecology, 9)
  29. Anouar Majid, 2009 We Are All Moors: Ending Centuries of Crusades against Muslims and Other Minorities, Univ Of Minnesota Press; Nissa Finney; Ludi Simpson, 2011 Sleepwalking to segregation'?: challenging myths about race and migration. Policy Press, Bristol, UK
  30. Austin, K.F. 2013, "Export agriculture is feeding malaria: A cross-national examination of the environmental and social causes of malaria prevalence", Population and Environment, 35 (2), pp. 133-158

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Enlaces externos

  • Tausch homepage at Academia.Edu
  • OCLC Classify - Presence in global libraries
  • Tausch at REPEC/IDEAS, University of Connecticut
  •   Datos: Q78883

arno, tausch, nacido, febrero, 1951, salzburgo, austria, politólogo, austria, fundadores, investigaciones, cuantitativas, sobre, sistema, mundial, así, como, desarrollo, europa, información, personalnacimiento11, febrero, 1951salzburg, austrianacionalidadaustr. Arno Tausch nacido el 11 de febrero de 1951 en Salzburgo Austria es un politologo de Austria y uno de los fundadores de las investigaciones cuantitativas sobre el sistema mundial asi como del desarrollo en Europa 1 Arno TauschInformacion personalNacimiento11 de febrero de 1951Salzburg AustriaNacionalidadAustriacaEducacionEducado enUniversidad de SalzburgoInformacion profesionalAreaCiencias PoliticasConocido porTeoria de la DependenciaEmpleadorUniversidad de Innsbruck Departamento de Ciencias PoliticasMinisterio de Asustos Sociales y Proteccion del Consumidor en Viena editar datos en Wikidata Tausch es un participante activo en el movimiento de la teologia de la liberacion 2 y del movimiento ecumenico y defensor del dialogo entre las grandes religiones del mundo Esta involucrado en el estudio de los efectos cuantitativos de la globalizacion sobre los sistemas sociales 3 Esta casado y tiene tres hijas Indice 1 Formacion y vida academica 2 Formacion especializada e investigacion 3 Publicaciones 3 1 Obra de Arno Tausch 3 1 1 Libros en ingles 3 1 2 Libros en aleman 3 1 3 Libros en frances 3 1 4 Capitulos de libros seleccion 3 1 5 Articulos en revistas cientificas Seleccion 3 2 Publicaciones sobre Arno Tausch Seleccion 3 3 Eco en los medios de comunicacion internacional 4 Notas y referencias 5 Vease tambien 6 Enlaces externosFormacion y vida academica EditarTausch recibio su doctorado en ciencia politica de la Universidad de Salzburgo en 1976 4 y su habilitacion para la Universidad de Innsbruck 5 Fue profesor visitante Asociado en el Departamento de Ciencia Politica de la Universidad de Hawai en Manoa Estados Unidos e Investigador Invitado en el Instituto Internacional de Investigacion Social Comparativo Centro de Ciencias Berlin Occidental ahora WZB Centro de Investigacion de Ciencias Sociales de Berlin Actualmente es Profesor Adjunto Universitaetsdozent de Ciencias Politicas en la Universidad de Innsbruck y Profesor Visitante de Ciencias Economicas en la Universidad de Corvinus en Budapest Hungria Fue diplomatico austriaco en el exterior y Consejero de Trabajo y Migracion en la Embajada de Austria en Varsovia Es uno de los cientificos que contribuyen desde sus inicios en la revista academica Entelequia Revista Interdisciplinar publicacion conjunta de la Universidad de Malaga y la Universidad de Cadiz Actualmente es miembro del consejo cientifico internacional de la citada revista Tambien es miembro del consejo cientifico de varias otras revistas entre ellas Innovation The European Journal of Social Science Research publicado por Routledge Londres Formacion especializada e investigacion EditarA pesar de su formacion en la economia neoclasica no le convencian sus explicaciones por lo que desde muy pronto dirigio su interes al estudio cuantitativo de la economia politica y la ciencia politica cuantitativa Despues de terminar su doctorado en la Universidad de Salzburgo 6 gano un puesto como profesor asistente de ciencias politicas en la Universidad de Innsbruck en el otono de 1977 Junto con Otmar Holl y Kunibert Raffer Tausch fue un pionero en los estudios sobre el sistema mundial y de la teoria de la dependencia en Austria desde mediados del decenio de 1970 en adelante 7 Durante los ultimos anos 1970 investigadores como Volker Bornschier y Dieter Senghaas comenzaron a remitir periodicamente a sus obras Su primer verdadero trabajo reconocido internacionalmente fue el ensayo escrito con Otmar Holl en Austria y la periferia de Europa en 1980 Su libro mas influyente es la Teoria Socio Liberal de Desarrollo Mundial 1993 Macmillan en ingles que cuantitativamente da pruebas de la relevancia de los programas de reforma presentadas por los democratas sociales de Europa durante la decada de 1920 Se basa en estudios de los patrones de desarrollo en todo el mundo desde el decenio de 1960 8 9 Durante el decenio de 1980 y los principios de 1990 trabajo estrechamente con el economista australiano Ted Wheelwright el investigador sueco Bjorn Hettne el investigador polaco Zbigniew Bablewski y el politico y cientico finlandes Kimmo Kiljunen en el marco de la Asociacion Europea de Investigacion para el Desarrollo EADI Los resultados de estos esfuerzos incluyen el estudio de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas 1989 Fue uno de los primeros autores que presentaron escepticas evaluaciones de la Perestroika y el proceso de transformacion Su Russlands Tretmuhle Rusia rodante predijo un nuevo endurecimiento del regimen ruso 10 Su posterior trabajo escrito despues de su entrada en el sector publico en 1992 es sobre el analisis de la politica social y la migracion en la nueva Europa ampliada despues de las terapias de choque que experimento la region 11 Despues de volver a Viena desde su trabajo como diplomatico en Polonia Tausch trata de los analisis de las contradicciones del proceso de ampliacion de la UE aspectos de la reforma de las pensiones y con el inagotable debate sobre Islam y desarrollo Como autor ha editado coeditado o contribuido a las mismas obras con Samir Amin Christopher Chase Dunn Andre Gunder Frank e Immanuel Wallerstein El ultimo capitulo de su analisis del Islam y desarrollo es el analisis sistematico de los datos de ESS European Social Survey y WVS World Values Survey En los analisis sobre el proceso de Lisboa trabajo en estrecha colaboracion con el economista sueco Almas Heshmati Sus escritos sobre la reforma de las pensiones fueron influenciados por Franco Modigliani y Robert Holzmann director del departamento de proteccion social en el Banco Mundial Tausch contribuyo al volumen de conmemoracion dedicado al Premio Nobel de Economia Franco Modigliani Publicaciones EditarEn general la literatura de ciencias sociales menciona la obra de Tausch principalmente en el contexto de los debates sobre el Keynesianismo Global 12 La Teoria Socio liberal del desarrollo mundial 13 los ciclos de Kondratieff 14 la mediacion de la pobreza infantil 15 la teoria de la dependencia y enfoques del sistema mundial en las relaciones internacionales 16 el World Values Survey 17 estudios sobre Antisemitismo 18 estudios sobre Islam 19 y estudios Union Europea y de la Politica Social Europea 20 Sus publicaciones mas conocidas de los ultimos anos y las reacciones en la literatura son sobre Anti Americanismo 21 pobreza de los ninos 22 Islamismo 23 ciclos de Kondratieff 24 teologia de liberacion 2 reforma de las pensiones 25 la Union Europea y sus contradicciones 26 la eficiencia y la efectividad de los gastos sociales 27 Keynesianismo global 28 Islamophobia 29 y los efectos de la desigualdad para la salud publica 30 Arno Tausch es autor y coautor de numerosos libros en ingles y aleman cuenta con mas de 280 articulos en 9 idiomas y 33 paises Es publicado por los principales editores Sus obras tambien estan disponibles en la Universidad de California Riverside en el Red de investigacion en Ciencias Sociales en Nueva York y en IDEAS en la Universidad de Connecticut Obra de Arno Tausch Editar Libros en ingles Editar 1993 in collaboration with Fred PRAGER Towards a Socio Liberal Theory of World Development Basingstoke and New York Macmillan St Martin s Press 1999 Editor with Andreas Mueller OFM and Paul Zulehner Global Capitalism Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences An analysis of the contradictions of modernity at the turn of the millennium with contributions by Samir Amin et al Huntington New York Nova Science Paperback edition 2001 2001 with Peter Herrmann Globalization and European Integration Huntington NY Nova Science ISBN 1 560729295 2001 with Gernot Koehler Global Keynesianism Unequal exchange and global exploitation Huntington NY Nova Science ISBN 1 59033 002 1 Paperback edition 2001 2003 Editor The Three Pillars of Wisdom A Reader on Globalization World Bank Pension Models and Welfare Society Nova Science Hauppauge New York 2003 2005 Editor with Peter Herrmann Dar al Islam The Mediterranean the World System and the Wider Europe Vol 1 The Cultural Enlargement of the EU and Europe s Identity Vol 2 The Chain of Peripheries and the New Wider Europe Hauppauge New York Nova Science Publishers Abridged paperback editions 2006 under the title The West Europe and the Muslim World Vol 1 and Towards a Wider Europe Vol 2 2007 The City on a Hill The Latin Americanization of Europe and the Lost Competition with the U S A Amsterdam Rozenberg for info http www rozenbergps com 2007 Editor with Almas Heshmati Roadmap to Bangalore Globalization the EU s Lisbon Process and the Structures of Global Inequality Hauppauge N Y Nova Science Publishers for info https web archive org web 20110408221328 https www novapublishers com catalog 2007 with a postface by Christian Ghymers From the Washington towards a Vienna Consensus A quantitative analysis on globalization development and global governance Hauppauge N Y Nova Science Publishers for info https web archive org web 20110408221328 https www novapublishers com catalog 2007 with Christian Bischof Tomaz Kastrun and Karl Mueller Against Islamophobia Muslim Communities Social Exclusion and the Lisbon Process in Europe Hauppauge N Y Nova Science Publishers for info https web archive org web 20110408221328 https www novapublishers com catalog 2007 Against Islamophobia Quantitative analyses of global terrorism world political cycles and center periphery structures Hauppauge N Y Nova Science Publishers for info https web archive org web 20110408221328 https www novapublishers com catalog 2008 Multicultural Europe Effects of the Global Lisbon Process Hauppauge N Y Nova Science Publishers for info https web archive org web 20110408221328 https www novapublishers com catalog 2009 Titanic 2010 The European Union and its failed Lisbon strategy Hauppauge N Y Nova Science Publishers for info https web archive org web 20110408221328 https www novapublishers com catalog 2009 with a foreword by Mansoor Moaddel What 1 3 billion Muslims really think An answer to a recent Gallup study based on the World Values Survey Hauppauge N Y Nova Science Publishers for info https web archive org web 20110408221328 https www novapublishers com catalog 2009 with Christian Bischof and Karl Mueller Muslim Calvinism internal security and the Lisbon process in Europe Rozenberg Publishers Amsterdam for info http www rozenbergps com 2012 with Almas Heshmati and Ulrich Brand Globalization the Human Condition and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century Cross national Perspectives and European Implications London New York and Delhi Anthem Press2014 with Almas Heshmati and Hichem Karoui The political algebra of global value change General models and implications for the Muslim world Hauppauge N Y Nova Science Publishers for info https web archive org web 20110408221328 https www novapublishers com catalog 2016 with Leonid Grinin and Andrey Korotayev Economic Cycles Crises and the Global Periphery Springer International Publishing Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London ISBN 978 3 319 17780 9 http www springer com de book 9783319412603Libros en aleman Editar 1979 Armut und Abhaengigkeit Politik und Oekonomie im peripheren Kapitalismus Studien zur osterreichischen und internationalen Politik Bd 2 Eds P Gerlich und A Pelinka W Braumueller Vienna http www braumueller at 1991 Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien Sozialtransformationen und der Paradigmenwechsel in der Entwicklungsforschung Eds H Reinwald H A Steger Wilhelm Fink Muenchen Beitraege zur Soziologie und Sozialkunde Lateinamerikas1991 Russlands Tretmuhle Kapitalistisches Weltsystem lange Zyklen und die neue Instabilitat im Osten Eberhard Muenchen1993 Produktivkraft soziale Gerechtigkeit Europa und die Lektionen des pazifischen Modells Eberhard Muenchen1997 Schwierige Heimkehr Sozialpolitik Migration Transformation und die Osterweiterung der Europaeischen Union Munich Eberhard2009 Das EU Budget und der Lissabon Prozess Eine empirische Effizienzanalyse aus konvergenzpolitischer und regionalpolitischer Sicht Hrsg Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft d AK Wien Wien Kammer f Arbeiter u Angestellte f Wien 2009 Serie Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 107 ISBN 978 3 7063 0384 2 2010 Armut und Radikalitat Soziologische Perspektiven zur Integration der Muslime in Europa basierend auf dem World Values Survey und dem European Social Survey Bremen Europaischer Hochschulverlag Serie Schriftenreihe Studien zu vergleichender Sozialpadagogik und internationaler Sozialarbeit und Sozialpolitik https web archive org web 20130622100405 http sozialvergleich org 2011 Globalisierung und die Zukunft der EU 2020 Strategie Hrsg Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft d AK Wien Wien Kammer f Arbeiter u Angestellte f Wien 2009 Serie Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 107 ISBN 9783706304221Libros en frances Editar 2011 Trois essais pour une economie politique du 21e siecle Mondialisation gouvernance mondiale marginalisationPar Arno Tausch Philippe Jourdon Paris L Harmattan ISBN 978 2 296 54400 0 2011 Les musulmans un cauchemar ou une force pour l Europe Par Arno Tausch Hichem Karoui Paris L Harmattan ISBN 978 2 296 13980 0Capitulos de libros seleccion Editar 1980 with O HOLL Austria and the European Periphery in European Studies of Development J de BANDT J MANDI P SEERS D Eds Macmillan London 28 37 1986 Positions within the Global Order Patterns of Defense Policies and National Development Austria and Pakistan Compared in Security for the Weak Nations A Multiple Perspective A Joint Project of Pakistani and Austrian Scholars S FAROOQ HASNAT PELINKA A Eds Izharsons Lahore 245 255 1989 Stable Third World Democracy and the European Model A Quantitative Essay in Crisis in Development Z BABLEWSKI and B HETTNE Eds The European Perspectives Project of the United Nations University University of Gothenburg PADRIGU Papers 131 161 2001 Mature Economy in Routledge Encyclopedia of Political Economy Ed R J Barry Jones Vol 2 pp 1007 1008 London and New York Routledge 2002 The European Union and the World System in The European Union in the World System Perspective The Polish Institute for International Affairs Ryszard Stemplowski Ed Warsaw Collections PISM Polish Institute for International Affairs 45 93 2003 The European Union Global Challenge or Global Governance 14 World System Hypotheses and Two Scenarios on the Future of the Union in Globalization Critical Perspectives Gernot Kohler and Emilio Jose Chaves Editors pp 93 197 Hauppauge New York Nova Science Publishers 2004 Towards a European Perspective for the Common Mediterranean House and the Positive Development Capability of Islamic Countries In European Neighbourhood Policy Political Economic and Social Issues Fulvio Attina and Rosa Rossi Eds pp 145 168 Universita degli Studi di Catania Facolta di Scienze Politiche 2007 Some reflections on European regional development In Stosunki ekonomiczne w rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej Economic relations in the EU enlarged Jaroslaw Kundera Ed pp 399 408 Wroclaw Kolonia Limited 2007 World Bank Pension Reforms and Development Patterns in the World System and in Wider Europe In Reforming European Pension Systems Arun Muralidhar and Serge Allegreza Eds pp 167 222 Amsterdam NL and West Lafayette Indiana USA Dutch University Press Rozenberg Publishers and Purdue University Press 2011 Paul Boccara s Analysis of Global Capitalism In All the Same All Being New Basic Rules of Capitalism in a World of Change Peter Herrmann Ed pp 95 127 Bremen Europaischer Hochschulverlag Articulos en revistas cientificas Seleccion Editar Alternatives Turkish Journal of International Relations Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health British Medical Journal electronic edition Economic Papers Warsaw School of Economics Evropa Warsaw Polish Institute for International Affairs History and Mathematics Volgograd Russia Hoover Digest Stanford University Insight Turkey Current Politics and Economics of Europe International Journal of Health Planning and Management International Social Science Journal UNESCO Paris Islamic Perspective London Journal of Globalization Studies Moscow Journal of Scholarly Publishing Toronto Mirovaja ekonomika i mezdunarodnyje otnosenija IMEMO Institute Moscow OeMZ Oesterreichische Militaerische Zeitschrift Vienna Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft Okonomenstimme KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle der ETH Zurich Revista de Ciencias Sociales Universidad de Costa Rica Revista de Trabajo e Inmigracion Ministerio de Trabajo y de Inmigracion Madrid Revista Internacional de Sociologia CSIC Madrid Social Evolution and History Volgograd Russia Sociologia Slovak Sociological Review Bratislava Society and Economy Corvinius University Budapest The European Journal of Comparative Economics and Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Vienna Publicaciones sobre Arno Tausch Seleccion Editar Alam S Klein N amp Overland J 2011 Globalisation and the quest for social and environmental justice the relevance of international law in an evolving world order Abingdon UK New York Routledge Amoranto G Chun N amp Deolalikar A 2010 Who are the Middle Class and What Values do They Hold Evidence from the World Values Survey ADB Economics Asia Development Bank Working Paper Series No 229 October 2010 available at http www adb org publications who are middle class and what values do they hold evidence world values survey Austin K F 2013 Export agriculture is feeding malaria a cross national examination of the environmental and social causes of malaria prevalence Population and Environment 35 2 133 158 Babones S amp Chase Dunn Ch 2012 Routledge Handbook of World Systems Analysis London and New York Balambo M A 2014 Hofstede s model revisited an application for measuring the Moroccan national culture International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research ISSN 2349 5677 Volume 1 Issue 3 August 2014 Bleich E 2011 What is Islamophobia and how much is there Theorizing and measuring an emerging comparative concept American Behavioral Scientist 55 12 1581 1600 Bleich E 2012 Defining and Researching Islamophobia Review of Middle East Studies 180 189 Brand U 2011 Post Neoliberalismus Aktuelle Konflikte und gegenhegemoniale Strategien Hamburg VSA Bures O 2013 EU counterterrorism policy a paper tiger Ashgate Publishing Ltd Canac P amp Garcia Contreras R 2011 Colonial Hangover The Case of the CFA Journal of Asian and African Studies 46 1 54 68 Center for Transatlantic Relations Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Johns Hopkins University Vedran Dzihic Thomas Schmidinger eds 2011 Looming Shadows Migration and Integration at a time of Upheaval European and American Perspectives Washington DC 2011 Cerny K 2010 Dve tvare SP Huntingtona Od teorii modernizace k civilizacionistice Sociologicky casopis Czech Sociological Review 02 301 311 Cho E Y N 2014 A Clustering Approach to Comparing Children s Wellbeing Across Countries Child Indicators Research 1 15 Cho E Y N 2014 Children s Wellbeing in East and Southeast Asia A Preliminary Comparison Social Indicators Research 1 19 Colak M S amp Ege A 2013 An Assessment of EU 2020 Strategy Too Far to Reach Social indicators research 110 2 659 680 de Hart J J M Dekker P amp Halman L 2013 Religion and civil society in Europe Dordrecht New York Springer Degryse Ch et al 2011 Social Developments in the European Union 2010 Twelfth annual report European Union Trade Union Institute ETUI Bruxelles 2011 Department of Social Protection An Roinn Coimirce Soisialai Republic of Ireland Dorothy Watson and Bernd Maitre 2013 Social Transfers and Poverty Alleviation in Ireland Department of Social Protection Dublin 2013 Duquesne I 2011 Nepal Zone of Peace A Revised Concept for the Constitution Paris l Harmattan Ekici T amp Yucel D 2014 What Determines Religious and Racial Prejudice in Europe The Effects of Religiosity and Trust Social Indicators Research June 2014 Ellison G amp Pino N W 2012 Globalization Police Reform and Development Doing it the Western Way Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan Emerson L 2010 The good life for children Do we really care about the trends The Australian Journal of Social Issues 45 1 101 Froestad J amp Shearing C D 2013 Security governance policing and local capacity Boca Raton CRC Press Giedraitis V R Rasteniene A amp Rajanbabu H 2011 Baltic and Asian tigers The biotechnology sectors of Lithuania and India as sources of innovation and economic growth Perspectives of Innovations Economics and Business PIEB 3 9 5 11 Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing Seliger G Khraisheh M K amp Jawahir I S 2011 Advances in sustainable manufacturing Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing Berlin Springer Greinacher N 2010 Von der Wirklichkeit zur Utopie der Weg eines Theologen Frankfurt a M Berlin New York NY Peter Lang Erfahrung und Theologie Bd 37 Grinin L E amp Grinin A L 2013 Global Technological Transformations In Globalistics and Globalization Studies 2012 Grinin Leonid Ilyin Ilya Korotayev Andrey Volgograd Uchitel Publishing House pp 98 128 Grinin L amp Korotayev A 2011 The coming epoch of new coalitions possible scenarios of the near future World Futures 67 8 531 563 Grinin L amp Korotayev A 2012 Does Arab Spring Mean The Beginning Of World System Reconfiguration World Futures 68 7 471 505 Gurgul H amp Lach L 2014 Globalization and economic growth Evidence from two decades of transition in CEE Economic Modelling 36 99 107 Hajjat A amp Mohammed M 2013 Islamophobie Comment les elites francaises fabriquent le probleme musulman Paris la Decouverte Haller M 2010 European integration as an elite process the failure of a dream London and New York Routledge International Seminar on Democratic and Secular Education Panikkar K N amp Bhaskaran N M 2011 Emerging trends in higher education in India Concepts and practices Delhi Longman Jackson P I amp Doerschler P 2012 Benchmarking Muslim well being in Europe Reducing disparities and polarizations Bristol Policy Press Jackson R H Jackson R amp Sorensen G 2012 Introduction to International Relations Theories and Approaches Oxford University Press 2012 Jovanovic A Renn O amp Schroter R 2012 Social Unrest OECD Publishing DOI 10 1787 9789264173460 en Kharlamova G 2012 Environmental security and its economical aspect Springer Netherlands Khayyat N T amp Lee J D 2014 A measure of technological capabilities for developing countries Technological Forecasting and Social Change Available online 26 September 2014 Kindiki M M 2014 Dependency in international regimes the case of the apparel industry in sub Saharan Africa Review of African Political Economy ahead of print 1 15 Korotayev A V amp Grinin L E 2012 Kondratieff Waves in the World System Perspective In Kondratieff Waves Dimensions and Prospects at the Dawn of the 21 st Century 23 65 Volgograd Uchitel Korotayev A V amp Grinin L E 2014 Kondratieff Waves in the Global Studies Perspective In Globalistics and Globalization Studies Aspects Dimensions of Global Views 65 Volgograd Uchitel Korotayev A V amp Tsirel S V 2010 A spectral analysis of world GDP dynamics Kondratieff waves Kuznets swings Juglar and Kitchin cycles in global economic development and the 2008 2009 economic crisis Structure and Dynamics 4 1 Korotayev A Zinkina J amp Bogevolnov J 2011 Kondratieff waves in global invention activity 1900 2008 Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78 7 1280 1284 Leimgruber M 2012 The historical roots of a diffusion process The three pillar doctrine and European pension debates 1972 1994 Global Social Policy April 2012 vol 12 1 pp 24 44 Lubieniecka E R 2014 Chinese Engagement in Sub Saharan Africa Can the Beijing Consensus be Explained Under World Systems Analysis Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 7 3 433 450 Lucev J 2014 How Long Before NATO Aircraft Carrier Force Projection Capabilities Are Successfully Countered Some effects of the fiscal crises Croatian International Relations Review 20 71 122 152 Martorano B Natali L de Neubourg C amp Bradshaw J 2013 Child well being in advanced economies in the late 2000s Social Indicators Research 1 37 McKendrick J H 2014 Geographies of Children s Well Being in of and for Place In Handbook of Child Well Being pp 279 300 Springer Netherlands Minujin Z A amp Nandy S 2012 Global child poverty and well being Measurement concepts policy and action Bristol UK Policy Press O Hare W P 2014 A Research Note on Statistical Methods Used to Create Indices of Child Well Being Child Indicators Research 1 20 Osorio A M amp Aguado L F 2010 Una mirada a la situacion de laninez en el Valle del Cauca Uma olhada a situacao da infancia no Valle del Cauca A look at the childhood situation in the Province of Valle del Cauca Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Ninez y Juventud 8 2 1169 1193 Otoiu A Titan E amp Dumitrescu R 2014 Are the variables used in building composite indicators of well being relevant Validating composite indexes of well being Ecological Indicators 46 575 585 Park S amp Vetterlein A 2010 Owning Development Creating Policy Norms in the IMF and the World Bank Cambridge at the University Press Saba F 2012 Presence of Mind Social Philosophy Today 28 131 146 Saul B 2010 Why do they hate us They hate our freedoms The globalization of terrorism and counterterrorism In Globalisation and the Quest for Social and Environmental Justice The Relevance of International Law in an Evolving World Order Edited by Shawkat Alam Natalie Klein Juliette Overland pp 207 236 London RoutledgeSchroter R Jovanovic A amp Renn O 2014 Social unrest a systemic risk perspective In Planet Risk 2 2 125 134 Davos Global Risk Forum GRF Davos Shields R 2013 Globalization and international education London Continuum Subasat T 2013 Can Differences in International Prices Measure Unequal Exchange in International Trade Competition Change 17 4 372 379 Taylor B 2014 Who wants to give forever Giving meaning to sustainability in development Journal of International Development 26 8 1181 1196 Ustun C 2010 Foreign Policy in the EU and Joint Interests with Turkey Policy Brief 5 Center for European Studies Middle East Technical University Ankara available at http accesstr ces metu edu tr dosya ustun1 pdf enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive vease el historial la primera version y la ultima Villaroman N G 2011 Rescuing a Troubled Concept An Alternative View of the Right to Development Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 29 13 Vogli R D Kouvonen A Elovainio M amp Marmot M 2014 Economic globalization inequality and body mass index a cross national analysis of 127 countries Critical Public Health 24 1 7 21 Wood G amp Demirbag M 2012 Handbook of Institutional Approaches to International Business Cheltenham Glos And Northampton MA Edward Elgar Publishing Yilmaz I 2010 Utilization of Social Capital for Sustainable Development and Peacebuilding in Global Conflict Zones by Faith Based Movements European Journal of Economic and Political Studies 3 189 Eco en los medios de comunicacion internacional Editar Arena Magazine Sydney 2001 52 April May 44 46 book review Wheelwright T on Global Capitalism Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences 1999 Bild 23 05 2008 Sozialsystem nur Mittelmass on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending BBC Monitoring International Reports AUSTRIAN ISLAM CONFERENCE SPEAKERS AT ODDS OVER DEMOCRACY SECULARISM BBC Monitoring International Reports March 28 2007 Wednesday A200703281B 143F1 GNW 374 words Journal of Common Market Studies Globalization and European Integration by A Tausch and P Herrmann FRANCESCO DUINA Bates College JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies Volume 42 Issue 2 Page 437 451 Jun 2004 Globalization the EU s Lisbon Process and the Structures of Global Inequality Edited by A Heshmati and A Tausch FERRAN BRUNET Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies Volume 46 Issue 3 Page 741 741 Jun 2008Der Westen WAZ Gruppe 23 05 2008 Deutsches Sozialsystem nur mittelmassig on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending Die Zeit 1987 42 38 11 09 1987 on collective volume Maislinger A 1986 Costa Rica Die Welt 23 05 2008 Europaischer Vergleich Das deutsche Sozialsystem ist nur Mittelmass on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending evangelischer pressedienst entwicklungspolitik 1979 24 27 Book review by Dieter Senghaas on Armut und Abhangigkeit El Nacional Venezuela Tragedia puso a prueba las instituciones El Nacional Venezuela April 18 2010 Sunday 680 palabras Gruber ArmandoEl Nacional Venezuela July 2 2011 Saturday Polonia debera liderar a la UE ante el reto de la crisis griegaFormat Vienna 25 01 08 Echte Osterreicher Muslim ist nicht gleich Muslim Nicht alle leiden unter Bildungsdefiziten und schlechtem Einkommen Aber alle unter Vorurteilen und Beleidigungen Zwei Stunden volles FORMAT APA Frankfurter Neue Presse 24 05 08 Deutsches Sozialsystem nur mittelmassigFrankfurter Rundschau 24 05 08 Schwache Performance Deutsches Sozialsystem schneidet massig ab on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending Milano Finanza June 2 2007 Che si legge a Palazzo on Against Islamophobia Quantitative Analyses of Global Terrorism World Political Cycles and Center Periphery Structures and MF September 11 2007 Commenti amp Analisi Pg 6 763Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1987 146 27 28 June 91 on collective volume Maislinger A 1986 Costa Rica Nurnberger Nachrichten 24 05 08 Sozialsystem nicht effektiv genug on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending Pakistan Times 1987 April 24 book review on collective volume Farooq Hasnat S and Pelinka A 1986 Security for the Weak Nations Profil Vienna 18 01 99 Erlesener Osten Sach u Fachliteratur Sudosteuropaische Geschichte und Geschichtswissenschaft Eine Einfuhrung Karl Kaser Bohlau 1990 412 S oS 496 Im Osten was Neues Profil APA Radio Praha News 23 05 2008 http www radio cz de nachrichten 104386 on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending Reference amp Research Book News February 1 2008 248 words on Almas Heshmati and Arno Tausch SciTech Book News December 1 2007 262 words on Almas Heshmati and Arno Tausch Spiegel Online 23 05 08 Studie Deutsches Sozialsystem ist Mittelmass das tschechische Spitze on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending Stuttgarter Nachrichten 24 05 08 Sozialsystem nur mittelmassig on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending Stuttgarter Zeitung 24 05 08 Sozialsystem laut Studie mittelmassig on IZA Discussion Paper 3482 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending The Nation Pakistan 1987 August 21 1987 book review on collective volume Farooq Hasnat S and Pelinka A 1986 Security for the Weak Nations Trierischer Violksfreund Trier Germany 26 04 01 UNIVERSITAT Kolloquium Zukunft UNIVERSITAT Kolloquium Zukunft TRIER Auch in diesem Sommer bietet das Zentrum fur europaische Studien der Uni Trier wieder eine Vorlesungsreihe unter dem Trierischer VolksfreundWiener Zeitung Vienna 27 03 07 Streit uber Islam in Europa Wien Es gibt Hassprediger in den Moscheen aber auch in den Medien Gleich am Anfang der zweitagigen Konferenz Islam in Europa in der Diplomatischen Akademie Wiener Zeitung APA Wiener Zeitung Vienna 30 04 04 Ein Sonderweg mit Stolpersteinen Von Michael Schmolzer Wie ist es eigentlich dazu gekommen dass die europaische Zivilisation eine so deutlich andere Richtung einen Sonderweg im Vergleich Wiener Zeitung APA Notas y referencias Editar Literatura y referencias generales sobre su obra Alan Freeman Boris Kagarlicky Transnational Institute Amsterdam 2004 The politics of empire Globalisation in crisis Cambridge Polity Press NOLTE Hans Heinrich Why is Europe s South Poor A Chain of Internal Peripheries Along the Old Muslim Christian Borders Review Fernand Braudel Center State University of New York at Binghamton XXVI 1 2003 49 66 Robert J Ross 2004 Slaves to Fashion Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshops The University of Michigan Press Bernd Hamm 2005 Devastating Society The Neo liberal Assault on Democracy and Social Justice Pluto Press London 112 2006 O Espresso Lisboa A espera do efeito domino Jorge Nascimento Rodrigues 6 de Maio 2006 El Nacional Venezuela Tragedia puso a prueba las instituciones April 18 2010 WNYC Radio and Public Radio International in collaboration with The BBC World Service New York Times Radio and WGBH Boston Lessons from Latin America An Education for the EU Tuesday December 07 2010 http www thetakeaway org people arno tausch Archivado el 16 de enero de 2014 en Wayback Machine El Nacional July 2 2011 Saturday Polonia debera liderar a la UE ante el reto de la crisis griega a b Ivan Petrella 2004 The Future of Liberation Theology An Argument and Manifesto Ashgate Farnham UK Burlington VT Ashgate Publishing Company articulos recientes en la prensa internacional en idioma Castellano 2013 La clave son los desequilibrios entre el numero de fieles y el de cardenales El Tiempo Argentino Buenos Aires 17 02 2013 pagina 10 Free access Archivado el 2 de enero de 2014 en Wayback Machine 2013 Schengen otro fracaso europeo No solo el euro esta en crisis final El Tiempo Argentino Buenos Aires 6 04 2013 Free access Archivado el 2 de enero de 2014 en Wayback Machine 2013 La teoria se toma revancha El Tiempo Argentino Buenos Aires 04 05 2013 Free access Archivado el 2 de enero de 2014 en Wayback Machine 2013 Las perspectivas son pesimas El Tiempo Argentino Buenos Aires sabado 8 de junio de 2013 link Die Grenzen der Wachstumstheorie Vienna Institute for Development 1976 Resenas en Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie 1988 14 2 354 359 Michael Nollert Das Argument 1989 173 134 136 Hans Heinrich Nolte Vierteljahresberichte Probleme der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit Friedrich Ebert Stiftung 117 September 1989 311 313 and Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 1988 14 4 567 570 Kunibert Raffer Dieter Senghaas Weltwirtschaftsordnung und Entwicklungspolitik Pladoyer fur Dissoziation Frankfurt Suhrkamp Verlag KG 1977 ediciones varias Political Science Quarterly 1978 Vol 93 No 2 Summer 1978 pp 277 299 Rose Gauger 1980 Wird die Barbarei siegen Bericht ueber den Widerstand in den USA Hamburg Junius Verlag Albert Kadan 1979 Literaturuberblick zum politischen System in Osterreich Austriaca 8 1979 Universite de Haute Normandie See Political Studies 1995 43 4 730 731 book review of Towards a Socio Liberal Theory of World Development 1993 1998 ACRL Choices outstanding academic books 1992 1997 Rebecca Ann Bartlett Tausch Arno 1991 Russlands Tretmuehle Kapitalistisches Weltsystem lange Zyklen und die neue Instabilitaet im Osten Eberhard Muenchen Vease las reacciones en Das Argument por parte de Hans Heinrich Nolte 1992 34 3 478 479 vease tambien Andre Gerrits y Nancy Adler 1994 Vampires unstaked National images stereotypes and myths in East Central Europe Amsterdam North Holland Armas socialistas subdesarrollo y violencia estructural en el Tercer Mundo Revista Internacional de Sociologia 47 4 583 716 Reacciones sobre este estduio vease Dirk Berg Schlosser y Ferdinand Mueller Rommel 2003 Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft Ein einfuehrendes Studienhandbuch Leske and Budrich Opladen y Rafael Calduch Universidad Complutense de Madrid 1993 Dinamica de la Sociedad Internacional Editorial CEURA Madrid Mas ensayos y libros utilizando su interpretacion vease Hannes Hofbauer 2003 Osterweiterung Vom Drang nach Osten zur peripheren EU Integration Wien Promedia Verlag Erhard Busek 2003 Offenes Tor nach Osten Europas grosse Chance Molden Vienna Hackett C 2016 Development in an Era of Capital Control Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility Within a Transnational Regulatory Framework Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan Hickel J 2017 Is global inequality getting better or worse A critique of the World Bank s convergence narrative Third World Quarterly 1 15 Ricci A 2016 Unequal Exchange in International Trade A General Model Working Papers Series in Economics Mathematics and Statistics Department of Economics Society and Politics University of Urbino Available at https www researchgate net profile Andrea Ricci5 publication 311533485 Unequal Exchange in International Trade A General Model links 586bde7408aebf17d3a5b03b Unequal Exchange in International Trade A General Model pdf Celik Y Khan M amp Hikmet N 2016 Achieving value for money in health a comparative analysis of OECD countries and regional countries The International journal of health planning and management 2016 Aug 11 doi 10 1002 hpm 2375 Epub ahead of print Menchaca M 2016 The Politics of Dependency US Reliance on Mexican Oil and Farm Labor University of Texas Press Wang F L 2016 Institutions and institutional change in China Premodernity and modernization Springer Ichkitidze Y R amp Petryakov A A 2016 Cascade Model of Innovative Dynamics with Investment Flows 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Andrey Korotayev Susan Strange Immanuel Wallerstein Sistema economico Teoria del desarrolloEnlaces externos EditarTausch homepage at Academia Edu OCLC Classify Presence in global libraries Tausch s homepage at the Global Development Network University of Sussex Tausch at REPEC IDEAS University of Connecticut Tausch s homepage at the University of Alberta Datos Q78883Obtenido de https es wikipedia org w index php title Arno Tausch amp oldid 134509143, wikipedia, wiki, leyendo, leer, libro, biblioteca,


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