
Módulo:Sports table/WDL OT

Este módulo no tiene página de documentación[crear]
-- Style for football tables local pp = {}  function pp.header(t, Args, p_sub, pos_label, group_col, VTE_text, full_table, results_header_txt)  -- Load relevant modules  local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')    -- Create table header  -- Pre stuff  local team_width = Args['anchura_equipo'] or '190'  local sort_text = yesno(Args['tabla_clasificable'] or 'no') and ' sortable' or ''  local show_played = not yesno(Args['hide_played'] or 'no')  table.insert(t,'{| class="wikitable'..sort_text..'" style="text-align:center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-size: 90%;"\n') -- Open table  -- Table title  if Args['title'] or Args['table_header'] then  table.insert(t,'|+ ' .. (Args['title'] or Args['table_header']) .. '\n')  end  -- Custom header options  local played_head_text = Args['pld_header'] or Args['cabecera_pj'] or '<abbr title="Partidos jugados">PJ</abbr>'  local group_head_text = Args['group_header'] or Args['cabecera_grupo'] or '<abbr title="Grupo">Grp</abbr>'  local win_head_text = Args['win_header'] or Args['cabecera_ganados'] or '<abbr title="Ganados">G</abbr>'  local OTwin_head_text = Args['OTwin_header'] or Args['cabecera_gpr'] or '<abbr title="Ganados en prórroga">GPR</abbr>'  local OTloss_head_text = Args['OTloss_header'] or Args['cabecera_ppr'] or '<abbr title="Perdidos en prórroga">PPR</abbr>'  local PKwin_head_text = Args['PKwin_header'] or Args['cabecera_gdp'] or '<abbr title="Ganados en definición por penales">GDP</abbr>'  local PKloss_head_text = Args['PKloss_header'] or Args['cabecera_pdp'] or '<abbr title="Perdidos en definición por penales">PDP</abbr>'  local loss_head_text = Args['loss_header'] or Args['cabecera_perdidos'] or '<abbr title="Perdidos">P</abbr>'  local bonus_head_text = Args['bonus_header'] or Args['cabecera_pb'] or '<abbr title="Puntos bonus">PB</abbr>'  local tiebr_head_text = Args['tiebr_header'] or Args['cabecera_de'] or '<abbr title="Desempate">DE</abbr>'   -- What to rank the teams by  local ranking_style = Args['ranking_style'] or 'pts'  local show_points, show_perc = false  ranking_style = string.lower(ranking_style)  if ranking_style=='w' or ranking_style=='win' or ranking_style=='wins' or ranking_style=='none' then  -- Based on wins  elseif ranking_style=='perc' or ranking_style=='percentage' or ranking_style=='%' then -- NOTE: This is for points %, unlike Module:Sports table/WDL which caculates win %  -- Based on percentage  show_perc = true  else  -- Based on points  show_points = true  end   -- Use points instead of goals for/against  local for_against_style = Args['for_against_style'] or 'goals'  local fa_letter, fa_word_sing, fa_word_plur  -- First convert to lower case if it is a string  for_against_style = string.lower(for_against_style)  if for_against_style=='g' or for_against_style=='goal' or for_against_style=='goals' then  fa_letter = 'G'  fa_word_sing = 'Gol'  fa_word_plur = 'Goles'  elseif for_against_style=='p' or for_against_style=='point' or for_against_style=='points' then  fa_letter = 'P'  fa_word_sing = 'Punto'  fa_word_plur = 'Puntos'  else  fa_letter = 'G'  fa_word_sing = 'Gol'  fa_word_plur = 'Goles'  end  -- Whether to use goal ratio (goal average) instead  local do_ratio = yesno(Args['use_goal_ratio'] or 'no')  local do_average = yesno(Args['use_goal_average'] or 'no')   -- Whether to use goal percentage instead  local do_percentage = yesno(Args['use_goal_percentage'] or Args['use_point_percentage'] or 'no')   -- True if exist, false otherwise  local show_bonus_points = yesno(Args['show_bonus_points'] or 'no')  local show_tiebr = yesno(Args['show_tiebr'] or 'no')   -- Whether to show the OT win and OT loss and draw columns  local show_OTwin = yesno(Args['showOTwin'] or 'yes')  local show_OTloss = yesno(Args['showOTloss'] or 'yes')  local show_PKwin = yesno(Args['showPKwin'] or 'no')  local show_PKloss = yesno(Args['showPKloss'] or 'no')  local show_draw = yesno(Args['show_draw'] or 'yes')  local OTloss_after = yesno(Args['OTloss_after_loss'] or 'no')  local PKloss_after = yesno(Args['PKloss_after_loss'] or 'no')   -- Use games behind header  local show_GB = yesno(Args['show_GB'] or 'no')   -- Initialize  local tt = {}  tt.count = 0 -- Up by one after every call  tt.tab_text = t -- Actual text  -- Actual headers  if pos_label ~= nil then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,pos_label) -- Position col  end  -- Add group header  if full_table and group_col then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,group_head_text) -- Group col  end  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,team_width,'Equipo'..VTE_text) -- Team col  if show_points then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Puntos">Pts.</abbr>') -- Points col  if show_played then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,played_head_text) -- Matches played col  end  if full_table then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,win_head_text) -- Win col  if show_OTwin then tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,OTwin_head_text) end  if show_PKwin then tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,PKwin_head_text) end  if show_draw then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Empatados">E</abbr>') -- Draw col  end  if show_OTloss and not OTloss_after then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,OTloss_head_text) end  if show_PKloss and not PKloss_after then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,PKloss_head_text) end  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,loss_head_text) -- Loss col  if show_OTloss and OTloss_after then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,OTloss_head_text) end  if show_PKloss and PKloss_after then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,PKloss_head_text) end  if show_tiebr then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,tiebr_head_text) end  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="'..fa_word_plur..' a favor">'..fa_letter..'F</abbr>') -- For col  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="'..fa_word_plur..' en contra">'..fa_letter..'C</abbr>') -- Against col  if do_ratio or do_average then  local ratio_word = do_ratio and ' ratio' or ' average'  local ratio_letter = do_ratio and 'R' or 'Av'  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="'..fa_word_sing..ratio_word..'">'..fa_letter..ratio_letter..'</abbr>') -- Ratio col  elseif do_percentage then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Porcentaje de '..fa_word_sing..'">%</abbr>') -- Percentage col  else  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Diferencia">Dif.</abbr>') -- Difference col  end  end  if show_bonus_points then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,bonus_head_text) -- Bonus points col  end  elseif show_perc then  tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,'<abbr title="Porcentaje de puntos">PCT</abbr>') -- Point percentage col  end  if full_table then  tt.count = tt.count+1  table.insert(tt.tab_text,results_header_txt)  end   return tt end  function pp.row(frame,t,Args,p_sub,notes_exist,hth_id_list,full_table,rand_val,team_list,team_code_ii,ii_start,ii_end,ii_fw,bg_col,N_teams,ii,ii_show)  -- Build the inner parts of individual rows   -- Sub-module usage  local mm = require('Module:Math')  local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')   -- Get custom/default options for in table  local win_points = tonumber(Args['winpoints']) or tonumber(Args['puntos_ganado']) or 3  local OTwin_points = tonumber(Args['OTwinpoints']) or tonumber(Args['puntos_gpr']) or 2  local draw_points = tonumber(Args['drawpoints']) or tonumber(Args['puntos_empate'])or 1  local OTloss_points = tonumber(Args['OTlosspoints']) or tonumber(Args['puntos_ppr']) or 1  local PKwin_points = tonumber(Args['PKwinpoints']) or tonumber(Args['puntos_gdp']) or 1  local PKloss_points = tonumber(Args['PKlosspoints']) or tonumber(Args['puntos_pdp']) or 0  local loss_points = tonumber(Args['losspoints']) or tonumber(Args['puntos_perdido']) or 0   -- Get some input  local wins = tonumber(Args['win_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['ganados_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local OTwins = tonumber(Args['OTwin_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['gpr_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local draws = tonumber(Args['draw_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['empates_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local OTlosses = tonumber(Args['OTloss_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['ppr_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local PKwins = tonumber(Args['PKwin_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['gdp_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local PKlosses = tonumber(Args['PKloss_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['pdp_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local losses = tonumber(Args['loss_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['perdidos_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local tiebr = tonumber(Args['tiebr_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local gfor = tonumber(Args['gf_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pf_'..team_code_ii] or '0') or '?'  local gaig = tonumber(Args['ga_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pa_'..team_code_ii] or Args['gc_'..team_code_ii] or '0') or '?'  local s_pts = tonumber(Args['adjust_points_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['startpoints_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['ajustar_puntos_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['puntos_inicio_'..team_code_ii]) or 0  local hth_local = Args['hth_'..team_code_ii] or nil  -- Then calculate some values  local matches = wins + OTwins + draws + OTlosses + PKwins + PKlosses + losses  local points = win_points*wins + OTwin_points*OTwins + draw_points*draws  + OTloss_points*OTlosses + loss_points*losses  + PKwin_points*PKwins + PKloss_points*PKlosses + s_pts   if Args['goalpoints'] and tonumber(Args['gf_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pf_'..team_code_ii]) then  points = points + (tonumber(Args['goalpoints']) or 1)*tonumber(Args['gf_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pf_'..team_code_ii])  end   if tonumber(Args['win_'..team_code_ii]) == nil or tonumber(Args['draw_'..team_code_ii]) == nil or tonumber(Args['loss_'..team_code_ii]) == nil then  matches = tonumber(Args['matches_'..team_code_ii]) or matches  end   -- Comparison of for against  local gcomp  -- Whether to use goal ratio (goal average) instead  local skip_sign  if yesno(Args['use_goal_ratio'] or 'no') or yesno(Args['use_goal_average'] or 'no') then  -- Now it is the goal ratio/goal average  if (gfor == '?') or (gaig == '?') or (gaig == 0) then  gcomp = '&mdash;'  else  gcomp = mm._precision_format(gfor / gaig, 3)  end  elseif yesno(Args['use_goal_percentage'] or 'no') then  -- Now it is the percentage  if (gfor == '?') or (gaig == '?') or gaig == 0 then  gcomp = '&mdash;'  else  gcomp = mm._precision_format(100 * gfor / gaig , 1)  end  elseif yesno(Args['use_point_percentage'] or 'no') then  -- Now it is the point percentage  if (gfor == '?') or (gaig == '?') or (gfor + gaig) <= 0 then  gcomp = '&mdash;'  else  gcomp = mm._precision_format(100 * gfor / (gfor + gaig) , 2)  end  else  -- It's goal difference  if (gfor == '?') or (gaig == '?') then  gcomp = '&mdash;'  else  gcomp = gfor - gaig  -- Formatting with signs  if gcomp>0 then  gcomp='+'..gcomp  elseif gcomp < 0 then  gcomp='&minus;'..-gcomp  end  end  end  -- Use actual values if gfor or gaig is not numeric  if (gfor == '?') then gfor = Args['gf_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pf_'..team_code_ii] or '' end  if (gaig == '?') then gaig = Args['ga_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pa_'..team_code_ii] or Args['gc_'..team_code_ii] or '' end   -- Show games behind  local show_GB = yesno(Args['show_GB'] or 'no')  local GB_text = '&mdash;'  if show_GB then  local GB_team_no = tonumber(Args['GB_team']) or 1  if ii == GB_team_no then  -- Do nothing, it's vs this team  else  local wins_GB = tonumber(Args['win_'..team_list[GB_team_no]]) or 0  local losses_GB = tonumber(Args['loss_'..team_list[GB_team_no]]) or 0  local GB_num = (wins_GB-wins+losses-losses_GB)/2  -- Display options  if GB_num >0 then  -- Indicates trailing GB_team  GB_text = GB_num  elseif GB_num == 0 then  -- Equal, do nothing to get dash  else  -- Ahead of GB team, should be noted by plus (instead of minus that comes from formula)  GB_text = '+'..-GB_num  end  end  end   -- Whether to show the OT win and OT loss and draw columns  local show_OTwin = yesno(Args['showOTwin'] or 'yes')  local show_OTloss = yesno(Args['showOTloss'] or 'yes')  local show_PKwin = yesno(Args['showPKwin'] or 'no')  local show_PKloss = yesno(Args['showPKloss'] or 'no')  local show_draw = yesno(Args['show_draw'] or 'yes')  local OTloss_after = yesno(Args['OTloss_after_loss'] or 'no')  local PKloss_after = yesno(Args['PKloss_after_loss'] or 'no')   -- Some local vars   local hth_string  local tt_return = p_sub.hth(frame,Args,full_table,hth_id_list,hth_local,notes_exist,team_list,team_code_ii,ii_start,ii_end,rand_val)  hth_string = tt_return.str  hth_id_list = tt_return.list  notes_exist = tt_return.notes_exist   -- What to rank the teams by  local ranking_style = Args['estilo_ranking'] or 'pts'  local rank_points, rank_perc = false  local win_fw, win_string  ranking_style = string.lower(ranking_style)  if ranking_style=='g' or ranking_style=='ganado' or ranking_style=='ganados' then  -- Based on wins  win_fw = 'font-weight: bold;'  win_string = hth_string  elseif ranking_style=='porc' or ranking_style=='porcentaje' or ranking_style=='%' then  -- Based on percentage  rank_perc = true  win_fw=ii_fw  win_string = ''  else  -- Based on points  rank_points = true  win_fw=ii_fw  win_string = ''  end   local show_played = not yesno(Args['hide_played'] or 'no')  local show_bonus_points = yesno(Args['show_bonus_points'] or 'no')  local show_tiebr = yesno(Args['show_tiebr'] or 'no')  -- Row building  if rank_points then  -- Add &minus; for negative point totals  if points<0 then  table.insert(t,'| style="font-weight: bold;'..bg_col..'" | &minus;'..-points..hth_string..'\n')  else  table.insert(t,'| style="font-weight: bold;'..bg_col..'" | '..points..hth_string..'\n')  end  elseif rank_perc then  table.insert(t,'| style="font-weight: bold;'..bg_col..'" | '..win_perc..hth_string..'\n')  end  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..matches..'\n') -- Played  if full_table then  -- Use actual values if wins, draws, and losses are not numeric  if (OTwins == 0 and PKwins == 0 and wins == 0 and draws == 0 and OTlosses == 0 and PKlosses == 0 and losses == 0) then  local function numorval(s)  return s and ((s == '' and 0) or tonumber(s) or s) or 0  end  wins = numorval(Args['win_'..team_code_ii])  OTwins = numorval(Args['OTwin_'..team_code_ii])  PKwins = numorval(Args['PKwin_'..team_code_ii])  draws = numorval(Args['draw_'..team_code_ii])  losses = numorval(Args['loss_'..team_code_ii])  OTlosses = numorval(Args['OTloss_'..team_code_ii])  PKlosses = numorval(Args['PKloss_'..team_code_ii])  end   table.insert(t,'| style="'..win_fw..bg_col..'" |'..wins..win_string..'\n') -- Won  if show_OTwin then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..OTwins..'\n') -- Won in OT  end  if show_PKwin then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..PKwins..'\n') -- Won on PKs  end  if show_draw then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..draws..'\n') -- Drawn  end  if show_OTloss and not OTloss_after then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..OTlosses..'\n') -- Lost in OT  end  if show_PKloss and not PKloss_after then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..PKlosses..'\n') -- Lost on PKs  end  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..losses..'\n') -- Lost  if show_OTloss and OTloss_after then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..OTlosses..'\n') -- Lost in OT  end  if show_PKloss and PKloss_after then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..PKlosses..'\n') -- Lost on PKs  end  if show_tiebr then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..tiebr..'\n') -- Tie breaker  end  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..gfor..'\n') -- GF  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..gaig..'\n') -- GA  table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..gcomp..'\n') -- Goal comparison  end  if show_bonus_points then  if s_pts < 0 then  table.insert(t,'| style="'..bg_col..'" | &minus;'..-s_pts..'\n')  else  table.insert(t,'| style="'..bg_col..'" | '..s_pts..'\n')  end  end   return {t=t, notes_exist=notes_exist, hth_id_list=hth_id_list} end  function pp.status(Args)  -- Declare status options  -- ------------------------------------------------------------  -- NOTE: If you add to status_code, also add to status_called and status_letters!!  -- Or functionality will be compromised  -- ------------------------------------------------------------  local status_code, status_called = {}, {}  status_code = { A='Avanza a la siguiente ronda', C='Campeón', D='Descalificado',  E='Eliminado', H='Anfitrión', O='Ganador del play-off', P='Ascendido', Q='Clasificado para la fase indicada',  R='Descendido', T='Clasificado, pero todavía no a la fase indicada'}  local status_letters = (Args['status_order'] or '') .. 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'   -- Status position (before or after read and default)  local stat_pos_val = Args['status_pos'] or ''  local status_position = 'after' -- Default location  stat_pos_val = string.lower(stat_pos_val)  if stat_pos_val=='before' then  status_position = 'before'  elseif stat_pos_val=='after' then  status_position = 'after'  end  -- Read in custom status options  for l in mw.text.gsplit(status_letters, '') do  status_called[l] = false  status_code[l] = status_code[l] or '?'  status_letters = mw.ustring.gsub(status_letters, '(' .. l ..'.-)' .. l, '%1')   if Args['status_text_' .. l] then  status_code[l] = Args['status_text_' .. l]  end  end   return {code=status_code, called=status_called, letters=status_letters, position=status_position} end  return pp 

módulo, sports, table, este, módulo, tiene, página, documentación, crear, módulo, sports, table, código, discusión, tests, comprobar, tests, subpáginas, enlaces, style, football, tables, local, function, header, args, label, group, text, full, table, results, . Este modulo no tiene pagina de documentacion crear Modulo Sports table WDL OT codigo doc discusion tests comprobar tests subpaginas enlaces Style for football tables local pp function pp header t Args p sub pos label group col VTE text full table results header txt Load relevant modules local yesno require Module Yesno Create table header Pre stuff local team width Args anchura equipo or 190 local sort text yesno Args tabla clasificable or no and sortable or local show played not yesno Args hide played or no table insert t class wikitable sort text style text align center margin left auto margin right auto font size 90 n Open table Table title if Args title or Args table header then table insert t Args title or Args table header n end Custom header options local played head text Args pld header or Args cabecera pj or lt abbr title Partidos jugados gt PJ lt abbr gt local group head text Args group header or Args cabecera grupo or lt abbr title Grupo gt Grp lt abbr gt local win head text Args win header or Args cabecera ganados or lt abbr title Ganados gt G lt abbr gt local OTwin head text Args OTwin header or Args cabecera gpr or lt abbr title Ganados en prorroga gt GPR lt abbr gt local OTloss head text Args OTloss header or Args cabecera ppr or lt abbr title Perdidos en prorroga gt PPR lt abbr gt local PKwin head text Args PKwin header or Args cabecera gdp or lt abbr title Ganados en definicion por penales gt GDP lt abbr gt local PKloss head text Args PKloss header or Args cabecera pdp or lt abbr title Perdidos en definicion por penales gt PDP lt abbr gt local loss head text Args loss header or Args cabecera perdidos or lt abbr title Perdidos gt P lt abbr gt local bonus head text Args bonus header or Args cabecera pb or lt abbr title Puntos bonus gt PB lt abbr gt local tiebr head text Args tiebr header or Args cabecera de or lt abbr title Desempate gt DE lt abbr gt What to rank the teams by local ranking style Args ranking style or pts local show points show perc false ranking style string lower ranking style if ranking style w or ranking style win or ranking style wins or ranking style none then Based on wins elseif ranking style perc or ranking style percentage or ranking style then NOTE This is for points unlike Module Sports table WDL which caculates win Based on percentage show perc true else Based on points show points true end Use points instead of goals for against local for against style Args for against style or goals local fa letter fa word sing fa word plur First convert to lower case if it is a string for against style string lower for against style if for against style g or for against style goal or for against style goals then fa letter G fa word sing Gol fa word plur Goles elseif for against style p or for against style point or for against style points then fa letter P fa word sing Punto fa word plur Puntos else fa letter G fa word sing Gol fa word plur Goles end Whether to use goal ratio goal average instead local do ratio yesno Args use goal ratio or no local do average yesno Args use goal average or no Whether to use goal percentage instead local do percentage yesno Args use goal percentage or Args use point percentage or no True if exist false otherwise local show bonus points yesno Args show bonus points or no local show tiebr yesno Args show tiebr or no Whether to show the OT win and OT loss and draw columns local show OTwin yesno Args showOTwin or yes local show OTloss yesno Args showOTloss or yes local show PKwin yesno Args showPKwin or no local show PKloss yesno Args showPKloss or no local show draw yesno Args show draw or yes local OTloss after yesno Args OTloss after loss or no local PKloss after yesno Args PKloss after loss or no Use games behind header local show GB yesno Args show GB or no Initialize local tt tt count 0 Up by one after every call tt tab text t Actual text Actual headers if pos label nil then tt p sub colhead tt 28 pos label Position col end Add group header if full table and group col then tt p sub colhead tt 28 group head text Group col end tt p sub colhead tt team width Equipo VTE text Team col if show points then tt p sub colhead tt 28 lt abbr title Puntos gt Pts lt abbr gt Points col if show played then tt p sub colhead tt 28 played head text Matches played col end if full table then tt p sub colhead tt 28 win head text Win col if show OTwin then tt p sub colhead tt 28 OTwin head text end if show PKwin then tt p sub colhead tt 28 PKwin head text end if show draw then tt p sub colhead tt 28 lt abbr title Empatados gt E lt abbr gt Draw col end if show OTloss and not OTloss after then t p sub colhead tt 28 OTloss head text end if show PKloss and not PKloss after then t p sub colhead tt 28 PKloss head text end tt p sub colhead tt 28 loss head text Loss col if show OTloss and OTloss after then t p sub colhead tt 28 OTloss head text end if show PKloss and PKloss after then t p sub colhead tt 28 PKloss head text end if show tiebr then t p sub colhead tt 28 tiebr head text end tt p sub colhead tt 28 lt abbr title fa word plur a favor gt fa letter F lt abbr gt For col tt p sub colhead tt 28 lt abbr title fa word plur en contra gt fa letter C lt abbr gt Against col if do ratio or do average then local ratio word do ratio and ratio or average local ratio letter do ratio and R or Av tt p sub colhead tt 28 lt abbr title fa word sing ratio word gt fa letter ratio letter lt abbr gt Ratio col elseif do percentage then tt p sub colhead tt 28 lt abbr title Porcentaje de fa word sing gt lt abbr gt Percentage col else tt p sub colhead tt 28 lt abbr title Diferencia gt Dif lt abbr gt Difference col end end if show bonus points then tt p sub colhead tt 28 bonus head text Bonus points col end elseif show perc then tt p sub colhead tt 28 lt abbr title Porcentaje de puntos gt PCT lt abbr gt Point percentage col end if full table then tt count tt count 1 table insert tt tab text results header txt end return tt end function pp row frame t Args p sub notes exist hth id list full table rand val team list team code ii ii start ii end ii fw bg col N teams ii ii show Build the inner parts of individual rows Sub module usage local mm require Module Math local yesno require Module Yesno Get custom default options for in table local win points tonumber Args winpoints or tonumber Args puntos ganado or 3 local OTwin points tonumber Args OTwinpoints or tonumber Args puntos gpr or 2 local draw points tonumber Args drawpoints or tonumber Args puntos empate or 1 local OTloss points tonumber Args OTlosspoints or tonumber Args puntos ppr or 1 local PKwin points tonumber Args PKwinpoints or tonumber Args puntos gdp or 1 local PKloss points tonumber Args PKlosspoints or tonumber Args puntos pdp or 0 local loss points tonumber Args losspoints or tonumber Args puntos perdido or 0 Get some input local wins tonumber Args win team code ii or tonumber Args ganados team code ii or 0 local OTwins tonumber Args OTwin team code ii or tonumber Args gpr team code ii or 0 local draws tonumber Args draw team code ii or tonumber Args empates team code ii or 0 local OTlosses tonumber Args OTloss team code ii or tonumber Args ppr team code ii or 0 local PKwins tonumber Args PKwin team code ii or tonumber Args gdp team code ii or 0 local PKlosses tonumber Args PKloss team code ii or tonumber Args pdp team code ii or 0 local losses tonumber Args loss team code ii or tonumber Args perdidos team code ii or 0 local tiebr tonumber Args tiebr team code ii or 0 local gfor tonumber Args gf team code ii or Args pf team code ii or 0 or local gaig tonumber Args ga team code ii or Args pa team code ii or Args gc team code ii or 0 or local s pts tonumber Args adjust points team code ii or tonumber Args startpoints team code ii or tonumber Args ajustar puntos team code ii or tonumber Args puntos inicio team code ii or 0 local hth local Args hth team code ii or nil Then calculate some values local matches wins OTwins draws OTlosses PKwins PKlosses losses local points win points wins OTwin points OTwins draw points draws OTloss points OTlosses loss points losses PKwin points PKwins PKloss points PKlosses s pts if Args goalpoints and tonumber Args gf team code ii or Args pf team code ii then points points tonumber Args goalpoints or 1 tonumber Args gf team code ii or Args pf team code ii end if tonumber Args win team code ii nil or tonumber Args draw team code ii nil or tonumber Args loss team code ii nil then matches tonumber Args matches team code ii or matches end Comparison of for against local gcomp Whether to use goal ratio goal average instead local skip sign if yesno Args use goal ratio or no or yesno Args use goal average or no then Now it is the goal ratio goal average if gfor or gaig or gaig 0 then gcomp amp mdash else gcomp mm precision format gfor gaig 3 end elseif yesno Args use goal percentage or no then Now it is the percentage if gfor or gaig or gaig 0 then gcomp amp mdash else gcomp mm precision format 100 gfor gaig 1 end elseif yesno Args use point percentage or no then Now it is the point percentage if gfor or gaig or gfor gaig lt 0 then gcomp amp mdash else gcomp mm precision format 100 gfor gfor gaig 2 end else It s goal difference if gfor or gaig then gcomp amp mdash else gcomp gfor gaig Formatting with signs if gcomp gt 0 then gcomp gcomp elseif gcomp lt 0 then gcomp amp minus gcomp end end end Use actual values if gfor or gaig is not numeric if gfor then gfor Args gf team code ii or Args pf team code ii or end if gaig then gaig Args ga team code ii or Args pa team code ii or Args gc team code ii or end Show games behind local show GB yesno Args show GB or no local GB text amp mdash if show GB then local GB team no tonumber Args GB team or 1 if ii GB team no then Do nothing it s vs this team else local wins GB tonumber Args win team list GB team no or 0 local losses GB tonumber Args loss team list GB team no or 0 local GB num wins GB wins losses losses GB 2 Display options if GB num gt 0 then Indicates trailing GB team GB text GB num elseif GB num 0 then Equal do nothing to get dash else Ahead of GB team should be noted by plus instead of minus that comes from formula GB text GB num end end end Whether to show the OT win and OT loss and draw columns local show OTwin yesno Args showOTwin or yes local show OTloss yesno Args showOTloss or yes local show PKwin yesno Args showPKwin or no local show PKloss yesno Args showPKloss or no local show draw yesno Args show draw or yes local OTloss after yesno Args OTloss after loss or no local PKloss after yesno Args PKloss after loss or no Some local vars local hth string local tt return p sub hth frame Args full table hth id list hth local notes exist team list team code ii ii start ii end rand val hth string tt return str hth id list tt return list notes exist tt return notes exist What to rank the teams by local ranking style Args estilo ranking or pts local rank points rank perc false local win fw win string ranking style string lower ranking style if ranking style g or ranking style ganado or ranking style ganados then Based on wins win fw font weight bold win string hth string elseif ranking style porc or ranking style porcentaje or ranking style then Based on percentage rank perc true win fw ii fw win string else Based on points rank points true win fw ii fw win string end local show played not yesno Args hide played or no local show bonus points yesno Args show bonus points or no local show tiebr yesno Args show tiebr or no Row building if rank points then Add amp minus for negative point totals if points lt 0 then table insert t style font weight bold bg col amp minus points hth string n else table insert t style font weight bold bg col points hth string n end elseif rank perc then table insert t style font weight bold bg col win perc hth string n end table insert t style ii fw bg col matches n Played if full table then Use actual values if wins draws and losses are not numeric if OTwins 0 and PKwins 0 and wins 0 and draws 0 and OTlosses 0 and PKlosses 0 and losses 0 then local function numorval s return s and s and 0 or tonumber s or s or 0 end wins numorval Args win team code ii OTwins numorval Args OTwin team code ii PKwins numorval Args PKwin team code ii draws numorval Args draw team code ii losses numorval Args loss team code ii OTlosses numorval Args OTloss team code ii PKlosses numorval Args PKloss team code ii end table insert t style win fw bg col wins win string n Won if show OTwin then table insert t style ii fw bg col OTwins n Won in OT end if show PKwin then table insert t style ii fw bg col PKwins n Won on PKs end if show draw then table insert t style ii fw bg col draws n Drawn end if show OTloss and not OTloss after then table insert t style ii fw bg col OTlosses n Lost in OT end if show PKloss and not PKloss after then table insert t style ii fw bg col PKlosses n Lost on PKs end table insert t style ii fw bg col losses n Lost if show OTloss and OTloss after then table insert t style ii fw bg col OTlosses n Lost in OT end if show PKloss and PKloss after then table insert t style ii fw bg col PKlosses n Lost on PKs end if show tiebr then table insert t style ii fw bg col tiebr n Tie breaker end table insert t style ii fw bg col gfor n GF table insert t style ii fw bg col gaig n GA table insert t style ii fw bg col gcomp n Goal comparison end if show bonus points then if s pts lt 0 then table insert t style bg col amp minus s pts n else table insert t style bg col s pts n end end return t t notes exist notes exist hth id list hth id list end function pp status Args Declare status options NOTE If you add to status code also add to status called and status letters Or functionality will be compromised local status code status called status code A Avanza a la siguiente ronda C Campeon D Descalificado E Eliminado H Anfitrion O Ganador del play off P Ascendido Q Clasificado para la fase indicada R Descendido T Clasificado pero todavia no a la fase indicada local status letters Args status order or ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Status position before or after read and default local stat pos val Args status pos or local status position after Default location stat pos val string lower stat pos val if stat pos val before then status position before elseif stat pos val after then status position after end Read in custom status options for l in mw text gsplit status letters do status called l false status code l status code l or status letters mw ustring gsub status letters l l 1 if Args status text l then status code l Args status text l end end return code status code called status called letters status letters position status position end return pp Obtenido de https es wikipedia org w index php title Modulo Sports table WDL OT amp oldid 157701844, wikipedia, wiki, leyendo, leer, libro, biblioteca,


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