
Módulo:Date table sorting

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local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() local N_YEAR_DIGITS = 12 local MAX_YEAR = 10^N_YEAR_DIGITS - 1  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dts class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Dts = {} Dts.__index = Dts  Dts.months = {  "January",  "February",  "March",  "April",  "May",  "June",  "July",  "August",  "September",  "October",  "November",  "December" }  Dts.monthsAbbr = {  "Jan",  "Feb",  "Mar",  "Apr",  "May",  "Jun",  "Jul",  "Aug",  "Sep",  "Oct",  "Nov",  "Dec" }  function Dts._makeMonthSearch(t)  local ret = {}  for i, month in ipairs(t) do  ret[month:lower()] = i  end  return ret end Dts.monthSearch = Dts._makeMonthSearch(Dts.months) Dts.monthSearchAbbr = Dts._makeMonthSearch(Dts.monthsAbbr) Dts.monthSearchAbbr['sept'] = 9 -- Allow "Sept" to match September  Dts.formats = {  dmy = true,  mdy = true,  dm = true,  md = true,  my = true,  y = true,  m = true,  d = true,  hide = true }  function Dts.new(args)  local self = setmetatable({}, Dts)   -- Parse date parameters.  -- In this step we also record whether the date was in DMY or YMD format,  -- and whether the month name was abbreviated.  if args[2] or args[3] or args[4] then  self:parseDateParts(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4])  elseif args[1] then  self:parseDate(args[1])  end   -- Raise an error on invalid values  if self.year then  if self.year == 0 then  error('years cannot be zero', 0)  elseif self.year < -MAX_YEAR then  error(string.format(  'years cannot be less than %s',  lang:formatNum(-MAX_YEAR)  ), 0)  elseif self.year > MAX_YEAR then  error(string.format(  'years cannot be greater than %s',  lang:formatNum(MAX_YEAR)  ), 0)  elseif math.floor(self.year) ~= self.year then  error('years must be an integer', 0)  end  end  if self.month and (  self.month < 1  or self.month > 12  or math.floor(self.month) ~= self.month  ) then  error('months must be an integer between 1 and 12', 0)  end  if self.day and (  self.day < 1  or self.day > 31  or math.floor(self.day) ~= self.day  ) then  error('days must be an integer between 1 and 31', 0)  end   -- Set month abbreviation behaviour, i.e. whether we are outputting  -- "January" or "Jan".  if args.abbr then  self.isAbbreviated = args.abbr == 'on' or yesno(args.abbr) or false  else  self.isAbbreviated = self.isAbbreviated or false  end   -- Set the format string  if args.format then  self.format = args.format  else  self.format = self.format or 'mdy'  end  if not Dts.formats[self.format] then  error(string.format(  "'%s' is not a valid format",  tostring(self.format)  ), 0)  end   -- Set addkey. This adds a value at the end of the sort key, allowing users  -- to manually distinguish between identical dates.  if args.addkey then  self.addkey = tonumber(args.addkey)  if not self.addkey or  self.addkey < 0 or  self.addkey > 9999 or  math.floor(self.addkey) ~= self.addkey  then  error("the 'addkey' parameter must be an integer between 0 and 9999", 0)  end  end   -- Set whether the displayed date is allowed to wrap or not.  self.isWrapping = args.nowrap == 'off' or yesno(args.nowrap) == false   return self end  function Dts:hasDate()  return (self.year or self.month or self.day) ~= nil end  -- Find the month number for a month name, and set the isAbbreviated flag as -- appropriate. function Dts:parseMonthName(s)  s = s:lower()  local month = Dts.monthSearch[s]  if month then  return month  else  month = Dts.monthSearchAbbr[s]  if month then  self.isAbbreviated = true  return month  end  end  return nil end  -- Parses separate parameters for year, month, day, and era. function Dts:parseDateParts(year, month, day, bc)  if year then  self.year = tonumber(year)  if not self.year then  error(string.format(  "'%s' is not a valid year",  tostring(year)  ), 0)  end  end  if month then  if tonumber(month) then  self.month = tonumber(month)  elseif type(month) == 'string' then  self.month = self:parseMonthName(month)  end  if not self.month then  error(string.format(  "'%s' is not a valid month",  tostring(month)  ), 0)  end  end  if day then  self.day = tonumber(day)  if not self.day then  error(string.format(  "'%s' is not a valid day",  tostring(day)  ), 0)  end  end  if bc then  local bcLower = type(bc) == 'string' and bc:lower()  if bcLower == 'bc' or bcLower == 'bce' then  if self.year and self.year > 0 then  self.year = -self.year  end  elseif bcLower ~= 'ad' and bcLower ~= 'ce' then  error(string.format(  "'%s' is not a valid era code (expected 'BC', 'BCE', 'AD' or 'CE')",  tostring(bc)  ), 0)  end  end end  -- This method parses date strings. This is a poor man's alternative to -- mw.language:formatDate, but it ends up being easier for us to parse the date -- here than to use mw.language:formatDate and then try to figure out after the -- fact whether the month was abbreviated and whether we were DMY or MDY. function Dts:parseDate(date)  -- Generic error message.  local function dateError()  error(string.format(  "'%s' is an invalid date",  date  ), 0)  end   local function parseDayOrMonth(s)  if s:find('^%d%d?$') then  return tonumber(s)  end  end   local function parseYear(s)  if s:find('^%d%d%d%d?$') then  return tonumber(s)  end  end   -- Deal with year-only dates first, as they can have hyphens in, and later  -- we need to split the string by all non-word characters, including  -- hyphens. Also, we don't need to restrict years to 3 or 4 digits, as on  -- their own they can't be confused as a day or a month number.  self.year = tonumber(date)  if self.year then  return  end   -- Split the string using non-word characters as boundaries.  date = tostring(date)  local parts = mw.text.split(date, '%W+')  local nParts = #parts  if parts[1] == '' or parts[nParts] == '' or nParts > 3 then  -- We are parsing a maximum of three elements, so raise an error if we  -- have more. If the first or last elements were blank, then the start  -- or end of the string was a non-word character, which we will also  -- treat as an error.  dateError()  elseif nParts < 1 then  -- If we have less than one element, then something has gone horribly  -- wrong.  error(string.format(  "an unknown error occurred while parsing the date '%s'",  date  ), 0)  end   if nParts == 1 then  -- This can be either a month name or a year.  self.month = self:parseMonthName(parts[1])  if not self.month then  self.year = parseYear(parts[1])  if not self.year then  dateError()  end  end  elseif nParts == 2 then  -- This can be any of the following formats:  -- DD Month  -- Month DD  -- Month YYYY  -- YYYY-MM  self.month = self:parseMonthName(parts[1])  if self.month then  -- This is either Month DD or Month YYYY.  self.year = parseYear(parts[2])  if not self.year then  -- This is Month DD.  self.format = 'mdy'  self.day = parseDayOrMonth(parts[2])  if not self.day then  dateError()  end  end  else  self.month = self:parseMonthName(parts[2])  if self.month then  -- This is DD Month.  self.format = 'dmy'  self.day = parseDayOrMonth(parts[1])  if not self.day then  dateError()  end  else  -- This is YYYY-MM.  self.year = parseYear(parts[1])  self.month = parseDayOrMonth(parts[2])  if not self.year or not self.month then  dateError()  end  end  end  elseif nParts == 3 then  -- This can be any of the following formats:  -- DD Month YYYY  -- Month DD, YYYY  -- YYYY-MM-DD  -- DD-MM-YYYY  self.month = self:parseMonthName(parts[1])  if self.month then  -- This is Month DD, YYYY.  self.format = 'mdy'  self.day = parseDayOrMonth(parts[2])  self.year = parseYear(parts[3])  if not self.day or not self.year then  dateError()  end  else  self.day = parseDayOrMonth(parts[1])  if self.day then  self.month = self:parseMonthName(parts[2])  if self.month then  -- This is DD Month YYYY.  self.format = 'dmy'  self.year = parseYear(parts[3])  if not self.year then  dateError()  end  else  -- This is DD-MM-YYYY.  self.format = 'dmy'  self.month = parseDayOrMonth(parts[2])  self.year = parseYear(parts[3])  if not self.month or not self.year then  dateError()  end  end  else  -- This is YYYY-MM-DD  self.year = parseYear(parts[1])  self.month = parseDayOrMonth(parts[2])  self.day = parseDayOrMonth(parts[3])  if not self.year or not self.month or not self.day then  dateError()  end  end  end  end end  function Dts:makeSortKey()  local year, month, day  local nYearDigits = N_YEAR_DIGITS  if self:hasDate() then  year = self.year or os.date("*t").year  if year < 0 then  year = -MAX_YEAR - 1 - year  nYearDigits = nYearDigits + 1 -- For the minus sign  end  month = self.month or 1  day = self.day or 1  else  -- Blank {{dts}} transclusions should sort last.  year = MAX_YEAR  month = 99  day = 99  end  return string.format(  '%0' .. nYearDigits .. 'd-%02d-%02d-%04d',  year, month, day, self.addkey or 0  ) end  function Dts:getMonthName()  if not self.month then  return ''  end  if self.isAbbreviated then  return self.monthsAbbr[self.month]  else  return self.months[self.month]  end end  function Dts:makeDisplay()  if self.format == 'hide' then  return ''  end  local hasYear = self.year and self.format:find('y')  local hasMonth = self.month and self.format:find('m')  local hasDay = self.day and self.format:find('d')  local isMonthFirst = self.format:find('md')  local ret = {}  if hasDay and hasMonth and isMonthFirst then  ret[#ret + 1] = self:getMonthName()  ret[#ret + 1] = ' '  ret[#ret + 1] = self.day  if hasYear then  ret[#ret + 1] = ','  end  elseif hasDay and hasMonth then  ret[#ret + 1] = self.day  ret[#ret + 1] = ' '  ret[#ret + 1] = self:getMonthName()  elseif hasDay then  ret[#ret + 1] = self.day  elseif hasMonth then  ret[#ret + 1] = self:getMonthName()  end  if hasYear then  if hasDay or hasMonth then  ret[#ret + 1] = ' '  end  local displayYear = math.abs(self.year)  if displayYear > 9999 then  displayYear = lang:formatNum(displayYear)  else  displayYear = tostring(displayYear)  end  ret[#ret + 1] = displayYear  if self.year < 0 then  ret[#ret + 1] = '&nbsp;BC'  end  end  return table.concat(ret) end  function Dts:__tostring()  local root = mw.html.create()  local span = root:tag('span')  :attr('data-sort-value', self:makeSortKey())   -- Display  if self:hasDate() and self.format ~= 'hide' then  span:wikitext(self:makeDisplay())  if not self.isWrapping then  span:css('white-space', 'nowrap')  end  end   return tostring(root) end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local p = {}  function p._exportClasses()  return {  Dts = Dts  } end  function p._main(args)  local success, ret = pcall(function ()  local dts = Dts.new(args)  return tostring(dts)  end)  if success then  return ret  else  ret = string.format(  '<strong class="error">Error in [[Template:Date table sorting]]: %s</strong>',  ret  )  if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 then  -- Only categorise in the main namespace  ret = ret .. '[[Category:Date table sorting templates with errors]]'  end  return ret  end end  function p.main(frame)  local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {  wrappers = 'Template:Date table sorting',  })  return p._main(args) end  return p 

módulo, date, table, sorting, este, módulo, tiene, página, documentación, crear, módulo, date, table, sorting, código, discusión, tests, comprobar, tests, subpáginas, enlaces, local, yesno, require, module, yesno, local, lang, language, getcontentlanguage, loc. Este modulo no tiene pagina de documentacion crear Modulo Date table sorting codigo doc discusion tests comprobar tests subpaginas enlaces local yesno require Module Yesno local lang mw language getContentLanguage local N YEAR DIGITS 12 local MAX YEAR 10 N YEAR DIGITS 1 Dts class local Dts Dts index Dts Dts months January February March April May June July August September October November December Dts monthsAbbr Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec function Dts makeMonthSearch t local ret for i month in ipairs t do ret month lower i end return ret end Dts monthSearch Dts makeMonthSearch Dts months Dts monthSearchAbbr Dts makeMonthSearch Dts monthsAbbr Dts monthSearchAbbr sept 9 Allow Sept to match September Dts formats dmy true mdy true dm true md true my true y true m true d true hide true function Dts new args local self setmetatable Dts Parse date parameters In this step we also record whether the date was in DMY or YMD format and whether the month name was abbreviated if args 2 or args 3 or args 4 then self parseDateParts args 1 args 2 args 3 args 4 elseif args 1 then self parseDate args 1 end Raise an error on invalid values if self year then if self year 0 then error years cannot be zero 0 elseif self year lt MAX YEAR then error string format years cannot be less than s lang formatNum MAX YEAR 0 elseif self year gt MAX YEAR then error string format years cannot be greater than s lang formatNum MAX YEAR 0 elseif math floor self year self year then error years must be an integer 0 end end if self month and self month lt 1 or self month gt 12 or math floor self month self month then error months must be an integer between 1 and 12 0 end if self day and self day lt 1 or self day gt 31 or math floor self day self day then error days must be an integer between 1 and 31 0 end Set month abbreviation behaviour i e whether we are outputting January or Jan if args abbr then self isAbbreviated args abbr on or yesno args abbr or false else self isAbbreviated self isAbbreviated or false end Set the format string if args format then self format args format else self format self format or mdy end if not Dts formats self format then error string format s is not a valid format tostring self format 0 end Set addkey This adds a value at the end of the sort key allowing users to manually distinguish between identical dates if args addkey then self addkey tonumber args addkey if not self addkey or self addkey lt 0 or self addkey gt 9999 or math floor self addkey self addkey then error the addkey parameter must be an integer between 0 and 9999 0 end end Set whether the displayed date is allowed to wrap or not self isWrapping args nowrap off or yesno args nowrap false return self end function Dts hasDate return self year or self month or self day nil end Find the month number for a month name and set the isAbbreviated flag as appropriate function Dts parseMonthName s s s lower local month Dts monthSearch s if month then return month else month Dts monthSearchAbbr s if month then self isAbbreviated true return month end end return nil end Parses separate parameters for year month day and era function Dts parseDateParts year month day bc if year then self year tonumber year if not self year then error string format s is not a valid year tostring year 0 end end if month then if tonumber month then self month tonumber month elseif type month string then self month self parseMonthName month end if not self month then error string format s is not a valid month tostring month 0 end end if day then self day tonumber day if not self day then error string format s is not a valid day tostring day 0 end end if bc then local bcLower type bc string and bc lower if bcLower bc or bcLower bce then if self year and self year gt 0 then self year self year end elseif bcLower ad and bcLower ce then error string format s is not a valid era code expected BC BCE AD or CE tostring bc 0 end end end This method parses date strings This is a poor man s alternative to mw language formatDate but it ends up being easier for us to parse the date here than to use mw language formatDate and then try to figure out after the fact whether the month was abbreviated and whether we were DMY or MDY function Dts parseDate date Generic error message local function dateError error string format s is an invalid date date 0 end local function parseDayOrMonth s if s find d d then return tonumber s end end local function parseYear s if s find d d d d then return tonumber s end end Deal with year only dates first as they can have hyphens in and later we need to split the string by all non word characters including hyphens Also we don t need to restrict years to 3 or 4 digits as on their own they can t be confused as a day or a month number self year tonumber date if self year then return end Split the string using non word characters as boundaries date tostring date local parts mw text split date W local nParts parts if parts 1 or parts nParts or nParts gt 3 then We are parsing a maximum of three elements so raise an error if we have more If the first or last elements were blank then the start or end of the string was a non word character which we will also treat as an error dateError elseif nParts lt 1 then If we have less than one element then something has gone horribly wrong error string format an unknown error occurred while parsing the date s date 0 end if nParts 1 then This can be either a month name or a year self month self parseMonthName parts 1 if not self month then self year parseYear parts 1 if not self year then dateError end end elseif nParts 2 then This can be any of the following formats DD Month Month DD Month YYYY YYYY MM self month self parseMonthName parts 1 if self month then This is either Month DD or Month YYYY self year parseYear parts 2 if not self year then This is Month DD self format mdy self day parseDayOrMonth parts 2 if not self day then dateError end end else self month self parseMonthName parts 2 if self month then This is DD Month self format dmy self day parseDayOrMonth parts 1 if not self day then dateError end else This is YYYY MM self year parseYear parts 1 self month parseDayOrMonth parts 2 if not self year or not self month then dateError end end end elseif nParts 3 then This can be any of the following formats DD Month YYYY Month DD YYYY YYYY MM DD DD MM YYYY self month self parseMonthName parts 1 if self month then This is Month DD YYYY self format mdy self day parseDayOrMonth parts 2 self year parseYear parts 3 if not self day or not self year then dateError end else self day parseDayOrMonth parts 1 if self day then self month self parseMonthName parts 2 if self month then This is DD Month YYYY self format dmy self year parseYear parts 3 if not self year then dateError end else This is DD MM YYYY self format dmy self month parseDayOrMonth parts 2 self year parseYear parts 3 if not self month or not self year then dateError end end else This is YYYY MM DD self year parseYear parts 1 self month parseDayOrMonth parts 2 self day parseDayOrMonth parts 3 if not self year or not self month or not self day then dateError end end end end end function Dts makeSortKey local year month day local nYearDigits N YEAR DIGITS if self hasDate then year self year or os date t year if year lt 0 then year MAX YEAR 1 year nYearDigits nYearDigits 1 For the minus sign end month self month or 1 day self day or 1 else Blank dts transclusions should sort last year MAX YEAR month 99 day 99 end return string format 0 nYearDigits d 02d 02d 04d year month day self addkey or 0 end function Dts getMonthName if not self month then return end if self isAbbreviated then return self monthsAbbr self month else return self months self month end end function Dts makeDisplay if self format hide then return end local hasYear self year and self format find y local hasMonth self month and self format find m local hasDay self day and self format find d local isMonthFirst self format find md local ret if hasDay and hasMonth and isMonthFirst then ret ret 1 self getMonthName ret ret 1 ret ret 1 self day if hasYear then ret ret 1 end elseif hasDay and hasMonth then ret ret 1 self day ret ret 1 ret ret 1 self getMonthName elseif hasDay then ret ret 1 self day elseif hasMonth then ret ret 1 self getMonthName end if hasYear then if hasDay or hasMonth then ret ret 1 end local displayYear math abs self year if displayYear gt 9999 then displayYear lang formatNum displayYear else displayYear tostring displayYear end ret ret 1 displayYear if self year lt 0 then ret ret 1 amp nbsp BC end end return table concat ret end function Dts tostring local root mw html create local span root tag span attr data sort value self makeSortKey Display if self hasDate and self format hide then span wikitext self makeDisplay if not self isWrapping then span css white space nowrap end end return tostring root end Exports local p function p exportClasses return Dts Dts end function p main args local success ret pcall function local dts Dts new args return tostring dts end if success then return ret else ret string format lt strong class error gt Error in Template Date table sorting s lt strong gt ret if mw title getCurrentTitle namespace 0 then Only categorise in the main namespace ret ret Category Date table sorting templates with errors end return ret end end function p main frame local args require Module Arguments getArgs frame wrappers Template Date table sorting return p main args end return p Obtenido de https es wikipedia org w index php title Modulo Date table sorting amp oldid 122015117, wikipedia, wiki, leyendo, leer, libro, biblioteca,


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