
Anexo:Personajes de The Longest Journey

Esta es una lista de personajes de la saga The Longest Journey, tanto los del juego original como los de, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, y Dreamfall Chapters.

The Longest Journey editar

April Ryan editar

Artículo principal: April Ryan.

April Ryan es la heroína de The Longest Journey; la hija de apariencia humana de la Kin Blanca (ver debajo) que se supone debe devolver el equilibrio a la Balanza, para más tarde destruirla. April (descrita en los carteles publicitarios como Rebelde, Emisaria, Elegida) vuelve como uno de los tres personajes principales de Dreamfall, donde intenta recuperar la tierra de Northlands del imperio Azadi.

Ragnar Tørnquist dijo en una entrevista que él comparaba a la April de TLJ con el "joven e inexperto" Frodo Bolsón, mientras que en Dreamfall se convirtió en "Aragorn".[1]

Cuervo editar

Cuervo es un parlanchín pájaro que eventualmente se convierte en el compañero de April Ryan. Es necesario en varios de los puzles del juego. April decide llamarle Cuervo por Crowboy, un dibujo animado de su infancia. Cuervo vuelve a ser compañero de April en Dreamfall; pero más tarde decide seguir a Zoë. April intercambia con el trilero un destornillador magnetizado a cambio de Cuervo.

Burns Flipper editar

Burns Flipper es un excéntrico y parapléjico hacker que ayuda a April en varias ocasiones. Finalmente la traiciona y vende su información a la Vanguardia.

Gordon Halloway editar

Gordon Halloway es el asistente del Kin Verde; que más tarde se convierte en el Guardian de la Balanza tras recuperar la otra parte de su alma.

Charlie editar

Charlie es el amigo y vecino de April en la Border House. En The Longest Journey se insinúa que puede estar interesado en April. En Dreamfall, se explica que durante los acontecimientos ocurridos en The Longest Journey, él estudiaba danza en la misma universidad que April, pero tuvo que dejarlo debido al 'Colapso'.

Emma de Vrijer editar

Emma de Vrijer (su apellido solo aparece en Dreamfall) es la mejor amiga de April y su vecina en la Border House en The Longest Journey. Hacia en final del juego, lsoldados de la Vanguardia la disparan en frente de April, pero sobrevive y reaparece en Dreamfall.

Su nombre significa "Emma la Amante en Neerlandés."

Fiona and Mickey editar

Fiona and Mickey son a pareja de lesbianas que poseen la Border House.

Zack Lee editar

Zack Lee es un inquilino de la Border House que vive al otro lado del pasillo, en frente de la habitación de April. Muere después de traicionar a April a manos de la Vanguardia. La mayoría de los personajes le consideran un idiota y un sinvergüenza. Sus aficiones incluyen el sexo y las drogas.

Vestrum Tobias editar

Vestrum Tobias es el Centinela de más alto rango. Enseña a April Todilingua, un lenguaje universal, y quien la enseña todo lo relacionado con el origen de la Balanza.

Roper Klacks editar

Roper F. Klacks es un malvado alquimista que vive en un castillo flotante a unos kilómetros al norte de Marcuria. Suele usar la petrificacion contras sus víctimas. April le vence en un duelo matemático usando una calculadora que gana al trilero la primera vez que le vence. Klacks entonces ruba su calculadora debido a su enorme intriga por ella. En un instante la calculadora le succiona y le deja atrapado.

Klacks regresa en Dreamfall como tendero, donde se rinde ante April.

Brian Westhouse editar

Voiced by Ralph Byers.

Brian Westhouse is a Stark-born adventurer nicknamed "The Rolling Man" by Marcurians because he rides a bicycle, a vehicle foreign to them, who appears briefly in TLJ and accompanies Zoë Castillo in Dreamfall to one of the few places in Arcadia he has never visited, and scenes in the game suggest that his transition between worlds may be of significant importance to the central plot. He came through a shift while stranted in India in the 1930s, although he cannot shift himself.

Benrime Salmin editar

Benrime Salmin es la dueña de "La Posada Del Viajero", una posada localizada en Marcuria, Arcadia. Aparece por primera vez en The Longest Journey, donde se convierte en amiga y confidente de April Ryan. En Dreamfall, ayuda a April y a la resistencia contra los Azadi en más de una vez.

Abnaxus editar

Voiced by Jeff Meller.

Abnaxus is the Venar ambassador to the Ayrede Council, and keeper of Venar Stone. While he lives in the City Green of Marcuria, his true home is north of the Border Mountains. His wife is Abyanda, and his daughters are Abratha, Abelexe, and Abpalmana. Because the Venar do not distinguish between past, present, and future, his conjugations are scrambled (e.g. "Enter honored guest, and I would have been with you presently.").

Adrian editar

Adrian es el 12º Guardián, que dejó su trono tras 1000 años. Fue sucedido por Gordon Halloway.

Lady Alvane editar

Lady Alvane is a mysterious old woman who recounts the story of April's quest, and who appeared in the story giving asylum to April, possibly between the worlds. Given her levels of insight into April's future and feelings, some fans speculate that she is an older version of April. Ragnar Tørnquist has taken pains to keep her identity ambiguous.[2]

Wick, Woody, and Willow editar

Wick, Woody, and Willow are the three Stickmen that April meets on the island of Atlais. They serve the Mother Tree, a massive tree wherein they build a 'Lunar Cannon' capable of "shooting them to the Moon" where they could live better lives. Wick acts smart-mouthed. Woody acts like a tough New Yorker type. Willow acts like a depressed nerd, and admits he has a bigger brain and is only capable of "useless" things like calculations and book writing.

Dreamfall editar

Zoë Castillo editar

Voiced by Ellie Conrad Leigh.

Zoë Castillo (Seeker, Nomad, Dreamer) is the protagonist of Dreamfall. She looks for her ex-boyfriend, Reza Temiz, that has disappeared, and is sent to 'save' April Ryan on the way, discovering more mysteries in the process. Damien Cavanaugh's love interest. According to Ragnar Tørnquist, she is of mixed Spanish-Chinese descent.[3]

Gabriel Castillo editar

Voiced by Patrick Fitzsymons.

Gabriel Castillo is Zoë's father who only appears in the beginning and the very end of the game, except where he leaves messages for her.

Wonkers the Watilla editar

Voiced by Jack Angel.

Wonkers is Zoe's intelligent purple stuffed toy Watilla (a gorilla-like corporate mascot). Wonkers serves as Zoe's assistant, friend, and playmate.

Olivia DeMarco editar

Voiced by Mary Healy.

Olivia DeMarco is Zoë's best friend. She owns a small electronics and repair shop in Casablanca, and is an expert on the technology of the time period.

Reza Temiz editar

Voiced by Michael FitzGerald.

Reza Temiz is a journalist who goes under the alias "Jericho", whose disappearance prompts Zoë to begin her quest. Zoë's ex-boyfriend and her close friend.

Damien Cavanaugh editar

Voiced by Victor Burke.

Damien Cavanaugh works for WATIcorp, a Japanese corporation. When he first appears in the game, he is involved in the development of WATIcorp's top-secret "Project Alchera". He helps Zoë to resolve the mysteries in the WATIcorp and eventually falls in love with her, becoming her love interest later on.

Faith editar

Voiced by Georgia Pearce.

Faith is a little girl created as byproduct of Project Alchera, who claims to be Zoë's sister. She was created under Helena Chang's supervision, causing much speculation that Chang may be, in fact, Zoë's missing mother, or a partner thereof.

Helena Chang editar

Helena Chang es la científica que creó a Faith y el contacto de Reza. Hay pistas que parecen indicar que está relacionada con Gabriel Castillo.

Chawan editar

Voiced by Kwesi Ameyaw.

Chawan is the oldest of April's henchmen in Dreamfall.

Brynn editar

Voiced by Matthew Keenan.

Brynn is April's henchman in Dreamfall who was saved by her from the Azadi and is eager to repay her.

Na'ane editar

Na'ane es una maga y la mano derecha de April en Dreamfall. Es seguida por Kian y forzada a guiarle hasta el campamento rebelde.

Kian Alvane editar

Kian Alvane (Soldado, Apóstol, Asesino) es un soldado de élite Azadi que reside en la ciudad santa de Sadir. Ha jurado su vida a las Seis Emperatrices de los Azadi y a su Deidad. Es un Apóstol, un agente especial de las Seis, lo que provoca reticencias en otros soldados. Eventualmente simpatiza con April.

Sahya editar

Sister Sahya es el gobernador de los Azadi en Marcuria en Dreamfall.

Vamon editar

Commander Vamon es el comandante de los Azadi en Marcuria.

Alvin Peats editar

Alvin Peats es uno de los antagonistas principales en Dreamfall. Es el fundador de WATIcorp y el Proyecto Alchera, que acaba convirtiéndose en un cyborg para poder controlar su empresa desde las sombras.

Samantha Gilmore editar

Samantha "Sam" Gilmore es la CEO de WATIcorp.

Gemelas editar

Las Gemelas son la élite de sicarios de WATIcorp en Dreamfall. Sus nombres no son revelados a lo largo del juego, y ni tan siquiera hablan durante el mismo.

Prophet editar

The Prophet is a mysterious hooded figure who appears only once in Dreamfall. Much speculation surrounds his true identity.

Draic Kin editar

Draic Kin or simply the Kin is a fictional race of ancient dragon-like extraterrestrial sentient beings living on Earth, as featured in the The Longest Journey and Dreamfall, depicted as tremendously powerful and immensely able in magic and science. Their life expectancy can exceed millennia, although they are not immortal. Some of the most ancient legends in Arcadia hint that their nature is similar to that of the Creator, whereas April Ryan defines them as aliens, though no information about their origin is provided.

According to the Arcadian legends, the Kin created the Balance and helped humans Divide the Earth into Stark and Arcadia, thus saving it from imminent destruction. Consequentially, the Draic Kin have been perceived as the good-nature spirits and the protectors of the Balance ever since. It is also a subject of much debate whether the Kin can travel between the Twin Worlds: while no Kin seen in the games has done so, there have been multiple hints that they are capable of doing it, such as when a Starkian Kin refers to an Arcadian priest as if they have met each other personally. When among humans, the Kin assume human forms to fit into the society, although their apparent true form is that of giant reptiles. All Kin seen in the games appear in their reptilian forms at least once in TLJ, and never in Dreamfall.

In the games, only four Kin are said to reside in the Twin Worlds; two in Stark and two in Arcadia.

Red Kin editar

Voiced by Louis Aguirre.

The Red Kin goes by the names of Cortez and Manny Chavez. He lives in Stark and maintains the image of an eccentric, unrecognized genius. Cortez readily assists humans who wish to cross the Divide, and he is the first Kin, after the White Mother, who approaches April Ryan in TLJ, later to appear as her mentor and ultimately to die opposing the Green Kin (see below). Cortez is never identified in the games as the "Red Kin"; but a spirit in the Banda Dig calls him "Cortez the Red".

Green Kin editar

The Green Kin is known as Jacob McAllen or the White Cardinal in Stark. He is the head of the Church of Voltec, where his purpose is the reunification of the Twin Worlds at any cost, and de facto the mightiest political figure in Stark. McAllen is the chief antagonist in TLJ and appears to be the Kin most interested in science and technology among his brethren. As his plans for the Twin Worlds go against those of Cortez, the two have a constant silent confrontation that culminates in their duel and apparent death. He is the only Kin not directly mentioned in Dreamfall.

White Kin editar

The White Kin is the only female Kin on Earth. She resides in Arcadia and is featured prominently in Arcadian legends as the White Dragon or simply Mother. It is unclear whether "Mother" is an alternative name of the White Kin or a role played in the cosmology of the Twin Worlds. The White Kin is, according to her own statement, April Ryan's parent. In the end of the first game, she dies of exhaustion but is reborn in her younger daughter, to whom April commonly refers as "sister". The young White Kin is a prominent figure in Dreamfall, helping first April and then Zoë Castillo on their journeys. In the final chapters of Dreamfall, after April apparently dies at the hands of the Azadi, the young Kin also falls victim to an unknown attacker, whom she apparently recognizes moments before the attack.

Blue Kin editar

The Blue Kin, also known as the Old God, is the second Arcadian Kin and the least prominent in the games. While the other Kin actively participate in the life of the Twin Worlds, the Blue sleeps on the bottom of the Sea of Songs awaiting the time to leave Earth for good with his "children", the winged Alatien and the aquatic Maerum. As seen in several scenes of TLJ, his dragon form is much larger than that of the other Kin, but the players are never shown his human form. He is worshipped as a god by the Maerum (and, possibly, Alatien) and can occasionally extend exclusive authority upon the Dark People, but displays no interest in the Balance and the Twin Worlds. According to the young White Kin, he is already "gone" when the events of Dreamfall take place; though whether this signifies death or living departure is not stated.

Dreamfall Chapters editar

Very little is known about the cast of Dreamfall Chapters, except that both Zoë and Kian will be returning.[4]

Mira editar

A crime queenpin of Europolis in Stark.

Wit editar

A genius technician in Mira's employment.

Falk Friedman editar

A Corporate Jäger employed by various global conglomerates and corporations to take care of unofficial, off-the-books business. [5]

Referencias editar

  1. Woodard, Christopher (3 de abril de 2006). «The Second Longest Journey:Entrevista con Ragnar Tornquist». Gamasutra. Consultado el 12 de diciembre de 2008. 
  2. http://ragnartornquist.com/blogger/2003/09/got-to-play-colin-mcrae-04-at-office.html
  3. «Ragnar Tørnquist's Q&A Session». Reddit. 10 de febrero de 2013. Consultado el 10 de febrero de 2013. 
  4. Tørnquist, Ragnar (1 de junio de 2008). «Cacoethes scribendi». RagnarTornquist.com. Consultado el 1 de junio de 2008. 
  5. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/redthread/dreamfall-chapters-the-longest-journey/posts/423902

anexo, personajes, longest, journey, Índice, longest, journey, april, ryan, cuervo, burns, flipper, gordon, halloway, charlie, emma, vrijer, fiona, mickey, zack, vestrum, tobias, roper, klacks, brian, westhouse, benrime, salmin, abnaxus, adrian, lady, alvane, . Indice 1 The Longest Journey 1 1 April Ryan 1 2 Cuervo 1 3 Burns Flipper 1 4 Gordon Halloway 1 5 Charlie 1 6 Emma de Vrijer 1 7 Fiona and Mickey 1 8 Zack Lee 1 9 Vestrum Tobias 1 10 Roper Klacks 1 11 Brian Westhouse 1 12 Benrime Salmin 1 13 Abnaxus 1 14 Adrian 1 15 Lady Alvane 1 16 Wick Woody and Willow 2 Dreamfall 2 1 Zoe Castillo 2 2 Gabriel Castillo 2 3 Wonkers the Watilla 2 4 Olivia DeMarco 2 5 Reza Temiz 2 6 Damien Cavanaugh 2 7 Faith 2 8 Helena Chang 2 9 Chawan 2 10 Brynn 2 11 Na ane 2 12 Kian Alvane 2 13 Sahya 2 14 Vamon 2 15 Alvin Peats 2 16 Samantha Gilmore 2 17 Gemelas 2 18 Prophet 3 Draic Kin 3 1 Red Kin 3 2 Green Kin 3 3 White Kin 3 4 Blue Kin 4 Dreamfall Chapters 4 1 Mira 4 2 Wit 4 3 Falk Friedman 5 Referencias Esta es una lista de personajes de la saga The Longest Journey tanto los del juego original como los de Dreamfall The Longest Journey y Dreamfall Chapters The Longest Journey editarApril Ryan editar Articulo principal April Ryan April Ryan es la heroina de The Longest Journey la hija de apariencia humana de la Kin Blanca ver debajo que se supone debe devolver el equilibrio a la Balanza para mas tarde destruirla April descrita en los carteles publicitarios como Rebelde Emisaria Elegida vuelve como uno de los tres personajes principales de Dreamfall donde intenta recuperar la tierra de Northlands del imperio Azadi Ragnar Tornquist dijo en una entrevista que el comparaba a la April de TLJ con el joven e inexperto Frodo Bolson mientras que en Dreamfall se convirtio en Aragorn 1 Cuervo editar Cuervo es un parlanchin pajaro que eventualmente se convierte en el companero de April Ryan Es necesario en varios de los puzles del juego April decide llamarle Cuervo por Crowboy un dibujo animado de su infancia Cuervo vuelve a ser companero de April en Dreamfall pero mas tarde decide seguir a Zoe April intercambia con el trilero un destornillador magnetizado a cambio de Cuervo Burns Flipper editar Burns Flipper es un excentrico y paraplejico hacker que ayuda a April en varias ocasiones Finalmente la traiciona y vende su informacion a la Vanguardia Gordon Halloway editar Gordon Halloway es el asistente del Kin Verde que mas tarde se convierte en el Guardian de la Balanza tras recuperar la otra parte de su alma Charlie editar Charlie es el amigo y vecino de April en la Border House En The Longest Journey se insinua que puede estar interesado en April En Dreamfall se explica que durante los acontecimientos ocurridos en The Longest Journey el estudiaba danza en la misma universidad que April pero tuvo que dejarlo debido al Colapso Emma de Vrijer editar Emma de Vrijer su apellido solo aparece en Dreamfall es la mejor amiga de April y su vecina en la Border House en The Longest Journey Hacia en final del juego lsoldados de la Vanguardia la disparan en frente de April pero sobrevive y reaparece en Dreamfall Su nombre significa Emma la Amante en Neerlandes Fiona and Mickey editar Fiona and Mickey son a pareja de lesbianas que poseen la Border House Zack Lee editar Zack Lee es un inquilino de la Border House que vive al otro lado del pasillo en frente de la habitacion de April Muere despues de traicionar a April a manos de la Vanguardia La mayoria de los personajes le consideran un idiota y un sinverguenza Sus aficiones incluyen el sexo y las drogas Vestrum Tobias editar Vestrum Tobias es el Centinela de mas alto rango Ensena a April Todilingua un lenguaje universal y quien la ensena todo lo relacionado con el origen de la Balanza Roper Klacks editar Roper F Klacks es un malvado alquimista que vive en un castillo flotante a unos kilometros al norte de Marcuria Suele usar la petrificacion contras sus victimas April le vence en un duelo matematico usando una calculadora que gana al trilero la primera vez que le vence Klacks entonces ruba su calculadora debido a su enorme intriga por ella En un instante la calculadora le succiona y le deja atrapado Klacks regresa en Dreamfall como tendero donde se rinde ante April Brian Westhouse editar Voiced by Ralph Byers Brian Westhouse is a Stark born adventurer nicknamed The Rolling Man by Marcurians because he rides a bicycle a vehicle foreign to them who appears briefly in TLJ and accompanies Zoe Castillo in Dreamfall to one of the few places in Arcadia he has never visited and scenes in the game suggest that his transition between worlds may be of significant importance to the central plot He came through a shift while stranted in India in the 1930s although he cannot shift himself Benrime Salmin editar Benrime Salmin es la duena de La Posada Del Viajero una posada localizada en Marcuria Arcadia Aparece por primera vez en The Longest Journey donde se convierte en amiga y confidente de April Ryan En Dreamfall ayuda a April y a la resistencia contra los Azadi en mas de una vez Abnaxus editar Voiced by Jeff Meller Abnaxus is the Venar ambassador to the Ayrede Council and keeper of Venar Stone While he lives in the City Green of Marcuria his true home is north of the Border Mountains His wife is Abyanda and his daughters are Abratha Abelexe and Abpalmana Because the Venar do not distinguish between past present and future his conjugations are scrambled e g Enter honored guest and I would have been with you presently Adrian editar Adrian es el 12º Guardian que dejo su trono tras 1000 anos Fue sucedido por Gordon Halloway Lady Alvane editar Lady Alvane is a mysterious old woman who recounts the story of April s quest and who appeared in the story giving asylum to April possibly between the worlds Given her levels of insight into April s future and feelings some fans speculate that she is an older version of April Ragnar Tornquist has taken pains to keep her identity ambiguous 2 Wick Woody and Willow editar Wick Woody and Willow are the three Stickmen that April meets on the island of Atlais They serve the Mother Tree a massive tree wherein they build a Lunar Cannon capable of shooting them to the Moon where they could live better lives Wick acts smart mouthed Woody acts like a tough New Yorker type Willow acts like a depressed nerd and admits he has a bigger brain and is only capable of useless things like calculations and book writing Dreamfall editarZoe Castillo editar Voiced by Ellie Conrad Leigh Zoe Castillo Seeker Nomad Dreamer is the protagonist of Dreamfall She looks for her ex boyfriend Reza Temiz that has disappeared and is sent to save April Ryan on the way discovering more mysteries in the process Damien Cavanaugh s love interest According to Ragnar Tornquist she is of mixed Spanish Chinese descent 3 Gabriel Castillo editar Voiced by Patrick Fitzsymons Gabriel Castillo is Zoe s father who only appears in the beginning and the very end of the game except where he leaves messages for her Wonkers the Watilla editar Voiced by Jack Angel Wonkers is Zoe s intelligent purple stuffed toy Watilla a gorilla like corporate mascot Wonkers serves as Zoe s assistant friend and playmate Olivia DeMarco editar Voiced by Mary Healy Olivia DeMarco is Zoe s best friend She owns a small electronics and repair shop in Casablanca and is an expert on the technology of the time period Reza Temiz editar Voiced by Michael FitzGerald Reza Temiz is a journalist who goes under the alias Jericho whose disappearance prompts Zoe to begin her quest Zoe s ex boyfriend and her close friend Damien Cavanaugh editar Voiced by Victor Burke Damien Cavanaugh works for WATIcorp a Japanese corporation When he first appears in the game he is involved in the development of WATIcorp s top secret Project Alchera He helps Zoe to resolve the mysteries in the WATIcorp and eventually falls in love with her becoming her love interest later on Faith editar Voiced by Georgia Pearce Faith is a little girl created as byproduct of Project Alchera who claims to be Zoe s sister She was created under Helena Chang s supervision causing much speculation that Chang may be in fact Zoe s missing mother or a partner thereof Helena Chang editar Helena Chang es la cientifica que creo a Faith y el contacto de Reza Hay pistas que parecen indicar que esta relacionada con Gabriel Castillo Chawan editar Voiced by Kwesi Ameyaw Chawan is the oldest of April s henchmen in Dreamfall Brynn editar Voiced by Matthew Keenan Brynn is April s henchman in Dreamfall who was saved by her from the Azadi and is eager to repay her Na ane editar Na ane es una maga y la mano derecha de April en Dreamfall Es seguida por Kian y forzada a guiarle hasta el campamento rebelde Kian Alvane editar Kian Alvane Soldado Apostol Asesino es un soldado de elite Azadi que reside en la ciudad santa de Sadir Ha jurado su vida a las Seis Emperatrices de los Azadi y a su Deidad Es un Apostol un agente especial de las Seis lo que provoca reticencias en otros soldados Eventualmente simpatiza con April Sahya editar Sister Sahya es el gobernador de los Azadi en Marcuria en Dreamfall Vamon editar Commander Vamon es el comandante de los Azadi en Marcuria Alvin Peats editar Alvin Peats es uno de los antagonistas principales en Dreamfall Es el fundador de WATIcorp y el Proyecto Alchera que acaba convirtiendose en un cyborg para poder controlar su empresa desde las sombras Samantha Gilmore editar Samantha Sam Gilmore es la CEO de WATIcorp Gemelas editar Las Gemelas son la elite de sicarios de WATIcorp en Dreamfall Sus nombres no son revelados a lo largo del juego y ni tan siquiera hablan durante el mismo Prophet editar The Prophet is a mysterious hooded figure who appears only once in Dreamfall Much speculation surrounds his true identity Draic Kin editarDraic Kin or simply the Kin is a fictional race of ancient dragon like extraterrestrial sentient beings living on Earth as featured in the The Longest Journey and Dreamfall depicted as tremendously powerful and immensely able in magic and science Their life expectancy can exceed millennia although they are not immortal Some of the most ancient legends in Arcadia hint that their nature is similar to that of the Creator whereas April Ryan defines them as aliens though no information about their origin is provided According to the Arcadian legends the Kin created the Balance and helped humans Divide the Earth into Stark and Arcadia thus saving it from imminent destruction Consequentially the Draic Kin have been perceived as the good nature spirits and the protectors of the Balance ever since It is also a subject of much debate whether the Kin can travel between the Twin Worlds while no Kin seen in the games has done so there have been multiple hints that they are capable of doing it such as when a Starkian Kin refers to an Arcadian priest as if they have met each other personally When among humans the Kin assume human forms to fit into the society although their apparent true form is that of giant reptiles All Kin seen in the games appear in their reptilian forms at least once in TLJ and never in Dreamfall In the games only four Kin are said to reside in the Twin Worlds two in Stark and two in Arcadia Red Kin editar Voiced by Louis Aguirre The Red Kin goes by the names of Cortez and Manny Chavez He lives in Stark and maintains the image of an eccentric unrecognized genius Cortez readily assists humans who wish to cross the Divide and he is the first Kin after the White Mother who approaches April Ryan in TLJ later to appear as her mentor and ultimately to die opposing the Green Kin see below Cortez is never identified in the games as the Red Kin but a spirit in the Banda Dig calls him Cortez the Red Green Kin editar The Green Kin is known as Jacob McAllen or the White Cardinal in Stark He is the head of the Church of Voltec where his purpose is the reunification of the Twin Worlds at any cost and de facto the mightiest political figure in Stark McAllen is the chief antagonist in TLJ and appears to be the Kin most interested in science and technology among his brethren As his plans for the Twin Worlds go against those of Cortez the two have a constant silent confrontation that culminates in their duel and apparent death He is the only Kin not directly mentioned in Dreamfall White Kin editar The White Kin is the only female Kin on Earth She resides in Arcadia and is featured prominently in Arcadian legends as the White Dragon or simply Mother It is unclear whether Mother is an alternative name of the White Kin or a role played in the cosmology of the Twin Worlds The White Kin is according to her own statement April Ryan s parent In the end of the first game she dies of exhaustion but is reborn in her younger daughter to whom April commonly refers as sister The young White Kin is a prominent figure in Dreamfall helping first April and then Zoe Castillo on their journeys In the final chapters of Dreamfall after April apparently dies at the hands of the Azadi the young Kin also falls victim to an unknown attacker whom she apparently recognizes moments before the attack Blue Kin editar The Blue Kin also known as the Old God is the second Arcadian Kin and the least prominent in the games While the other Kin actively participate in the life of the Twin Worlds the Blue sleeps on the bottom of the Sea of Songs awaiting the time to leave Earth for good with his children the winged Alatien and the aquatic Maerum As seen in several scenes of TLJ his dragon form is much larger than that of the other Kin but the players are never shown his human form He is worshipped as a god by the Maerum and possibly Alatien and can occasionally extend exclusive authority upon the Dark People but displays no interest in the Balance and the Twin Worlds According to the young White Kin he is already gone when the events of Dreamfall take place though whether this signifies death or living departure is not stated Dreamfall Chapters editarVery little is known about the cast of Dreamfall Chapters except that both Zoe and Kian will be returning 4 Mira editar A crime queenpin of Europolis in Stark Wit editar A genius technician in Mira s employment Falk Friedman editar A Corporate Jager employed by various global conglomerates and corporations to take care of unofficial off the books business 5 Referencias editar Woodard Christopher 3 de abril de 2006 The Second Longest Journey Entrevista con Ragnar Tornquist Gamasutra Consultado el 12 de diciembre de 2008 http ragnartornquist com blogger 2003 09 got to play colin mcrae 04 at office html Ragnar Tornquist s Q amp A Session Reddit 10 de febrero de 2013 Consultado el 10 de febrero de 2013 Tornquist Ragnar 1 de junio de 2008 Cacoethes scribendi RagnarTornquist com Consultado el 1 de junio de 2008 http www kickstarter com projects redthread dreamfall chapters the longest journey posts 423902 Obtenido de https es wikipedia org w index php title Anexo Personajes de The Longest Journey amp oldid 145818228, wikipedia, wiki, leyendo, leer, libro, biblioteca,


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