
Juan Asenjo

Juan A. Asenjo de Leuze de Lancizolle (Santiago de Chile, 7 de octubre de 1949), es un ingeniero químico e investigador chileno, reconocido a nivel internacional. Es fundador y coordinador del Programa de Postgrado de Ingeniería Civil Química y Biotecnología de la Universidad de Chile y director actual del Centro de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería (CeBiB), iniciativa albergada en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas y que posiciona a la Universidad de Chile como nexo del quehacer investigativo de cinco universidades estatales, desde Antofagasta hasta Puerto Montt. También fue presidente de la Academia Chilena de Ciencias(2010-2016), y elegido miembro de la National Academy of Engineering en el año 2018. Su trabajo de investigación en el campo de la Biotecnología se muestra en 243 publicaciones científicas internacionales, 7 patentes internacionales y 5 libros editados. Ha supervisado a un gran número de estudiantes de doctorado (55) en los Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y Chile y ha tenido 19 becarios postdoctorales. Pionero en el área de la biotecnología, obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnológicas de Chile en el año 2004.[1]

Juan Asenjo
Información personal
Nacimiento 7 de octubre de 1949, Chile
Residencia Chile
Nacionalidad Chileno

Alfonso Asenjo Gómez,

Amelie de Leuze de Lancizolle
Cónyuge Bárbara Andrews (1979)
Educado en Pregrado Universidad de Chile Magíster Universidad de Leeds PHD University College de Londres
Información profesional
Área Biotecnología, Bioquímica
Distinciones Premio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnológicas de Chile (2004).


Nació en Santiago de Chile el 7 de octubre de 1949. Está casado con Bárbara Andrews, y tiene tres hijos. Fue el segundo hijo de Alfonso Asenjo Gómez y de Amelie de Leuze de Lancizolle. Su padre, fue un reconocido médico neurocirujano, pionero en Chile y en Latinoamérica en el ámbito de la neurocirugía, fundador del Instituto Neurocirugía e Investigaciones Cerebrales,[2]​ actualmente el Instituto de Neurocirugía Dr. Alfonso Asenjo y en 1973 galardonado con el Premio Nacional de Ciencias de Chile. Este es el único caso en Chile en el cual padre e hijo reciben este reconocimiento. Su madre es alemana, nacida en Berlín. Después de haber pasado un par de años en el extranjero, sus padres deciden volver a Chile, en donde nace Juan. A los dos años tuvo poliomielitis, en una época en la cual aún no estaba desarrollada la vacuna. De esa enfermedad , le quedó una secuela en su pierna derecha. Curso sus estudios secundarios en el Colegio Alemán, en donde siempre destacó como uno de los mejores alumnos. Además, fue elegido Presidente del Centro de Alumnos, convirtiéndose en el primer Presidente del Centro de Alumnos del Colegio Alemán, con un apellido no alemán. Fue influenciado por dos profesores , de química y matemática, quienes potenciaron en él sus habilidades innatas e interés por las ciencias exactas, la física, las matemáticas.[1]

Formación Académica

Pese a que su padre fue un reconocido y prestigioso médico, la medicina nunca fue de su interés. Buscando una alternativa que integrara sus intereses decide entrar a estudiar Ingeniería en el año 1967 en la Universidad de Chile. En el proceso de escoger una especialización, es que se decide por la química, encontrando en ella un área que le permitía potenciar su capacidad innata de visualizar procesos complejos y descubrir sus puntos estratégicos.[3]​ En el último año de carrera, en su proyecto de tesis, se encuentra con un problema que le llama muchísimo la atención, y que requería de la física para solucionar una incógnita bioquímica. Es así como empieza a trabajar con enzimas, en lo que fueron los comienzos de la biotecnología. La pregunta planteada en ese momento fue si era posible relacionar la masa de una enzima con su actividad, para tener estandarización. Su tesis de grado alcanzó niveles que él no imaginó, debido a su extraordinaria capacidad de haber integrado las dos disciplinas para dar respuesta a interrogantes que no tenían solución en ese momento. En 1973 egresó, y partió a la Universidad de Leeds, en Reino Unido,a realizar sus estudios de magíster. En 1975, comenzó su PhD en University College of London, universidad a la que llegó pues eran las precursoras en la creación de posgrado en el área de la biotecnología. En el año 1976, el ensayo de su tesis fue aceptado en la Chemical Engineering Science, ocupando el segundo lugar en el índice de la publicación. Mientras cursaba su doctorado, trabajó con dos científicos considerados fundadores de la biotecnología a nivel mundial, Peter Dunnill y Malcolm Lilly.

Trayectoria y Carrera científica

Asenjo debía exponer en un congreso de ingeniería bioquímica en Estados Unidos. En este evento, conoce a Harry Gregor, investigador de la Universidad de Columbia, quién le ofrece el cargo de Director del Laboratorio de Ingeniería Bioquímica de la Universidad de Columbia. En 1980 y durante seis años, Asenjo y su esposa se radicaron en Nueva York, desempeñándose como Director del Laboratorio y además profesor asociado. Su gestión destaca por haber llevado a la delantera a la Universidad en el campo de la ingeniería bioquímica a nivel mundial. Ocupó el cargo de Biotechnology Counselor en la American Chemical Society y fue escogido entre los doce representantes de Estados Unidos en la USA-Japan Joint Biotechnology Conference. En 1986, Juan Asenjo comienza a colaborar con un antiguo colega (Leo Pyle, con quien había trabajado en su tesis), creando y organizando el área de Ingeniería Bioquímica del Imperial College of London, en Reino Unido. Luego, la Universidad de Reading les ofrece la misma posibilidad, crear desde cero el área académica y de investigación en Ingeniería en Biotecnología, llevó a estudiantes chilenos a especializarse en esa institución y acuñó términos como ingeniería en proteínas y biología de sistemas, conceptos que podían ser la solución para el mal de Parkinson y otras enfermedades.[4]​ Durante 10 años estuvo a cargo del Laboratorio Ingeniería en Biotecnología en esa institución, convirtiéndose en líderes en el área de separación y purificación de proteínas. En 1996 decide volver a Chile, impulsado por el deseo de que Chile se uniese al avance en biotecnología. Toma contacto con Igor Saavedra, en ese entonces Presidente de la Fundación Andes, quién le propone a Asenjo crear el Doctorado en Biotecnología en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile. Es así como surgen los primeros laboratorios de lo que es el Cebib actualmente. Ha sido Presidente de varios Congresos internacionales (Francia, Inglaterra) y del 12º Simposio Internacional de Biotecnología (2004), que es el evento más importante en este campo y fue la primera vez que se celebró en Latinoamérica. Sus antiguos alumnos son profesores e investigadores en universidades y centros de investigación de todo el mundo (Cornell, Iowa State, Rice, University College London, Campinas e IPT, Guanxi Univ., Oporto, Foster Wheeler, Smith, Kline Beecham, Amgen, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Wyeth, Procter and Gamble, Novo Nordisk, Antofagasta Univ., La Frontera y U. de Chile). Ha sido Copresidente de IANAS, Red Interamericana de Academias de Ciencias (2013-2019) y ha sido miembro de la CSPR (Comité para la Planificación Científica) de ICSU ahora ISC (International Science Council) con sede en París y también Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de IAP (InterAcademy Partnership, con más de 100 Academias Nacionales de Ciencias en todo el mundo). Es miembro del Comité de Redacción de 7 revistas científicas internacionales en biotecnología y bioingeniería: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Biotechnology Advances, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Biotechnology Letters, Bioseparation, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.

Contribuciones Científicas Destacadas

Una de sus contribuciones científicas es el hallazgo y desarrollo de enzimas antárticas extraídas del sistema digestivo del kril, y luego , aplicando la biotecnología, convertidas en bacterias genéticamente modificadas. Esto fue patentado en EE.UU, y se sigue investigando con ellas, en proyectos en alianza con empresas privadas. Uno de sus principales proyectos ha sido el uso de enzimas de origen marino y antártico para el desarrollo de detergentes que funcionen a bajas temperaturas. Con esta iniciativa se pretende potenciar el ahorro de energía, ya que “en Chile se realizan cerca de un millón de lavados al día con temperaturas aproximadas de 60°C. Si se hicieran a 20°C el ahorro de energía sería notable. Además, en muchas partes del mundo se lava a bajas temperaturas, por lo que nuestro desarrollo permite hacerlo en forma más eficiente”.[5]​ Luego vino el trabajo contra el alcoholismo, basándose en que los orientales no asimilan el alcohol, porque les falta una enzima que es parte de. Usando esta mutación genética, se desarrolló una terapia que hacía que la persona presentara náuseas, mareos y dolor de cabeza. Esto pensado en que podría contrarrestar el alcoholismo.[6]​ Durante su trabajo en la Universidad de Reading, uno de sus mayores logros fue predecir mediante un sistema computacional la forma más racional y perfecta de purificar las proteínas que se estaban fabricando, como la insulina y la hepatitis B[7]

El descubrimiento de Streptomyces asenjonii

Junto a Alan Bull y Michael Goodfellow, se adentraron en el desierto de Atacama buscando bacterias que resistiesen condiciones extremas. La idea era encontrar microorganismos que pudieran ser usados como antibióticos o anticancerígenos. Mediante un largo trabajo en conjunto con los investigadores extranjeros, deciden bautizar esta bacteria en su nombre, en honor y reconocimiento a su lucha por dar valor a la biodiversidad de nuestro país. Esta bacteria aún es materia de investigación.[8]


Juan A. Asenjo ha escrito 243 artículos científicos, de los cuales 223 están referenciados en Scopus y 243 en Web of Science.

Artículos publicados

1. Asenjo, J.A., Munoz R., and Pyle, D.L. (1977) On the transition from a fixed to a spouted bed. Chem. Eng. Sci., 32, 109-117.

2. Halling, P.J., Asenjo, J.A., and Dunnill, P. (1979) Non-porous magnetic supports for proteases, cell-lytic enzymes and ribonuclease: limits of reactant size. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 21, 2359-2363.

3. Asenjo, J.A. (1980) Continuous isolation of yeast-lytic enzymes. In:"Enzyme Engineering," Vol. 5 (H. Weetall and G. Royer, eds.), p. 49-55, Plenum Press, New York.

4. Asenjo, J.A., Dunnill, P., and Lilly, M.D. (1981) The production of yeast-lytic enzymes by Cytophaga in batch culture. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 23, 97-109.

5. Asenjo, J.A. and Dunnill, P. (1981) The isolation of lytic enzymes from Cytophaga sp. and their application to the rupture of yeast cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 23, 1045-1056.

6. Asenjo, J.A. (1981) Process for the production of yeast-lytic enzymes and the disruption of whole yeast cells. In: "Advances in Biotechnology,", Vol. 3 (C. Vezina and K. Singh, eds.). p. 295-300, Pergamon Press.

7. Contreras, I., Gonzalez, R., Ronco, A., and Asenjo, J.A. (1982). Cellulolytic enzymes for the hydrolysis of leached beet cosette. Biotech. Lett., 4, 51-56.

8. Hernández, R. and Asenjo, J.A. (1982) Production and characterization of an enzymatic hydrolysate of skim milk lactose and proteins. J. Food Sci., 47, 1895 -1898 and 1911.

9. Asenjo, J.A., Szuhay, J., and Chiu, D. (1982) Growth and citric acid production by Candida guilliermondii using a cellulose substrate. Biotechnol. Bioeng., S12, 111-120.

10. Asenjo, J.A. and Jew, C. (1983) Primary metabolite or microbial protein from cellulose. Conditions, kinetics and modelling of the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of citric acid. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 413, 211-217.

11. Asenjo, J.A. (1983) Maximizing the formation of glucose in the enzymatic hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 25, 3185-3190.

12. Asenjo, J.A. (1983) Process kinetics and bioreactor design for the direct bioconversion of cellulose into microbial products. Biotechnol. Bioeng., S13, 449-456.

13. Asenjo, J.A. (1984) Modeling the bioconversion of cellulose into microbial products: rate limitations. Process Biochem. 19, 217-224.

14. LeCorre, S., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1985) Use of a lytic enzyme system from Cytophaga sp. in the lysis of Gram- positive bacteria. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 7, 73-78.

15. Asenjo, J.A., Amar, M., Cartagena, N., King, J., Hiche, E., and Stekel, A. (1985) Use of a heme-iron concentrate in the fortification of biscuits. J. Food Sci., 50, 794-798.

16. Asenjo, J.A., Andrews, B.A., Hunter, J.B. and LeCorre, S. (1985) Microbial cell-lytic enzyme systems: production and reaction kinetics. Process Biochem. 20, 158-164.

17. Asenjo, J.A. and Suk, J. (1985) Kinetics and models of the bioconversion of Methane into an intracellular polymer, Poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), Biotechnol. Bioeng. S15, 225-234.

18. Enzminger, J.D. and Asenjo, J.A. (1986) Use of cell recycle in the aerobic fermentative production of citric acid by yeast. Biotech. Lett., 8, 7-12.

19. Asenjo, J.A., Spencer, J.L. and Phuvan, V. (1986) Optimization of the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of an insoluble substrate into microbial metabolites. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 469, 404-420.

20. Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A., (1986) Synthesis and regulation of extracellular β(1-3) glucanase and protease by Cytophaga sp. in batch and continuous culture. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 28, 1366-1375.

21. Hunter, J.B. and Asenjo, J.A., (1986) Structured and simple models of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells, in "Separations, Recovery and Purification in Biotechnology; Recent Advances and Mathematical Modeling", Eds. J.A. Asenjo and J. Hong, ACS books, Vol 314, Washington, 9-31.

22. Asenjo, J.A. and Suk, J., (1986) Microbial conversion of methane into poly-ß hydroxybutyrate (PHB): growth and intracellular product accumulation in a type II methanotroph. J. Ferment. Technol. 64, 271-278.

23. Hunter, J.B. and Asenjo, J.A. (1987) Kinetics of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells: 1. Evaluation of two lytic systems with different properties. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 30, 471-480.

24. Hunter, J.B. and Asenjo, J.A. (1987) Kinetics of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells: 2. A simple model of lysis kinetics. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 30, 481-490.

25. Andrews, B.A., and Asenjo, J.A. (1987) Continuous culture studies of the synthesis and regulation of extracellular (1-3) glucanase and protease enzymes from Oerskovia xanthineolytica. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 30, 628-637.

26. Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1987) Enzymatic lysis and disruption of microbial cells. Trends in Biotechnol. 5, 273-277.

27. Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1987) Production of enzyme systems in continuous culture for the controlled lysis of microbial cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 506, 637-641.

28. Hunter, J.B. and Asenjo, J.A. (1987) Distributed model of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 506, 649-656.

29. Hunter, J. B. and Asenjo, J.A. (1988) A structured mechanistic model of the kinetics of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 31, 929-944.

30. Liu, L.C., Prokopakis, G.J. and Asenjo, J.A. (1988) Optimization of enzymatic lysis of yeast. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 32, 1113-1127.

31. Asenjo, J.A. Andrews, B.A. and Pitts, (1988) J.M. Design of enzyme systems for selective product release from microbial cells: isolation of a recombinant protein from yeast. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 542, 140-152.

32. Asenjo, J. A. and Andrews, B.A. (1989) Design and use of enzyme systems for selective product release from microbial cells. Bioproducts and Bioprocesses. Eds. A. Fiechter et al., Spinger Verlag, 223-234.

33. Head, D.M. Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1989) Epoxy oxyrane activation of PEG for protein ligand coupling. Biotech. Techniques, 3, 27-32.

34. Asenjo, J.A., Herrera, L. and Byrne, B. (1989) Development of an Expert System for selection and synthesis of protein purification processes. J. Biotechnol., 11, 275-298.

35. Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1989) Aqueous two phase partitioning in "Protein Purification Methods: a Practical Approach" Eds. E.L.V. Harris and S. Angal, IRL press, p. 161-174.

36. Asenjo, J.A. and Patrick, I. (1990) Large Scale Protein Purification, Chapter 1 in "Protein Purification Applications: a Practical Approach" Eds, E.L.V. Harris and S. Angal, IRL press. p. 1-28.

37. Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (1990) Enzymatic Cell Lysis for Product Release in "Separation Processes in Biotechnology" Ed. J.A. Asenjo, Marcel; Dekker, New York, p.143-175.

38. Prokopakis, G.J. and Asenjo, (1990) J.A. Synthesis of Downstream Processes, in "Separation Processes in Biotechnology" Ed. J.A. Asenjo, Marcel Dekker, New York, p.571-601.

39. Hunter, J.B. and Asenjo, J.A. (1990) A population balance model of enzymatic lysis of microbial cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 35,31-42.

40. Asenjo, J.A. (1990) Selection of Operations in Separation Processes in "Separation Processes in Biotechnology" Ed. J.A. Asenjo, Marcel Dekker, New York, p.3-16.

41. Andrews, B.A., Head, D.M., Dunthorne, P and Asenjo, J.A. (1990) PEG activation and ligand binding for the affinity partitioning of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems. Biotechnol. Techniques, 4, 49-54.

42. Ventom, A.M. and Asenjo, J.A.. (1990) Purification of the major glucanase of Oerskovia xanthineolytica LL-G109. Biotechnol. Techniques, 4, 165-170.

43. Ventom, A.M. and Asenjo, J.A. (1990) Two extracellular proteases from Oerskovia xanthineolytica LL-G109. Biotechnol. Techniques, 4, 171-176.

44. Franco, T., Andrews, B.A., Cascone, O., Hodgson, C., Andrews, A.T. and Asenjo, J.A. (1990) Affinity Separation of Proteins in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, in Separations for Biotechnology II, Ed. D.L. Pyle, Elsevier. p. 335-344.

45. Asenjo, J.A. (1990) The Rational Design of Large Scale Protein Separation Process, in Separations for Biotechnology II, Ed. D.L. Pyle, Elsevier. p.. 519-528.

46. Andrews, B.A., Huang, R. and Asenjo, J.A. (1990) Differential Product Release from Yeast Cells By Selective Enzymatic Lysis, in Separations for Biotechnology II, Ed. D.L. Pyle, Elsevier. p. 21-28.

47. Asenjo, J.A. (1990) Cell Disruption and Removal of Insolubles, in Separations for Biotechnology II, Ed. D.L. Pyle, Elsevier, p. 11-20.

48. Ventom, A.M. and Asenjo, J.A. (1991) Characterization of yeast lytic enzymes from Oerskovia xanthineolytica LL-G109. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 13, 71-75.

49. Andrews, B.A., Huang, R. and Asenjo, J.A. (1991) Differential Product Release from Yeast Cells by Selective Enzymatic Lysis, in Biologicals from Recombinant Microorganisms and Animal Cells - New Strategies in Production and Recovery, Eds. M. White, S. Reuveny and A. Shaffermann, VCH Publishers, Germany, p.307-321.

50. Asenjo, J.A., Franco, T., Andrews, A.T. and Andrews, B.A. (1991) Affinity Separation of Proteins in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, in Biologicals from Recombinant Microorganisms and Animal Cells - New Strategies in Production and Recovery, Eds. M. White, S. Reuveny and A. Shaffermann, VCH Publishers, Germany, p. 439-454.

51. Cascone, O., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1991) Partition and purification of thaumatin in aqueous two-phase systems. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 13, 629-635.

52. Asenjo, J.A., Sun, W.H. and Spencer, J.L. (1991) Optimization of batch processes involving simultaneous enzymatic and microbial reactions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 37, 1087-1094.

53. Huang, R.B., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1991) Differential product release (DPR) of proteins from yeast: a new technique for selective product recovery. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 38, 977-985.

54. Asenjo, J.A., Parrado, J. and Andrews, B.A. (1991) The rational design of purification processes for recombinant proteins. in Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 646, 334-356.

55. Torner, M.J and Asenjo, J.A. (1991) Kinetics of enzyme release from breadmaking yeast cells in a bead mill. Biotechnol. Techniques. 5, 101-106.

56. Asenjo, J.A. (1991). The Rational Design of Large Scale Protein Separation Sequences in: Upstream and Downstream Processing in Biotechnology III, Eds. A. Huyghebaert and E. Vandamme, Royal Flemish Society of Engineers, Antwerpen. p. 4.7-4.17.

57. Andrews, B.A., Torner, M.J. and Asenjo, J.A. (1991). Differential Product Release from Yeast Cells by Selective Enzymatic Lysis. in: Upstream and Downstream Processing in Biotechnology III, Eds. A. Huyghebaert and E.Vandamme, Royal Flemish Society of Engineers, Antwerpen. p.3.1-3.12.

58. Asenjo, J.A. and Maugeri, F. (1992) An Expert System for Selection and Synthesis of Protein Purification Processes. in: "Frontiers in Bioprocessing II", Eds. P. Todd, S. Sikdar, and M. Bier, ACS books Washington, p. 358-379.

59. Rodriques, I., Zaror, C.A., Maugeri, F. and Asenjo, J.A. (1992) Dynamic modelling, simulation and control of continuous adsorption recycle extraction. Chem. Eng. Sci., 47, 263-269

60. Torner, M.J., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1992). Kinetics of protein release from yeast using enzymatic lysis for selective product recovery. Biotechnol. Techniques., 6, 371-376.

61. Asenjo, J.A. (1992). Separation Processes in Biotechnology. in: "Profiles on Biotechnology", Eds. T.G. Villa and J. Abalde. Publications of the Univ.of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, p.505-522.

62. Leser, E.W. and Asenjo, J.A. (1992). Rational design of purification processes for recombinant proteins. J. of Chromatography, 584, 35-42.

63. Asenjo, J.A., Ventom, A.M., Huang, R.B. and Andrews, B.A. (1993) Selective release of recombinant protein particles (VLPs) from yeast using a pure lytic glucanase enzyme. Bio/Technology. 11, 214-217.

64. Asenjo, J.A. (1993) Cell Disintegration. in: Recovery of Bioproducts, Ed. G. Schmidt-Kastner, SCI publications, London, p.26-35.

65. Mistry, S.L., Asenjo, J.A. and Zaror, C.A. (1993) Mathematical modelling and simulation of aqueous two-phase continuous protein extraction. Bioseparation, 3, 343-358.

66. A.S. Schmidt, A.M. Ventom and J. Asenjo (1994), Partitioning and purification of α-amylase in aqueous two-phase systems, Enzyme Microb. Technol., 16, 131-142.

67. Leser, E.W. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994). The rational selection of purification processes for proteins: an expert system for downstream processing design. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 721, 337-347.

68. Andrews, B.A., Pyle, D.L. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994) The effects of pH and ionic strength on the partitioning of four proteins in reverse micelle systems. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 43, 1052-1058.

69. Watanabe, E., Tsoka, S. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994) Selection of chromatographic protein purification operations based on physicochemical properties. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 721, 348-364.

70. Asenjo, J.A., Schmidt, A.S., Hachem, F. and Andrews, B.A. (1994). Model for predicting the partition behaviour of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems. J. of Chromatography, 668, 47-54.

71. Asenjo, J.A., Turner, R.E., Mistry, S.L. and Kaul, A. (1994). Separation and purification of recombinant proteins from E. coli using aqueous two-phase systems. J. of Chromatography, 668, 129-137.

72. Lye, G.J., Asenjo, J.A. and Pyle, D.L. (1994). Protein extraction using reverse micelles: kinetics of protein partitioning. Chem. Eng. Sci., 49, 3195-3204.

73. Asenjo, J.A., Leser, E. and Andrews, B.A. (1994). New Perspectives in Bioseparations, in: Separation Technology: The Next Ten Years, Ed. J. Garside, Inst. Chem. Eng., Rugby, U.K., p. 97-131.

74. Mistry, S.L., Merchuk, J.C. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994). Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Continuous Aqueous Two-phase Extraction,in: Separations for Biotechnology 3, Ed. D.L. Pyle, Roy. Soc. Chem., Cambridge, p. 321-328.

75. Andrews, A.T., Noble, I. Keeratipibul, S., and Asenjo, J.A. (1994) Physicochemical properties of the main matrix proteins of three important culture vehicles. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 44, 29-37.

76. Leser, E.W. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994) Protein recovery, separation and purification. Selection of optimal techniques using an expert system. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz., 89, 99-109.

77. Schmidt, A.S. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994). Modelling the Partition Behaviour of Proteins in Aqueous Two-phase Systems, in: Separations for Biotechnology 3, Ed. D.L. Pyle, Roy. Soc. Chem., Cambridge, p. 462-468.

78. Regalado, C., Asenjo, J.A. and Pyle, D.L. (1994) Protein extraction by reverse micelles. Studies on the recovery of horseradish peroxidase. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 44, 674-681.

79. Turner, R.E., Baines,B.S. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994). Physico-chemical Database Development for Baculovirus-produced Proteins: The Rational Design of Large Scale Protein Purification, in: Separations for Biotechnology 3, Ed.D.L. Pyle, Roy. Soc. Chem., Cambridge, p. 518-524.

80. Regalado, C., Asenjo, J.A., Pyle, D.L., Trinca, L.A. and Gilmour, S. (1994) Protein extraction by reverse micelles. horseradish peroxidase recovery maximization by surface response methodology, and denaturation studies. Trans.Inst. Chem. Eng.,72 (C), 123-134.

81. Ferrer, P., Mir, N., Shene, C., Halkier, T., Diers, I., Savva, D. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994). An Integrated Approach for the Cloning, Over expression and Use of Lytic Glucanases for the Selective Protein Recovery from Yeast Cells, in: Separations for Biotechnology 3, Ed.D.L. Pyle, Roy. Soc. Chem., Cambridge, p. 159-165.

82. Kaul, A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1994). Partition of Soluble Proteins from E. coli in Polyethylene Glycol-salt Two-phase Systems, in: Separations for Biotechnology 3, Ed. D.L. Pyle, Roy. Soc. Chem., Cambridge, p. 235-341.

83. Merchuk, J.C. and Asenjo, J.A. (1995). Design of a Bioreactor System: Overwiew. in: Bioreactor System Design. Eds. J.A. Asenjo and J.C. Merchuk. Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 1-12.

84. Merchuk, J.C. and Asenjo, J.A. (1995). Fundamentals of Bioreactor Design. in: Bioreactor System Design. Eds. J.A. Asenjo and J.C. Merchuk. Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 139-206.

85. Merchuk, J.C. and Asenjo, J.A. (1995) The Monod equation and mass transfer. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 45, 91-94.

86. Vazquez-Lima, F., Pyle, D.L. and Asenjo, J.A. (1995) Factors affecting the esterification of lauric acid using an immobilized biocatalyst: enzyme characterization and studies in a well-mixed reactor. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 46, 69-79.

87. Asenjo, J.A., Schmidt, A.S., Andersen, P.R. and Andrews, B.A. (1995). Effect of single nutrient limitation on poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) molecular weight distribution in Alcaligenes eutrophus. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 46, 497-502.

88. Andrews, B.A., Huang, R.-B. and Asenjo, J.A. (1995). Purification of virus like particles from yeast cells using aqueous two-phase systems. Bioseparation, 5, 105-112.

89. Lye, G.J., Asenjo, J.A. and Pyle, D.L. (1995). Extraction of lysozyme and ribonuclease-a using reverse micelles: limits to protein solubilization. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 47, 509-519.

90. Kaul, A., Pereira, R.A.M., Asenjo, J.A. and Merchuk, J.C. (1995) Kinetics of phase separation for polyethylene glycol-phosphate two-phase systems. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 48, 246-256.

91. Franco, T.T., Andrews, A.T. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Conservative chemical modification of proteins to study the effects of a single protein property on partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 49, 290-299.

92. Franco, T.T., Andrews, A.T. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Use of chemically modified proteins to study the effect of a single protein property on partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems: effect of surface hydrophobicity. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 49, 300-308.

93. Franco, T.T., Andrews, A.T. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Use of chemically modified proteins to study the effect of a single protein property on partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems: effect of surface charge. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 49, 309-315.

94. Leser, E.W. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Process Integration in Biotechnology, in Downstream Processing of Natural Products: A Practical Handbook. Ed.: M.S. Verrall, John Wiley, New York., p. 123-138.

95. Regalado, C., Asenjo, J.A. and Pyle, D.L. (1996) Studies on the purification of peroxidase from horseradish roots using reverse micelles. Enzyme Microb. Technol., 18, 332-339.

96. Ferrer, P., Hedegaard, L., Halkier, T., Diers, I., Savva, D. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Molecular cloning of a lytic β-1,3-glucanase gene from Oerskovia xanthineolytica LLG109. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 782, 556-566 .

97. Leser, E.W., Lienqueo, M.E. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Implementation in an Expert System of selection rationale for purification processes for recombinant proteins. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 782, 441-455.

98. Shene, C., Mir, N., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Mathematical modelling of the synthesis of a cloned lytic β-1,3-Endoglucanase in Bacillus subtilis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 782, 334-349.

99. Lye, G.J, Asenjo, J.A. and Pyle, D.L. (1996) Reverse micellar mass-transfer processes: spray column extraction of lysozyme. AIChE Journal, 42, 713-726.

100. Lienqueo, M.E., Leser, E.W. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) An Expert System for the Selection and Synthesis of Multistep Protein Separation Processes. Comput. Chem. Engng., 20, S189-S194.

101. Schmidt, A.S., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Correlations for the partition behaviour of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems. Effect of overall protein concentration. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 50, 617-626.

102. Asenjo, J.A., Sun, W-H. and Spencer, J.L. (1996) Optimal control of batch processes involving simultaneous enzymatic and microbial reactions. Bioproc. Engin., 14, 323-329.

103. Mistry, S.L., Kaul, A., Merchuk, J.C. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Aqueous Two-Phase Continuous Protein Extraction. J. Chromatography A, 741, 151-163.

104. Asenjo, J.A. and Chaudhuri, J.B. (1996) Innovative Separation Methods in Bioprocessing, in Separation Processes in the Food and Biotechnology Industries: Principles and Applications. Ed.: A.S. Grandison and M.J. Lewis, Woodhead Publ. Limited, Cambridge, U.K., p. 179-206.

105. Ferrer, P., Halkier, T., Hedegaard, L., Savva, D., Diers. I. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Nucleotide sequence of a β-1,3-glucanase isoenzyme IIA gene of Oerskovia xanthineolytica LL G109 (Cellulomonas cellulans) and initial characterization of the recombinant enzyme expressed in Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriology., 178, 4751-4757.

106. Parrado, J., Escuredo, P.R., Conejero-Lara, F. Kotik, M., Ponting, C.P., Asenjo, J.A. and Dobson, C.M. (1996) Molecular characterisation of a thermoactive β-1,3-glucanase from Oerskovia xanthineolytica. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1296, 145-151.

107. Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Protein partitioning equilibrium between the aqueous PEG and salt phases and the solid protein phase in PEG/salt two-phase systems. J. Chromatography B, 685, 15-20.

108. Hachem, F., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Hydrophobic partitioning of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems. Enzyme Microb. Technol., 19, 507-517.

109. Vazquez-Lima, F., Pyle, D.L. and Asenjo, J.A. (1997) Reaction kinetics of the esterification of lauric acid in iso-octane using an immobilized biocatalyst. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 61, 411-422.

110. Andrews, B.A., Nielsen, S. and Asenjo, J.A. (1996) Partitioning and purification of monoclonal antibodies in aqueous two-phase systems. Bioseparation, 6, 303-313.

111. Harris, D.P., Andrews, A.T., Wright, G., Pyle, D.L. and Asenjo, J.A. (1997) The application of aqueous two-phase systems to the purification of pharmaceutical proteins from transgenic sheep milk. Bioseparation, 7, 31-37.

112. Rodrigues, M.I., Maciel-Filho, R., Asenjo, J.A., Zaror, C.A. and Maugeri, F. (1997) A procedure for feasible and optimal operational strategies for control of CARE systems. J. Chem.Technol. Biotechnol. , 69, 254-260.

113. Ferrer, P., Diers, I., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (1998) Yeast cell permeabilizing β -1,3-glucanases: a tool for the integration of downstream processes and metabolic engineering applications to yeast. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 58, 321-324.

114. Merchuk, J.C., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1998) Aqueous two-phase systems for protein separation: studies on phase inversion. J. Chromatography, 711, 285-293.

115. Salamanca, M.H., Merchuk, J.C., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1998) On the kinetics of phase separation in aqueous two-phase systems. J. Chromatography, 711, 319-329.

116. Shene, C., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1999) Fed batch fermentations of Bacillus subtilis ToC46 (pPFF1) for the synthesis of a recombinant β-1,3- glucanase: Experimental study and modelling. Enz. Microb. Technol., 24, 247-254.

117. Huenupi,E., Gómez, A., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (1999) Optimization and design considerations of two-phase continuous protein separation. J. Chem.Technol. Biotechnol., 74, 256-263.

118. Lienqueo, M.E., Salgado, J.C. and Asenjo, J.A. (1999) An Expert System for selection of protein purification processes: experimental validation. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 74, 293-299.

119. Salazar, O., Molitor, J.and Asenjo, J.A. (1999) Cloning and expression of an Oerskovia xanthineolytica –1,3-glucanase in Escherichia coli. Biotech. Letts., 21, 797-802.

120. Montagna, J.M., Vecchietti, A., Iribarren, O.A., Pinto J.M. and Asenjo, J.A. (2000) Optimal design of protein production plants with time and size factor process models. Biotechnol. Progress, 16, 228-237.

121. Shene, C., Mir, N., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo (2000) Effect of the growth conditions on the synthesis of a recombinant -1,4-endoglucanase in continuous and fed-batch culture. Enz. Microb. Technol., 27, 248-253.

122. Graber, T.A., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2000) Model for the partition of metal ions in aqueous two-phase systems. J. Chromatography B, 743, 57-64.

123. Taboada, M.E., Graber, T.A., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2000) Drowning-out crystallisation of sodium sulphate using aqueous two-phase systems. J. Chromatography B, 743, 101-105.

124. Asenjo, J.A., Montagna, J.M., Vecchietti, A.R., Iribarren, O.A. and Pinto, J.M. (2000) Strategies for the simultaneous optimization of the structure and the process variables of a protein production plant. Comput. Chem. Engng., 24, 2277-2290.

125. Lienqueo, M.E. and Asenjo, J.A. (2000) Use of expert systems for the synthesis of downstream protein processes. Comput. Chem. Engng., 24, 2339-2350.

126. Andrews, A.T., Harris, D.P., Wright, G, Pyle, D.L. and Asenjo, J.A. (2000) Affinity gel electrophoresis as a predictive technique in the fractionation of transgenic sheep milk proteins by affinity aqueous two-phase partitioning Biotechnol. Letts., 22, 1349–1353.

127. Taboada, M.E., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2001) Liquid-liquid and liquid-liquid-solid equilibria in PEG + Na2CO3 + water. Fluid Phase Equil., 108, 273-280.

128. Gonzalez, R., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2001) Metabolic control analysis of monoclonal antibody synthesis. Biotechnol. Progress., 17, 217-226.

129. Graber, T.A., Taboada, M.E., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2001) Influence of molecular weight of the polymer in the liquid-liquid equilibrium of the poly(ethylene glycol) + NaNO3 + H20 system at 298.15 K. J. Chem. Eng. Data., 46, 765 – 768.

130. Pinto, J.M., Montagna, J.M., Vecchietti, A.R., Iribarren, O.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2001) Process performance models in the optimization of multiproduct protein production plants. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 74, 451-465.

131. Salazar, O., Molitor, J., Lienqueo, M.E. and Asenjo, J.A. (2001) Overproduction, purification and characterization of -1,3-glucanase type II in Escherichia coli. Protein Express. and Purif., 23, 219-225.

132. Graber, T.A., Galleguillos, H., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2002) Refractive Index, Density, and Viscosity in the NaNO3 + H2O + Poly(ethylene glycol) System at various Temperatures. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 47, 174 – 178.

133. Asenjo, J.A., Mistry, S.L., Andrews, B.A. and Merchuk, J.C. (2002) Phase separation rates of aqueous two-phase systems: correlation with system properties. Biotechnol. Bioeng.79, 217-223.

134. González, R., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2002) Kinetic model for BiP- and PDI- mediated protein folding and assembly. J. Theor. Biol., 214, 529-537.

135. Salamanca, M.H., Barria, C., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2002) Isolation, purification and preliminary characterization of cryophilic proteases of marine origin. Bioseparation. 10, 237 – 241.

136. Berggren, K., Wolf, A., Asenjo, J.A., Andrews, B.A. and Tjerneld, F. (2002) The surface exposed amino acid residues of monomeric proteins determine the partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1596, 253-268.

137. Lienqueo, M.E., Mahn A. and Asenjo J.A. (2002) Mathematical correlations for predicting protein retention times in hydrophobic interaction chromatography. J. Chromatography A, 978, 71-79.

138. González, R., Andrews, B.A., Molitor, J. and Asenjo, J.A. (2003) Metabolic analysis of the synthesis of high levels of intracellular human SOD in S. Cerevisiae rhSOD 2060 411 SGA122. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 82, 152-169.

139. Shene, C., Andrews B.A. and Asenjo J.A., (2003) Study of recombinant microorganism populations characterized by their plasmid content per cell using a segregated model. Bioprocess and Biosyst. Eng. 25, 333-340.

140. Lienqueo, M.E., Mahn A., Vásquez L. and Asenjo J.A., (2003) Methodology for predicting the separation of proteins by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and its application to a cell extract. J. Chromatography A, 1009, 189 -196.

141. Olivera-Nappa, A, Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo J.A., (2004) A mixed mechanistic-electrostatic model to explain pH dependence of glycosyl hydrolase enzyme activity. Biotechnol.Bioeng., 86, 573 – 586.

142. Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2004) Is there a Rational Method to Purify Proteins? : From Expert Systems to Proteomics. J.of Molecular Recognition, 17, 236-247.

143. Iribarren, O.A., Montagna, J.M., Vecchietti, A.R., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo J.A., and Pinto J.M. (2004) Optimal Process Synthesis for the Production of Multiple Recombinant Proteins. Biotechnology Progress 20 , 1032 – 1042.

144. Mahn, A., Lienqueo, M.E. and Asenjo, J.A. (2004) Effect of Surface Hydrophobicity Distribution on Protein Retention in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography. J. of Chromatography A, 1043, 47-55.

145. Olivera-Nappa, A., Lagomarsino, G., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A., (2004) Effect of Electrostatic Energy on Partitioning of Proteins in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, J. of Chromatography B, 807, 81-86.

146. Andrews, B.A., Schmidt, A.S. and Asenjo, J.A., (2005) Correlation for the Partition Behaviour of Proteins in Aqueous Two Phase Systems: Effect of Surface Hydrophobicity and Charge. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 90, 380 – 390.

147. Mahn, A., Zapata, G. and Asenjo, J.A., (2005) A theory of protein-resin interaction in hydrophobic interaction chromatography, J. of Chromatography A, 1066, 81-88.

148. Salgado, C., Rapaport, I. and Asenjo, J.A., (2005) Is it possible to predict the average surface hydrophobicity of a protein using only its amino acid composition? J. of Chromatography A, 1075, 133-143.

149. Mahn, A. and Asenjo, J.A., (2005) Prediction of protein retention in hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Biotechnology Advances 23, 359 - 368.

150. Salgado, C., Rapaport, I. and Asenjo, J.A (2005) Prediction of retention times of proteins in hydrophobic interaction chromatography using only their amino acid composition. J. of Chromatography A. 1098, 44-54.

151. Ezquer, F., Núñez, M.T., Asenjo, J.A. and Israel, Y., (2006) Hereditary Hemochromatosis: an opportunity for gene therapy. Biol. Res., 39, 113-124.

152. Salgado, C., Rapaport, I. and Asenjo, J.A. (2006) Predicting the behaviour of proteins in hydrophobic interaction chromatography, 1: using the hydrophobic imbalance (HI) to describe their surface amino acid distribution J. Chromatography A., 1107, 110-119.

153. Salgado, C., Rapaport, I., and Asenjo, J.A. (2006) Predicting the behaviour of proteins in hydrophobic interaction chromatography, 2: using a statistical description of their surface amino acid distribution, J. Chromatography A. 1107, 120-129.

154. Salazar, O., Basso, C., Barba, P., Orellana, C. and Asenjo, J.A. (2006) Improvement of the Lytic Properties of a beta-1,3-Glucanase by Directed Evolution. Molecular Biotechnology. 33, 211-220.

155. Lienqueo, M.E., Mahn, A., Navarro, G., Perez-Acle, T., Salgado, J.C., Rapaport, I., Asenjo, J.A. (2006), New approaches for predicting protein retention time in hydrophobic interaction chromatography. J. Molec. Recog. 19, 260-9.

156. Shene, C., Lucero, A., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A (2006) Mathematical Modelling of Elution Curves for a Protein Mixture in Ion Exchange Chromatography and for the Optimal Selection of Operational Conditions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 95, 704-713.

157. Mahn, A., Lienqueo, M.E. and Asenjo, J.A. (2007) Optimal Operation Conditions for Protein Separation in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography. J. of Chromatography B. 849, 236-242.

158. Lienqueo, M.E, Mahn A., Salgado, J.C. and Asenjo, J.A. (2007) Current insights on protein behaviour in hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Journal of Chromatography B. 849, 53-68.

159. Asenjo, J.A., Ramirez, P., Rapaport, I., Aracena, J., Goles, E., and Andrews, B.A. (2007) A Discrete Mathematical Model Applied to Genetic Regulation and Metabolic Networks. J. of Microbiology and Biotechnology 17, 496-510.

160. Salazar O. and Asenjo J.A. (2007), Enzymatic lysis of microbial cells. Biotechnol Lett, 29, 985 – 994.

161. Kaltenbrunner O., Giaverini O., Woehle D. and Asenjo J.A. (2007) Application of Chromatographic Theory for Process Characterization Towards Validation of an lon-Exchange Operation. Biotechnol.Bioeng., 98, 201-210.

162. Parra L., Reyes F., Acevedo J.P., Salazar O., Andrews B., Asenjo J., (2008) Cloning and fusion expression of a cold-active lipase from marine Antarctic origin. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 42, 371-377.

163. Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2008) Challenges and Trends in Bioseparations, J. Chem Tech. Biotecnol., 83,117–120 164. Acevedo, J.P., Reyes F., Parra, L., Salazar, O., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2008) Cloning of complete genes for novel hydrolytic enzymes from Antarctic sea water bacteria by use of an improved genome walking technique. Journal of Biotechnology, 133, 277-286.

165. Sepulveda, D.E., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A. and Papoutsakis, E.T. (2008) Comparative Transcriptional Analysis of Embryoid Body versus Two-Dimensional Differentiation of Murine Embryonic Stem Cells. Tissue Engineering. Part A, 14, 1603-1614.

166. Salgado, C., Andrews B.A., Ortuzar, M.F. and Asenjo, J.A. (2008) Prediction of the partitioning behaviour of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems using only their amino acid composition. Journal of Chromatography A, 1178, 134¬-144.

167. Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2009) Protein Purification using Chromatography: Selection of Type, Modelling, and Optimization of Operating Conditions. J. of Molecular Recognition. 22, 65-76

168. Hold, C., Andrews, B. and Asenjo, J.A. (2009) A Stoichiometric Model of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATTC 23270 for Metabolic Flux Analysis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 102, 1448-1459.

169. Okoro, C.K., Brown, R, Jones, A. L., Andrews, B., Asenjo, J.A., Goodfellow, M. and Bull, A. T. (2009) Diversity of culturable actinomycetes in hyper-arid soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 95, 121-133.

170. Lienqueo, M.E., Salgado, J.C., Giaverini, O., Asenjo, J.A. (2009) Computer-aided design to select optimal polypeptide tags to assist the purification of recombinant proteins. Separation and Purification Technology, 65, 86-94

171. Gerdtzen, Z.P., Salgado, J.C., Osses, A., Asenjo, J.A., Rapaport, I. and Andrews, B. (2009) Modeling heterocyst pattern formation in cyanobacteria. BMC Bioinformatics. 10 (Suppl 6):S16

172. Orellana, C.A., Shene, C. and Asenjo, J.A. (2009) Mathematical Modelling of Elution Curves for a Protein Mixture in Ion Exchange Chromatography Applied to High Protein Concentration. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 104, 572-581.

173. Díaz, H., Andrews, B.A., Hayes, A., Castrillo, J., Oliver, S. and Asenjo, J.A. (2009) Global Gene Expression in Recombinant and Non-Recombinant Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae In Three Different Metabolic States. Biotechnology Advances. 27, 1092-1117.

174. Contador, Carolina A., Rizk, Matthew L., Asenjo, J.A. and Liao, James C. (2009) Ensemble modeling for strain development of L-lysine-producing Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering, 11, 221-233.

175. Lienqueo, M.E., Shene, C. and Asenjo, J.A. (2009) Optimization of hydrophobic interaction chromatography using a mathematical model of elution curves of a protein mixture. J. Molec. Recognit. 22, 110-120

176. Martinez, V., Gerdtzen, Z.P., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2010) Viral Vectors for the Treatment of Alcoholism: use of Metabolic Flux Analysis for Cell Cultivation and Vector Production. Metabolic Engineering, 12, 129-137

177. Olivera, A., Picioreanu, C. and Asenjo, J.A. (2010) Non-Homogeneous Biofilm Modeling Applied to Bioleaching Processes. Biotechnol. Bioeng, 106, 660-676

178. Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2010) Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Hydrophobicity of Proteins to Predict their Partitioning Behaviour in Aqueous Two Phase Systems: a Review. Separation Science and Technology. 45, 2165-2170

179. Sepúlveda, D.E., Andrews, B.A., Papoutsakis, E.T. and Asenjo, J.A. (2010) Metabolic Flux Analysis of Embryonic Stem Cells Using Three Distinct Differentiation Protocols and Comparison to Gene Expression Patterns. Biotechnol. Prog., 26, 1222-1229

180. Merino, M.P. Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2010) Stoichiometric Model and Metabolic Flux Analysis for Leptospirilum ferrooxidans. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 107, 696-706.

181. Sandoval, G., Shene, C., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2010) Extension of the Selection of Protein Chromatography and the Rate Model to Affinity Chromatography. J. of Molecular Recognition, 23, 609-617.

182. Tan Y., Rivera L., Contador C., Asenjo J.A. and Liao J. (2011) Reducing the Allowable Kinetic Space by Constructing Ensemble of Dynamic Models with the Same Steady-State Flux. Metabolic Engineering, 13, 60-75.

183. Lienqueo, ME., Shene, C., Quiroga, A., Salazar, O., Salgado, J.C. and Asenjo, J.A. (2010) Experimental Validation of the Predictions of a Mathematical Model for Protein Purification and Tag Selection. Separation Science and Technology, 45, 2153-2164.

184. Olivera, A., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2011) Mutagénesis Objective Search and Selection Tool (MOSST): an algorithm to predict structure-function related mutations in proteins. BMC Bioinformatics, 12, 122, 1-22

185. Asenjo, J. A. and Andrews, B. A. (2011) Aqueous Two-Phase Systems for Protein Separation: A perspective. Journal of Chromatography A., 1218, 8826-8835.

186. Rateb, M.E., Houssen, W.E., Arnold, M., Abdelrahman, M.H., Deng, H., Harrison, W.T.A., Okoro, Ch.K., Asenjo, J.A., Andrews, B.A., Ferguson, G., Bull, A.T., Goodfellow, M., Ebel, R. and Jaspars, M. (2011) Chaxamycins A-D, Bioactive Ansamycins from a Hyper-arid Desert Streptomyces sp. Journal of Natural Products, 74, 1491-1499.

187. Contador, C., Andrews, B., Liao, J., and Asenjo J.A. (2011) Identification of Transcription Factors perturbed by the Synthesis of High Levels of a Foreign Protein in Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnol. Prog., 27, 925-936.

188. Rateb, M.E., Houssen, W.E., Harrison, W.T.A., Deng, H., Okoro, Ch.K., Asenjo, J.A., Andrews, B.A., Bull, A.T., Goodfellow, M., Rainer, E. and Jaspars, M. (2011) Diverse Metabolic Profiles of a Streptomyces Strain Isolated from a Hyper-arid Environment. Journal of Natural Products, 74, 1965-1971.

189. Benavides, J., Rito-Palomares, M. and Asenjo J.A. (2011) Aqueous Two-Phase Systems. Comprehensive Biotechnology. Ed. C. Webb, Elsevier L.V., 2, 697-713, doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-088504-9 00124-0

190. Nachtigall, J., Kulik, A., Helaly, S., Bull, A., Goodfellow, M., Asenjo, J.A., Maier, M., Wiese, J., Imhoff, J.F., Süssmuth, R. D. and Fiedler, H-P. (2011) Atacamycins A-C, 22-membered antitumor macrolactones produced by Streptomyces sp C38*, The Journal of Antibiotics, 64, 775-780.

191. Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2012) Aqueous two-phase systems for protein separation: Phase separation and applications. J. Chromatography A. 1238, 1-10.

192. Santhanam, R ., Okoro, Ch.K., Rong, X., Huang, Y., Bull, A.T., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A., Weon, H-Y. and Goodfellow, M. (2012) Streptomyces deserti sp. Nov., isolated from hyper-arid Atacama Desert soil. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 101, 575-581.

193. Mayolo-Deloisa, K., Lienqueo, ME, Andrews, B.A., Rito-Palomares, M. and Asenjo, J.A. (2012) Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography for Purification of MonoPEGylated RNase A. J. Chromatography A. 1242, 11-16.

194. Santhanam, R., Okoro, Ch.K., Rong, X., Huang, Y., Bull, A.T., Weon, H-Y, Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A. and Goodfellow, M. (2012) Streptomyces atacamensis sp. nov., isolated from an extreme hyper-arid soil of the Atacama Desert. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 62, 2680-2684.

195. Moisset, P., Vaisman, D., Cintolesi, A., Urrutia, J., Rapaport, I., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2012) Continuous Modeling of Metabolic Networks with Gene Regulation in Yeast and In Vivo Determination of Rate Parameters. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 109, 2325-2339.

196. Sandoval, G., Andrews, B. and Asenjo, J.A. (2012). Elution relationships to model affinity chromatography using a general rate model. J.of Molecular Recognition, 25, 571-579.

197. Acevedo, J.P, Rodríguez, V., Saavedra, M., Muñoz, M., Salazar, O., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B. (2013) Cloning, expression and decoding of the cold adaptation of a new widely represented thermolabile subtilisin-like protease. J. Applied Microbiology, 114, 352-363.

198. Santhanam, R., Rong, XY., Huang, Y., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A. and Goodfellow, M. (2013) Streptomyces bullii sp nov., isolated from a hyper-arid Atacama Desert soil. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 103, 367-373.

199. Bull, A.T. and Asenjo, J.A. (2013) Microbiology of hyper-arid environments: recent insights from the Atacama Desert, Chile. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 103, 1173-1179.

200. Olivera-Nappa, A, Reyes, F, Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo J.A., (2013) Cold adaptation, Ca2+ dependency and autolytic stability are related features in a highly active cold-adapted trypsin resistant to autoproteolysis engineered for biotechnological applications. PLOS One, 8, e72355.

201. Cumsille, P., Asenjo, J.A. and Conca C., (2014) A novel model for biofilm growth and its resolution by using the hybrid immersed interface-level set method. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 67, 34-51.

202. Rodríguez, V., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A., (2014) Design and implementation of a high yield production system for recombinant expression of peptides. Microbial Cell Factories, 13, 65

203. Gossage, L., Pires, D.E.V., Olivera-Nappa, A., Asenjo, J., Bycroft, M., Blundell, T.L. and Eisen, T. (2014) An integrated computational approach can classify VHL missense mutations according to risk of clear cell Renal carcinoma. Human Molecular Genetics, 23, 5976-5988.

204. Campodonico, M.A., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A., Palsson, B.O. and Feist, A.M.,(2014) Generation of an atlas for commodity chemical production in Escherichia coli and a novel pathway prediction algorithm, GEM_Path. Metabolic Engineering, 25, 140-158 .

205. Parra, L.P., Espina, G., Devia, J., Salazar, O., Andrews, B.A., and Asenjo J.A., (2015) Identification of lipase encoding genes from Antarctic Seawater bacteria using degenerate primers: expression of a cold-active lipase with high specific activity. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 68, 56-61.

206. Merino, M.P., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2015) Stoichiometric Model and Flux Balance Analysis for a Mixed Culture of Leptospirillum ferriphilum and Ferroplasma acidiphilum. Biotechnol. Prog., 31, 307-315.

207. Rodríguez, V., Lascani, J., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2015) Production of cell penetrating peptides in Escherichia coli using an intein-mediated system. Applied Biochem. Biotechnol., 175, 3025–3037.

208. Castro, J.F., Razmilic, V., Gomez-Escribano, J.P., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A. and Bibb, M.J. (2015) Identification and Heterologous Expression of the Chaxamycin Biosynthesis Gene Cluster from Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii. Appl. Environm. Microbiol., 81, 1-12

209. Contador, C. A., Shene, C., Olivera, A., Yoshikuni, Y., Buschmann, A., Andrews, B.A, and Asenjo, J.A. (2015), Analyzing redox balance in a synthetic yeast platform to improve utilization of brown macroalgae as feedstock. Metab. Engin. Comm., 2, 76-84.

210. Gomez-Escribano, J.P., Castro,J.F., Razmilic, V., Chandra G., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A., and Bibb, M.J. (2015), The Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii genome: de novo sequencing and assembly in single contings of the chromosome, circular plasmid pSLE1 and linear plasmid pSLE2. BMC Genomics, 16, 485.

211. Contador, C., Rodríguez, V., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A. (2015), Genome-scale reconstruction of Salinispora tropica CNB-440 metabolism to study strain-specific adaptation. Antonie van Leeuewenhoek,, 108, 1075-1090.

212. Elsayed, S.S., Trusch, F., Deng, H., Raab, A., Prokes, I., Busarakam, K., Asenjo, J.A., Andrews, B.A., van West, P., Bull, A.T., Goodfellow, M., Yu, Y., Ebel, R., Jaspars, M. and Rateb, M. (2015), Chaxapeptin, a lasso peptide from the extremotolerant Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii strain C58 from the hyper-arid Atacama Desert. J. Organic Chemistry, 80, 10252-10260.

213. Sandoval, G., Espinoza, D., Figueroa, N. and Asenjo, J.A. (2016) MILP reformulations for the design of biotechnological multi-product batch plants using continuous equipment sizes and discrete host selection. Comput. Chem. Eng., 84, 1-11.

214. Campodonico, M.A., Vaisman, D., Castro, J.F., Razmilic, V., Mercado, F., Andrews, B.A., Feist, A.M., and Asenjo, J.A. (2016) Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidands’s comprehensive model driven analysis of the electron transfer metabolism and synthetic strain design for biomining applications. Metab. Engin. Comm., 3, 84-96.

215. Merino, M.P., Andrews, B.A., Parada, P. and Asenjo, J.A. (2016) Characterization of Ferroplasma acidiphilum growing in pure and mixed culture with Leptospirilum ferriphilum. Biotechnol. Prog., 32, 1390-1396.

216. Bull, A.T., Asenjo, J.A., Goodfellow, M. and Gomez-Silva, B. (2016) The Atacama Desert: Technical Resources and the Growing Importance of Novel Microbial Diversity. Annu. Rev. Microbiol., 70, 215-234.

217. Idris, H., Labeda, D.P, Nouioui, I., Castro, J.F., Montero-Calasanz, Bull, A.T., Asenjo, J.A. and Goodfellow, M. (2017) Streptomyces aridus sp. Nov., isolated from a high altitude Atacama Desert soil and emended description of Streptomyces noboritoensis Isono et al. 1957. Antonie van Leeuewenhoek,, 110, 705-717.

218. Acevedo, J.P., Reetz, M.T., Asenjo, J.A. and Parra, L.P. (2017) One-Step Combined focused epPCR and Saturation Mutagenesis for Thermostability Evolution of a New Cold-Active Xylanase. Enzyme Microb. Technol., 100, 60 – 70.

219. Wichner, D., Idris, H., Houssen, W.E., McEwan, A.R., Bull, A.T., Asenjo, J.A., Goodfellow, M., Jaspars, M., Ebel, R. and Rateb, M.E. (2017) Isolation and anti-HIV-1 integrase activity of lentzeosides A-F from extremotolerant lentzea sp H45, a strain isolated from a high-altitude Atacama Desert soil. J. of Antibiotics, 70, 448-453.

220. Idris, H., Nouioui, I., Asenjo, J.A., Bull, A.T. and Goodfellow, M. (2017) Lentzea chajnantorensis sp. Nov., an actinobacterium from a very high altitude Cerro Chajnantor gravel soil in northern Chile. Antonie van Leeuewenhoek,, 110, 795-802.

221. Sandoval, G., Espinoza, D., Figueroa, N. and Asenjo, J.A. (2017) Optimization of a biotechnological multiproduct batch plant design for the manufacture of four different products: a real case scenario. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 114, 1252-1263.

222. Lucero, A.T., Mercado, S.A. , Sánchez, A.C., Contador, C.A., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2017) Purification of adenoviral vector serotype 5 for gene therapy against alcoholism using anion exchange chromatography. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 92, 2445-2452.

223. Idris, H., Goodfellow, M., Sanderson, R., Asenjo, J.A. and Bull, A.T. (2017) Actinobacterial rare biospheres and dark matter revealed in habitats of the Chilean Atacama desert. Nat. Scient. Reports, 7,8373, 1-11.

224. Mejía-Manzano, L.A., Lienqueo, M.E., Escalante-Vázquez, E.J., Rito-Palomares, M., Asenjo, J.A. (2017) Optimized purification of mono-PEGylated lysozyme by Heparin Affinity Chromatography using Response Surface Methodology. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 92, 2554-2562.

225. Mejía-Manzano, L.A., Sandoval, G, Lienqueo, M.E., Moisset, P., Rito-Palomares, M., Asenjo, J.A. (2018) Simulation of mono-PEGylated lysozyme separation in Heparin Affinity Chromatography using a General Rate Model. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 93, 1980-1987.

226. Sanchez, A.C., Chengwen, L., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A., Samulski, R.J. (2018) AAV gene therapy for alcoholism: Inhibition of mitochondrial Aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme expression in Hepatoma cells. Human Gene Therapy, 28, 717-725.

227. Bull, A.T., Idris, H., Sanderson, R., Asenjo, J.A, Andrews B.A., and Goodfellow, M. (2018) High altitude, hyper-arid soils of the Central-Andes harbour mega-diverse communities of Actinobacteria. Extremophiles, 22, 47-57.

228. Abdelkader, M.S.A.,Philippo, T., Asenjo, J.A., Bull, A.T., Goodfellow, M., Ebel, R., Jaspars, M. and Rateb, M.E. (2018) Asenjonamides A-C, antibacterial metabolites isolated from Streptomyces Asenjonii strain KNN 42.f from an extreme-hyper arid Atacama Desert soil. Journal of Antibiotics, 71, 425-431.

229. Razmilic, V., Castro, J.F., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2018) Analysis of metabolic networks of Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii C34 by means of a genome scale model: prediction of medications that enhance the production of specialised metabolites. Biotechnol. Bioeng.,115, 1815-1828.

230. Saavedra, J.M., Azocar, M.A., Rodriguez, V., Ramirez-Sarmiento, C., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A. and Parra, L. (2018) Relevance of local flexibility near the active site for enzymatic catalysis: Biochemical characterization and engineering of cellulase Cel5A from Bacillus agaradherans. Biotechnology J., 13, 1700669.

231. Carro, L., Razmilic, V., Nouioui, I.,Richardson, L., Pan, C., Golinska, P., Asenjo, J.A., Bull, A.T, Klenk, H.P. and Goodfellow, M. (2018) Hunting for cultivable Micromonospora strains in soils of the Atacama Desert. Antonie van Leeuewenhoek, 111, 1375-1387.

232. Castro, J.F., Razmilic, V., Gomez-Escribano, J.P., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A. and Bibb, M. (2018), The ‘gifted’ actinomycete Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii,. Antonie van Leeuewenhoek, 111, 1433-1448.

233. Razmilic, V., Castro, J.F., Marchant, F., Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (2018), Metabolic modelling and flux analysis of microorganisms from the Atacama Desert used in biotechnological processes. Antonie van Leeuewenhoek, 111, 1479-1491.

234. Idris, H., Nouioui,I., Pathom-aree, W., Castro, J.F., Bull, A.T., Andrews, B.A., Asenjo, J.A. and Goodfellow, M. (2018) Amycolatopsis vastitatis sp. nov., an isolate from a high altitude subsurface soil on Cerro Chajnantor, northern Chile. Antonie van Leeuewenhoek, 111, 1523-1533.

235. Castro, J.F., Nouioui, I., Sangal, V., Trujillo, M.E., Montero-Calasanz, M.C., Rahmani, T., Bull, A.T., Asenjo, J.A., Andrews, B.A., Goodfellow, M. (2018) Geodermatophilus chilensis sp. nov., from soil of the Yungay core-region of the Atacama Desert, Chile. Systematic and Applied Microbiol., 41, 427-436.

236. Castro, J.F., Nouioui, I., Sangal, V., Choi, S., Yang, S.J., Kim, B.Y., Trujillo, M., Riesco, R., Montero-Calasanz, M.C., Rahmani, T.P.D., Bull, A.T., Sutcliffe, I.C., Asenjo, J.A., Andrews, B.A., Goodfellow, M. (2018) Blastococcus atacamensis sp. nov., a novel strain adapted to life in the Yungay core region of the Atacama Desert. Int. J. Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 68, 2712-2721.

237. Shene, C., Asenjo, J.A. and Chisti, Y. (2018) Metabolic modelling and simulation of the light and dark metabolism of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Plant Journal, 96, 1076-1088.

238. Contador, C.A., Rodriguez, V., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2019) Use og genome-scale models to get new insights into the marine actinomycete genus Salinispora. BMC Systems Biology, 13, 11.

239. Sanchez, A., Ravanal, M.C., Andrews, B.A. and Asenjo, J.A. (2019) Heterologous expression and biochemical characterization of a novel cold-active α-amylase from the Antarctic bacteria Pseudoalteromonas sp. 2-3. Protein Expression and Purification, 155, 78-85.

240. Carro, L., Castro, J.F., Razmilic, V., Nouioui, I., Pan, C., Igual, J.M., Jaspars, M., Goodfellow, M., Bull, A.T. and Klenk, H.P. (2019) Uncovering the potential of novel micromonosporae isolated from an extreme hyper-arid Atacama Desert soil. Nature Scient. Reports, 9, 4678.

241. Cortes-Albayay, C., Silber, J., Imhoff, J.F., Asenjo, J.A., Andrews, B., Nouioui, I and Dorador, C. (2019) The Polyextreme Ecosystem, Salar de Huasco at the Chilean Altiplano of the Atacama Desert Houses Diverse Streptomyces spp. with Promising Pharmaceutical Potentials, Diversity, 11, 69.

242. Cortés-Albayay C, Dorador C, Schumann P, Andrews B, Asenjo J, Nouioui I. (2019) Streptomyces huasconensis sp. nov., an haloalkalitolerant actinobacteria isolated from a high altitude saline wetland at the Chilean Altiplano. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. (in press).

243. Cortés-Albayay C, Dorador C, Schumann P, Schniete J K, Herron P, Andrews B, Asenjo J, Nouioui I. (2019) Streptomyces altiplanensis sp. nov., an alkalitolerant species isolated from Chilean Altiplano soil, and emended description of Streptomyces chryseus (Krasil’nikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. (in press).

Libros publicados

Juan Asenjo ha editado y publicado 5 libros, de los cuales 3 corresponden a artículos de congresos.

1. Asenjo, J.A. and Hong, J. (1986). Separation, Recovery and Purification in Biotechnology: Recent Advances and Mathematical Modelling. 1st ed. Washington: ACS Books.

2. Asenjo, J.A. (1990). Separation Processes in Biotechnology. New York: Marcel Dekker.

3. Asenjo, J.A. and Merchuk, J.C. (1995). Bioreactor System Design. New York: Marcel Dekker.

4. Asenjo, J.A. and Andrews, B.A. (1996). Recombinant DNA Biotechnology 3: The Integration of Biological and Engineering Sciences. New York: Ann. Acad. Sciences.

5. Asenjo, J. (1998). 10th International Conference on Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems. Lecture.


  1. Rioseco Vergaa, María P (24 de junio de 2019). «Entrevista personal a Juan A. Asenjo». 
  2. «Premios Nacionales». Consultado el 26 de junio de 2019. 
  3. Miranda, Noemí (2018). «Juan Asenjo: El permanente asombro de descubrir». Beauchef Magazine (11). Consultado el 26 de junio de 2019. 
  4. «Mentes Brillantes». Consultado el 30 de junio de 2019. 
  5. «Juan Asenjo, Premio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas 2004: “Las algas son recursos naturales poco explotados”». Consultado el 30 de junio de 2019. 
  6. «"El hombre que tiene la cura para el alcoholismo"». Consultado el 26 de junio de 2019. 
  7. Exploradores del átomo al cosmos. «Entrevista al Doctor Juan Asenjo, director del Cebib y Premio Nacional de Ciencias». Consultado el 30 de junio de 2019. 
  8. Lols, Fernando. «El Dr. Fernando Lols entrevista al Dr. Juan Asenjo, Premio Nacional de Ciencias y miembro de número de la Academia Chile de Ciencias.». Consultado el 30 de junio de 2019. 

Enlaces externos

  • Portafolio Académico Juan A. Asenjo de Leuze
  • Centro de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería (CeBiB)
  •   Datos: Q5947585

juan, asenjo, juan, asenjo, leuze, lancizolle, santiago, chile, octubre, 1949, ingeniero, químico, investigador, chileno, reconocido, nivel, internacional, fundador, coordinador, programa, postgrado, ingeniería, civil, química, biotecnología, universidad, chil. Juan A Asenjo de Leuze de Lancizolle Santiago de Chile 7 de octubre de 1949 es un ingeniero quimico e investigador chileno reconocido a nivel internacional Es fundador y coordinador del Programa de Postgrado de Ingenieria Civil Quimica y Biotecnologia de la Universidad de Chile y director actual del Centro de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria CeBiB iniciativa albergada en la Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas y que posiciona a la Universidad de Chile como nexo del quehacer investigativo de cinco universidades estatales desde Antofagasta hasta Puerto Montt Tambien fue presidente de la Academia Chilena de Ciencias 2010 2016 y elegido miembro de la National Academy of Engineering en el ano 2018 Su trabajo de investigacion en el campo de la Biotecnologia se muestra en 243 publicaciones cientificas internacionales 7 patentes internacionales y 5 libros editados Ha supervisado a un gran numero de estudiantes de doctorado 55 en los Estados Unidos Inglaterra y Chile y ha tenido 19 becarios postdoctorales Pionero en el area de la biotecnologia obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnologicas de Chile en el ano 2004 1 Juan AsenjoInformacion personalNacimiento7 de octubre de 1949 ChileResidenciaChileNacionalidadChilenoFamiliaPadresAlfonso Asenjo Gomez Amelie de Leuze de LancizolleConyugeBarbara Andrews 1979 EducacionEducado enPregrado Universidad de Chile Magister Universidad de Leeds PHD University College de LondresInformacion profesionalAreaBiotecnologia BioquimicaDistincionesPremio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnologicas de Chile 2004 editar datos en Wikidata Indice 1 Biografia 2 Formacion Academica 3 Trayectoria y Carrera cientifica 4 Contribuciones Cientificas Destacadas 4 1 El descubrimiento de Streptomyces asenjonii 5 Publicaciones 5 1 Articulos publicados 5 2 Libros publicados 6 Referencias 7 Enlaces externosBiografia EditarNacio en Santiago de Chile el 7 de octubre de 1949 Esta casado con Barbara Andrews y tiene tres hijos Fue el segundo hijo de Alfonso Asenjo Gomez y de Amelie de Leuze de Lancizolle Su padre fue un reconocido medico neurocirujano pionero en Chile y en Latinoamerica en el ambito de la neurocirugia fundador del Instituto Neurocirugia e Investigaciones Cerebrales 2 actualmente el Instituto de Neurocirugia Dr Alfonso Asenjo y en 1973 galardonado con el Premio Nacional de Ciencias de Chile Este es el unico caso en Chile en el cual padre e hijo reciben este reconocimiento Su madre es alemana nacida en Berlin Despues de haber pasado un par de anos en el extranjero sus padres deciden volver a Chile en donde nace Juan A los dos anos tuvo poliomielitis en una epoca en la cual aun no estaba desarrollada la vacuna De esa enfermedad le quedo una secuela en su pierna derecha Curso sus estudios secundarios en el Colegio Aleman en donde siempre destaco como uno de los mejores alumnos Ademas fue elegido Presidente del Centro de Alumnos convirtiendose en el primer Presidente del Centro de Alumnos del Colegio Aleman con un apellido no aleman Fue influenciado por dos profesores de quimica y matematica quienes potenciaron en el sus habilidades innatas e interes por las ciencias exactas la fisica las matematicas 1 Formacion Academica EditarPese a que su padre fue un reconocido y prestigioso medico la medicina nunca fue de su interes Buscando una alternativa que integrara sus intereses decide entrar a estudiar Ingenieria en el ano 1967 en la Universidad de Chile En el proceso de escoger una especializacion es que se decide por la quimica encontrando en ella un area que le permitia potenciar su capacidad innata de visualizar procesos complejos y descubrir sus puntos estrategicos 3 En el ultimo ano de carrera en su proyecto de tesis se encuentra con un problema que le llama muchisimo la atencion y que requeria de la fisica para solucionar una incognita bioquimica Es asi como empieza a trabajar con enzimas en lo que fueron los comienzos de la biotecnologia La pregunta planteada en ese momento fue si era posible relacionar la masa de una enzima con su actividad para tener estandarizacion Su tesis de grado alcanzo niveles que el no imagino debido a su extraordinaria capacidad de haber integrado las dos disciplinas para dar respuesta a interrogantes que no tenian solucion en ese momento En 1973 egreso y partio a la Universidad de Leeds en Reino Unido a realizar sus estudios de magister En 1975 comenzo su PhD en University College of London universidad a la que llego pues eran las precursoras en la creacion de posgrado en el area de la biotecnologia En el ano 1976 el ensayo de su tesis fue aceptado en la Chemical Engineering Science ocupando el segundo lugar en el indice de la publicacion Mientras cursaba su doctorado trabajo con dos cientificos considerados fundadores de la biotecnologia a nivel mundial Peter Dunnill y Malcolm Lilly Trayectoria y Carrera cientifica EditarAsenjo debia exponer en un congreso de ingenieria bioquimica en Estados Unidos En este evento conoce a Harry Gregor investigador de la Universidad de Columbia quien le ofrece el cargo de Director del Laboratorio de Ingenieria Bioquimica de la Universidad de Columbia En 1980 y durante seis anos Asenjo y su esposa se radicaron en Nueva York desempenandose como Director del Laboratorio y ademas profesor asociado Su gestion destaca por haber llevado a la delantera a la Universidad en el campo de la ingenieria bioquimica a nivel mundial Ocupo el cargo de Biotechnology Counselor en la American Chemical Society y fue escogido entre los doce representantes de Estados Unidos en la USA Japan Joint Biotechnology Conference En 1986 Juan Asenjo comienza a colaborar con un antiguo colega Leo Pyle con quien habia trabajado en su tesis creando y organizando el area de Ingenieria Bioquimica del Imperial College of London en Reino Unido Luego la Universidad de Reading les ofrece la misma posibilidad crear desde cero el area academica y de investigacion en Ingenieria en Biotecnologia llevo a estudiantes chilenos a especializarse en esa institucion y acuno terminos como ingenieria en proteinas y biologia de sistemas conceptos que podian ser la solucion para el mal de Parkinson y otras enfermedades 4 Durante 10 anos estuvo a cargo del Laboratorio Ingenieria en Biotecnologia en esa institucion convirtiendose en lideres en el area de separacion y purificacion de proteinas En 1996 decide volver a Chile impulsado por el deseo de que Chile se uniese al avance en biotecnologia Toma contacto con Igor Saavedra en ese entonces Presidente de la Fundacion Andes quien le propone a Asenjo crear el Doctorado en Biotecnologia en la Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas de la Universidad de Chile Es asi como surgen los primeros laboratorios de lo que es el Cebib actualmente Ha sido Presidente de varios Congresos internacionales Francia Inglaterra y del 12º Simposio Internacional de Biotecnologia 2004 que es el evento mas importante en este campo y fue la primera vez que se celebro en Latinoamerica Sus antiguos alumnos son profesores e investigadores en universidades y centros de investigacion de todo el mundo Cornell Iowa State Rice University College London Campinas e IPT Guanxi Univ Oporto Foster Wheeler Smith Kline Beecham Amgen Merck Sharp amp Dohme Wyeth Procter and Gamble Novo Nordisk Antofagasta Univ La Frontera y U de Chile Ha sido Copresidente de IANAS Red Interamericana de Academias de Ciencias 2013 2019 y ha sido miembro de la CSPR Comite para la Planificacion Cientifica de ICSU ahora ISC International Science Council con sede en Paris y tambien Miembro del Comite Ejecutivo de IAP InterAcademy Partnership con mas de 100 Academias Nacionales de Ciencias en todo el mundo Es miembro del Comite de Redaccion de 7 revistas cientificas internacionales en biotecnologia y bioingenieria Biotechnology and Bioengineering Biotechnology Advances Enzyme and Microbial Technology Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Biotechnology Letters Bioseparation Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Contribuciones Cientificas Destacadas EditarUna de sus contribuciones cientificas es el hallazgo y desarrollo de enzimas antarticas extraidas del sistema digestivo del kril y luego aplicando la biotecnologia convertidas en bacterias geneticamente modificadas Esto fue patentado en EE UU y se sigue investigando con ellas en proyectos en alianza con empresas privadas Uno de sus principales proyectos ha sido el uso de enzimas de origen marino y antartico para el desarrollo de detergentes que funcionen a bajas temperaturas Con esta iniciativa se pretende potenciar el ahorro de energia ya que en Chile se realizan cerca de un millon de lavados al dia con temperaturas aproximadas de 60 C Si se hicieran a 20 C el ahorro de energia seria notable Ademas en muchas partes del mundo se lava a bajas temperaturas por lo que nuestro desarrollo permite hacerlo en forma mas eficiente 5 Luego vino el trabajo contra el alcoholismo basandose en que los orientales no asimilan el alcohol porque les falta una enzima que es parte de Usando esta mutacion genetica se desarrollo una terapia que hacia que la persona presentara nauseas mareos y dolor de cabeza Esto pensado en que podria contrarrestar el alcoholismo 6 Durante su trabajo en la Universidad de Reading uno de sus mayores logros fue predecir mediante un sistema computacional la forma mas racional y perfecta de purificar las proteinas que se estaban fabricando como la insulina y la hepatitis B 7 El descubrimiento de Streptomyces asenjonii Editar Junto a Alan Bull y Michael Goodfellow se adentraron en el desierto de Atacama buscando bacterias que resistiesen condiciones extremas La idea era encontrar microorganismos que pudieran ser usados como antibioticos o anticancerigenos Mediante un largo trabajo en conjunto con los investigadores extranjeros deciden bautizar esta bacteria en su nombre en honor y reconocimiento a su lucha por dar valor a la biodiversidad de nuestro pais Esta bacteria aun es materia de investigacion 8 Publicaciones Editar Este articulo o seccion necesita ser wikificado por favor editalo para que cumpla con las convenciones de estilo Este aviso fue puesto el 12 de marzo de 2021 Juan A Asenjo ha escrito 243 articulos cientificos de los cuales 223 estan referenciados en Scopus y 243 en Web of Science Articulos publicados Editar 1 Asenjo J A Munoz R and Pyle D L 1977 On the transition from a fixed to a spouted bed Chem Eng Sci 32 109 117 2 Halling P J Asenjo J A and Dunnill P 1979 Non porous magnetic supports for proteases cell lytic enzymes and ribonuclease limits of reactant size Biotechnol Bioeng 21 2359 2363 3 Asenjo J A 1980 Continuous isolation of yeast lytic enzymes In Enzyme Engineering Vol 5 H Weetall and G Royer eds p 49 55 Plenum Press New York 4 Asenjo J A Dunnill P and Lilly M D 1981 The production of yeast lytic enzymes by Cytophaga in batch culture Biotechnol Bioeng 23 97 109 5 Asenjo J A and Dunnill P 1981 The isolation of lytic enzymes from Cytophaga sp and their application to the rupture of yeast cells Biotechnol Bioeng 23 1045 1056 6 Asenjo J A 1981 Process for the production of yeast lytic enzymes and the disruption of whole yeast cells In Advances in Biotechnology Vol 3 C Vezina and K Singh eds p 295 300 Pergamon Press 7 Contreras I Gonzalez R Ronco A and Asenjo J A 1982 Cellulolytic enzymes for the hydrolysis of leached beet cosette Biotech Lett 4 51 56 8 Hernandez R and Asenjo J A 1982 Production and characterization of an enzymatic hydrolysate of skim milk lactose and proteins J Food Sci 47 1895 1898 and 1911 9 Asenjo J A Szuhay J and Chiu D 1982 Growth and citric acid production by Candida guilliermondii using a cellulose substrate Biotechnol Bioeng S12 111 120 10 Asenjo J A and Jew C 1983 Primary metabolite or microbial protein from cellulose Conditions kinetics and modelling of the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of citric acid Ann N Y Acad Sci 413 211 217 11 Asenjo J A 1983 Maximizing the formation of glucose in the enzymatic hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose Biotechnol Bioeng 25 3185 3190 12 Asenjo J A 1983 Process kinetics and bioreactor design for the direct bioconversion of cellulose into microbial products Biotechnol Bioeng S13 449 456 13 Asenjo J A 1984 Modeling the bioconversion of cellulose into microbial products rate limitations Process Biochem 19 217 224 14 LeCorre S Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1985 Use of a lytic enzyme system from Cytophaga sp in the lysis of Gram positive bacteria Enzyme Microb Technol 7 73 78 15 Asenjo J A Amar M Cartagena N King J Hiche E and Stekel A 1985 Use of a heme iron concentrate in the fortification of biscuits J Food Sci 50 794 798 16 Asenjo J A Andrews B A Hunter J B and LeCorre S 1985 Microbial cell lytic enzyme systems production and reaction kinetics Process Biochem 20 158 164 17 Asenjo J A and Suk J 1985 Kinetics and models of the bioconversion of Methane into an intracellular polymer Poly ss hydroxybutyrate PHB Biotechnol Bioeng S15 225 234 18 Enzminger J D and Asenjo J A 1986 Use of cell recycle in the aerobic fermentative production of citric acid by yeast Biotech Lett 8 7 12 19 Asenjo J A Spencer J L and Phuvan V 1986 Optimization of the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of an insoluble substrate into microbial metabolites Ann N Y Acad Sci 469 404 420 20 Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1986 Synthesis and regulation of extracellular b 1 3 glucanase and protease by Cytophaga sp in batch and continuous culture Biotechnol Bioeng 28 1366 1375 21 Hunter J B and Asenjo J A 1986 Structured and simple models of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells in Separations Recovery and Purification in Biotechnology Recent Advances and Mathematical Modeling Eds J A Asenjo and J Hong ACS books Vol 314 Washington 9 31 22 Asenjo J A and Suk J 1986 Microbial conversion of methane into poly ss hydroxybutyrate PHB growth and intracellular product accumulation in a type II methanotroph J Ferment Technol 64 271 278 23 Hunter J B and Asenjo J A 1987 Kinetics of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells 1 Evaluation of two lytic systems with different properties Biotechnol Bioeng 30 471 480 24 Hunter J B and Asenjo J A 1987 Kinetics of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells 2 A simple model of lysis kinetics Biotechnol Bioeng 30 481 490 25 Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1987 Continuous culture studies of the synthesis and regulation of extracellular 1 3 glucanase and protease enzymes from Oerskovia xanthineolytica Biotechnol Bioeng 30 628 637 26 Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1987 Enzymatic lysis and disruption of microbial cells Trends in Biotechnol 5 273 277 27 Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1987 Production of enzyme systems in continuous culture for the controlled lysis of microbial cells Ann N Y Acad Sci 506 637 641 28 Hunter J B and Asenjo J A 1987 Distributed model of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells Ann N Y Acad Sci 506 649 656 29 Hunter J B and Asenjo J A 1988 A structured mechanistic model of the kinetics of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells Biotechnol Bioeng 31 929 944 30 Liu L C Prokopakis G J and Asenjo J A 1988 Optimization of enzymatic lysis of yeast Biotechnol Bioeng 32 1113 1127 31 Asenjo J A Andrews B A and Pitts 1988 J M Design of enzyme systems for selective product release from microbial cells isolation of a recombinant protein from yeast Ann N Y Acad Sci 542 140 152 32 Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 1989 Design and use of enzyme systems for selective product release from microbial cells Bioproducts and Bioprocesses Eds A Fiechter et al Spinger Verlag 223 234 33 Head D M Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1989 Epoxy oxyrane activation of PEG for protein ligand coupling Biotech Techniques 3 27 32 34 Asenjo J A Herrera L and Byrne B 1989 Development of an Expert System for selection and synthesis of protein purification processes J Biotechnol 11 275 298 35 Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1989 Aqueous two phase partitioning in Protein Purification Methods a Practical Approach Eds E L V Harris and S Angal IRL press p 161 174 36 Asenjo J A and Patrick I 1990 Large Scale Protein Purification Chapter 1 in Protein Purification Applications a Practical Approach Eds E L V Harris and S Angal IRL press p 1 28 37 Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 1990 Enzymatic Cell Lysis for Product Release in Separation Processes in Biotechnology Ed J A Asenjo Marcel Dekker New York p 143 175 38 Prokopakis G J and Asenjo 1990 J A Synthesis of Downstream Processes in Separation Processes in Biotechnology Ed J A Asenjo Marcel Dekker New York p 571 601 39 Hunter J B and Asenjo J A 1990 A population balance model of enzymatic lysis of microbial cells Biotechnol Bioeng 35 31 42 40 Asenjo J A 1990 Selection of Operations in Separation Processes in Separation Processes in Biotechnology Ed J A Asenjo Marcel Dekker New York p 3 16 41 Andrews B A Head D M Dunthorne P and Asenjo J A 1990 PEG activation and ligand binding for the affinity partitioning of proteins in aqueous two phase systems Biotechnol Techniques 4 49 54 42 Ventom A M and Asenjo J A 1990 Purification of the major glucanase of Oerskovia xanthineolytica LL G109 Biotechnol Techniques 4 165 170 43 Ventom A M and Asenjo J A 1990 Two extracellular proteases from Oerskovia xanthineolytica LL G109 Biotechnol Techniques 4 171 176 44 Franco T Andrews B A Cascone O Hodgson C Andrews A T and Asenjo J A 1990 Affinity Separation of Proteins in Aqueous Two Phase Systems in Separations for Biotechnology II Ed D L Pyle Elsevier p 335 344 45 Asenjo J A 1990 The Rational Design of Large Scale Protein Separation Process in Separations for Biotechnology II Ed D L Pyle Elsevier p 519 528 46 Andrews B A Huang R and Asenjo J A 1990 Differential Product Release from Yeast Cells By Selective Enzymatic Lysis in Separations for Biotechnology II Ed D L Pyle Elsevier p 21 28 47 Asenjo J A 1990 Cell Disruption and Removal of Insolubles in Separations for Biotechnology II Ed D L Pyle Elsevier p 11 20 48 Ventom A M and Asenjo J A 1991 Characterization of yeast lytic enzymes from Oerskovia xanthineolytica LL G109 Enzyme Microb Technol 13 71 75 49 Andrews B A Huang R and Asenjo J A 1991 Differential Product Release from Yeast Cells by Selective Enzymatic Lysis in Biologicals from Recombinant Microorganisms and Animal Cells New Strategies in Production and Recovery Eds M White S Reuveny and A Shaffermann VCH Publishers Germany p 307 321 50 Asenjo J A Franco T Andrews A T and Andrews B A 1991 Affinity Separation of Proteins in Aqueous Two Phase Systems in Biologicals from Recombinant Microorganisms and Animal Cells New Strategies in Production and Recovery Eds M White S Reuveny and A Shaffermann VCH Publishers Germany p 439 454 51 Cascone O Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1991 Partition and purification of thaumatin in aqueous two phase systems Enzyme Microb Technol 13 629 635 52 Asenjo J A Sun W H and Spencer J L 1991 Optimization of batch processes involving simultaneous enzymatic and microbial reactions Biotechnol Bioeng 37 1087 1094 53 Huang R B Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1991 Differential product release DPR of proteins from yeast a new technique for selective product recovery Biotechnol Bioeng 38 977 985 54 Asenjo J A Parrado J and Andrews B A 1991 The rational design of purification processes for recombinant proteins in Ann N Y Acad Sci 646 334 356 55 Torner M J and Asenjo J A 1991 Kinetics of enzyme release from breadmaking yeast cells in a bead mill Biotechnol Techniques 5 101 106 56 Asenjo J A 1991 The Rational Design of Large Scale Protein Separation Sequences in Upstream and Downstream Processing in Biotechnology III Eds A Huyghebaert and E Vandamme Royal Flemish Society of Engineers Antwerpen p 4 7 4 17 57 Andrews B A Torner M J and Asenjo J A 1991 Differential Product Release from Yeast Cells by Selective Enzymatic Lysis in Upstream and Downstream Processing in Biotechnology III Eds A Huyghebaert and E Vandamme Royal Flemish Society of Engineers Antwerpen p 3 1 3 12 58 Asenjo J A and Maugeri F 1992 An Expert System for Selection and Synthesis of Protein Purification Processes in Frontiers in Bioprocessing II Eds P Todd S Sikdar and M Bier ACS books Washington p 358 379 59 Rodriques I Zaror C A Maugeri F and Asenjo J A 1992 Dynamic modelling simulation and control of continuous adsorption recycle extraction Chem Eng Sci 47 263 26960 Torner M J Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1992 Kinetics of protein release from yeast using enzymatic lysis for selective product recovery Biotechnol Techniques 6 371 376 61 Asenjo J A 1992 Separation Processes in Biotechnology in Profiles on Biotechnology Eds T G Villa and J Abalde Publications of the Univ of Santiago de Compostela Spain p 505 522 62 Leser E W and Asenjo J A 1992 Rational design of purification processes for recombinant proteins J of Chromatography 584 35 42 63 Asenjo J A Ventom A M Huang R B and Andrews B A 1993 Selective release of recombinant protein particles VLPs from yeast using a pure lytic glucanase enzyme Bio Technology 11 214 217 64 Asenjo J A 1993 Cell Disintegration in Recovery of Bioproducts Ed G Schmidt Kastner SCI publications London p 26 35 65 Mistry S L Asenjo J A and Zaror C A 1993 Mathematical modelling and simulation of aqueous two phase continuous protein extraction Bioseparation 3 343 358 66 A S Schmidt A M Ventom and J Asenjo 1994 Partitioning and purification of a amylase in aqueous two phase systems Enzyme Microb Technol 16 131 142 67 Leser E W and Asenjo J A 1994 The rational selection of purification processes for proteins an expert system for downstream processing design Ann N Y Acad Sci 721 337 347 68 Andrews B A Pyle D L and Asenjo J A 1994 The effects of pH and ionic strength on the partitioning of four proteins in reverse micelle systems Biotechnol Bioeng 43 1052 1058 69 Watanabe E Tsoka S and Asenjo J A 1994 Selection of chromatographic protein purification operations based on physicochemical properties Ann N Y Acad Sci 721 348 364 70 Asenjo J A Schmidt A S Hachem F and Andrews B A 1994 Model for predicting the partition behaviour of proteins in aqueous two phase systems J of Chromatography 668 47 54 71 Asenjo J A Turner R E Mistry S L and Kaul A 1994 Separation and purification of recombinant proteins from E coli using aqueous two phase systems J of Chromatography 668 129 137 72 Lye G J Asenjo J A and Pyle D L 1994 Protein extraction using reverse micelles kinetics of protein partitioning Chem Eng Sci 49 3195 3204 73 Asenjo J A Leser E and Andrews B A 1994 New Perspectives in Bioseparations in Separation Technology The Next Ten Years Ed J Garside Inst Chem Eng Rugby U K p 97 131 74 Mistry S L Merchuk J C and Asenjo J A 1994 Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Continuous Aqueous Two phase Extraction in Separations for Biotechnology 3 Ed D L Pyle Roy Soc Chem Cambridge p 321 328 75 Andrews A T Noble I Keeratipibul S and Asenjo J A 1994 Physicochemical properties of the main matrix proteins of three important culture vehicles Biotechnol Bioeng 44 29 37 76 Leser E W and Asenjo J A 1994 Protein recovery separation and purification Selection of optimal techniques using an expert system Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 89 99 109 77 Schmidt A S and Asenjo J A 1994 Modelling the Partition Behaviour of Proteins in Aqueous Two phase Systems in Separations for Biotechnology 3 Ed D L Pyle Roy Soc Chem Cambridge p 462 468 78 Regalado C Asenjo J A and Pyle D L 1994 Protein extraction by reverse micelles Studies on the recovery of horseradish peroxidase Biotechnol Bioeng 44 674 681 79 Turner R E Baines B S and Asenjo J A 1994 Physico chemical Database Development for Baculovirus produced Proteins The Rational Design of Large Scale Protein Purification in Separations for Biotechnology 3 Ed D L Pyle Roy Soc Chem Cambridge p 518 524 80 Regalado C Asenjo J A Pyle D L Trinca L A and Gilmour S 1994 Protein extraction by reverse micelles horseradish peroxidase recovery maximization by surface response methodology and denaturation studies Trans Inst Chem Eng 72 C 123 134 81 Ferrer P Mir N Shene C Halkier T Diers I Savva D and Asenjo J A 1994 An Integrated Approach for the Cloning Over expression and Use of Lytic Glucanases for the Selective Protein Recovery from Yeast Cells in Separations for Biotechnology 3 Ed D L Pyle Roy Soc Chem Cambridge p 159 165 82 Kaul A and Asenjo J A 1994 Partition of Soluble Proteins from E coli in Polyethylene Glycol salt Two phase Systems in Separations for Biotechnology 3 Ed D L Pyle Roy Soc Chem Cambridge p 235 341 83 Merchuk J C and Asenjo J A 1995 Design of a Bioreactor System Overwiew in Bioreactor System Design Eds J A Asenjo and J C Merchuk Marcel Dekker New York p 1 12 84 Merchuk J C and Asenjo J A 1995 Fundamentals of Bioreactor Design in Bioreactor System Design Eds J A Asenjo and J C Merchuk Marcel Dekker New York p 139 206 85 Merchuk J C and Asenjo J A 1995 The Monod equation and mass transfer Biotechnol Bioeng 45 91 94 86 Vazquez Lima F Pyle D L and Asenjo J A 1995 Factors affecting the esterification of lauric acid using an immobilized biocatalyst enzyme characterization and studies in a well mixed reactor Biotechnol Bioeng 46 69 79 87 Asenjo J A Schmidt A S Andersen P R and Andrews B A 1995 Effect of single nutrient limitation on poly ss hydroxybutyrate PHB molecular weight distribution in Alcaligenes eutrophus Biotechnol Bioeng 46 497 502 88 Andrews B A Huang R B and Asenjo J A 1995 Purification of virus like particles from yeast cells using aqueous two phase systems Bioseparation 5 105 112 89 Lye G J Asenjo J A and Pyle D L 1995 Extraction of lysozyme and ribonuclease a using reverse micelles limits to protein solubilization Biotechnol Bioeng 47 509 519 90 Kaul A Pereira R A M Asenjo J A and Merchuk J C 1995 Kinetics of phase separation for polyethylene glycol phosphate two phase systems Biotechnol Bioeng 48 246 256 91 Franco T T Andrews A T and Asenjo J A 1996 Conservative chemical modification of proteins to study the effects of a single protein property on partitioning in aqueous two phase systems Biotechnol Bioeng 49 290 299 92 Franco T T Andrews A T and Asenjo J A 1996 Use of chemically modified proteins to study the effect of a single protein property on partitioning in aqueous two phase systems effect of surface hydrophobicity Biotechnol Bioeng 49 300 308 93 Franco T T Andrews A T and Asenjo J A 1996 Use of chemically modified proteins to study the effect of a single protein property on partitioning in aqueous two phase systems effect of surface charge Biotechnol Bioeng 49 309 315 94 Leser E W and Asenjo J A 1996 Process Integration in Biotechnology in Downstream Processing of Natural Products A Practical Handbook Ed M S Verrall John Wiley New York p 123 138 95 Regalado C Asenjo J A and Pyle D L 1996 Studies on the purification of peroxidase from horseradish roots using reverse micelles Enzyme Microb Technol 18 332 339 96 Ferrer P Hedegaard L Halkier T Diers I Savva D and Asenjo J A 1996 Molecular cloning of a lytic b 1 3 glucanase gene from Oerskovia xanthineolytica LLG109 Ann N Y Acad Sci 782 556 566 97 Leser E W Lienqueo M E and Asenjo J A 1996 Implementation in an Expert System of selection rationale for purification processes for recombinant proteins Ann N Y Acad Sci 782 441 455 98 Shene C Mir N Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1996 Mathematical modelling of the synthesis of a cloned lytic b 1 3 Endoglucanase in Bacillus subtilis Ann N Y Acad Sci 782 334 349 99 Lye G J Asenjo J A and Pyle D L 1996 Reverse micellar mass transfer processes spray column extraction of lysozyme AIChE Journal 42 713 726 100 Lienqueo M E Leser E W and Asenjo J A 1996 An Expert System for the Selection and Synthesis of Multistep Protein Separation Processes Comput Chem Engng 20 S189 S194 101 Schmidt A S Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1996 Correlations for the partition behaviour of proteins in aqueous two phase systems Effect of overall protein concentration Biotechnol Bioeng 50 617 626 102 Asenjo J A Sun W H and Spencer J L 1996 Optimal control of batch processes involving simultaneous enzymatic and microbial reactions Bioproc Engin 14 323 329 103 Mistry S L Kaul A Merchuk J C and Asenjo J A 1996 Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Aqueous Two Phase Continuous Protein Extraction J Chromatography A 741 151 163 104 Asenjo J A and Chaudhuri J B 1996 Innovative Separation Methods in Bioprocessing in Separation Processes in the Food and Biotechnology Industries Principles and Applications Ed A S Grandison and M J Lewis Woodhead Publ Limited Cambridge U K p 179 206 105 Ferrer P Halkier T Hedegaard L Savva D Diers I and Asenjo J A 1996 Nucleotide sequence of a b 1 3 glucanase isoenzyme IIA gene of Oerskovia xanthineolytica LL G109 Cellulomonas cellulans and initial characterization of the recombinant enzyme expressed in Bacillus subtilis J Bacteriology 178 4751 4757 106 Parrado J Escuredo P R Conejero Lara F Kotik M Ponting C P Asenjo J A and Dobson C M 1996 Molecular characterisation of a thermoactive b 1 3 glucanase from Oerskovia xanthineolytica Biochim Biophys Acta 1296 145 151 107 Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1996 Protein partitioning equilibrium between the aqueous PEG and salt phases and the solid protein phase in PEG salt two phase systems J Chromatography B 685 15 20 108 Hachem F Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1996 Hydrophobic partitioning of proteins in aqueous two phase systems Enzyme Microb Technol 19 507 517 109 Vazquez Lima F Pyle D L and Asenjo J A 1997 Reaction kinetics of the esterification of lauric acid in iso octane using an immobilized biocatalyst Appl Biochem Biotechnol 61 411 422 110 Andrews B A Nielsen S and Asenjo J A 1996 Partitioning and purification of monoclonal antibodies in aqueous two phase systems Bioseparation 6 303 313 111 Harris D P Andrews A T Wright G Pyle D L and Asenjo J A 1997 The application of aqueous two phase systems to the purification of pharmaceutical proteins from transgenic sheep milk Bioseparation 7 31 37 112 Rodrigues M I Maciel Filho R Asenjo J A Zaror C A and Maugeri F 1997 A procedure for feasible and optimal operational strategies for control of CARE systems J Chem Technol Biotechnol 69 254 260 113 Ferrer P Diers I Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 1998 Yeast cell permeabilizing b 1 3 glucanases a tool for the integration of downstream processes and metabolic engineering applications to yeast Biotechnol Bioeng 58 321 324 114 Merchuk J C Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1998 Aqueous two phase systems for protein separation studies on phase inversion J Chromatography 711 285 293 115 Salamanca M H Merchuk J C Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1998 On the kinetics of phase separation in aqueous two phase systems J Chromatography 711 319 329 116 Shene C Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1999 Fed batch fermentations of Bacillus subtilis ToC46 pPFF1 for the synthesis of a recombinant b 1 3 glucanase Experimental study and modelling Enz Microb Technol 24 247 254 117 Huenupi E Gomez A Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 1999 Optimization and design considerations of two phase continuous protein separation J Chem Technol Biotechnol 74 256 263 118 Lienqueo M E Salgado J C and Asenjo J A 1999 An Expert System for selection of protein purification processes experimental validation J Chem Technol Biotechnol 74 293 299 119 Salazar O Molitor J and Asenjo J A 1999 Cloning and expression of an Oerskovia xanthineolytica 1 3 glucanase in Escherichia coli Biotech Letts 21 797 802 120 Montagna J M Vecchietti A Iribarren O A Pinto J M and Asenjo J A 2000 Optimal design of protein production plants with time and size factor process models Biotechnol Progress 16 228 237 121 Shene C Mir N Andrews B A and Asenjo 2000 Effect of the growth conditions on the synthesis of a recombinant 1 4 endoglucanase in continuous and fed batch culture Enz Microb Technol 27 248 253 122 Graber T A Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2000 Model for the partition of metal ions in aqueous two phase systems J Chromatography B 743 57 64 123 Taboada M E Graber T A Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2000 Drowning out crystallisation of sodium sulphate using aqueous two phase systems J Chromatography B 743 101 105 124 Asenjo J A Montagna J M Vecchietti A R Iribarren O A and Pinto J M 2000 Strategies for the simultaneous optimization of the structure and the process variables of a protein production plant Comput Chem Engng 24 2277 2290 125 Lienqueo M E and Asenjo J A 2000 Use of expert systems for the synthesis of downstream protein processes Comput Chem Engng 24 2339 2350 126 Andrews A T Harris D P Wright G Pyle D L and Asenjo J A 2000 Affinity gel electrophoresis as a predictive technique in the fractionation of transgenic sheep milk proteins by affinity aqueous two phase partitioning Biotechnol Letts 22 1349 1353 127 Taboada M E Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2001 Liquid liquid and liquid liquid solid equilibria in PEG Na2CO3 water Fluid Phase Equil 108 273 280 128 Gonzalez R Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2001 Metabolic control analysis of monoclonal antibody synthesis Biotechnol Progress 17 217 226 129 Graber T A Taboada M E Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2001 Influence of molecular weight of the polymer in the liquid liquid equilibrium of the poly ethylene glycol NaNO3 H20 system at 298 15 K J Chem Eng Data 46 765 768 130 Pinto J M Montagna J M Vecchietti A R Iribarren O A and Asenjo J A 2001 Process performance models in the optimization of multiproduct protein production plants Biotechnol Bioeng 74 451 465 131 Salazar O Molitor J Lienqueo M E and Asenjo J A 2001 Overproduction purification and characterization of 1 3 glucanase type II in Escherichia coli Protein Express and Purif 23 219 225 132 Graber T A Galleguillos H Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2002 Refractive Index Density and Viscosity in the NaNO3 H2O Poly ethylene glycol System at various Temperatures J Chem Eng Data 47 174 178 133 Asenjo J A Mistry S L Andrews B A and Merchuk J C 2002 Phase separation rates of aqueous two phase systems correlation with system properties Biotechnol Bioeng 79 217 223 134 Gonzalez R Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2002 Kinetic model for BiP and PDI mediated protein folding and assembly J Theor Biol 214 529 537 135 Salamanca M H Barria C Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2002 Isolation purification and preliminary characterization of cryophilic proteases of marine origin Bioseparation 10 237 241 136 Berggren K Wolf A Asenjo J A Andrews B A and Tjerneld F 2002 The surface exposed amino acid residues of monomeric proteins determine the partitioning in aqueous two phase systems Biochim Biophys Acta 1596 253 268 137 Lienqueo M E Mahn A and Asenjo J A 2002 Mathematical correlations for predicting protein retention times in hydrophobic interaction chromatography J Chromatography A 978 71 79 138 Gonzalez R Andrews B A Molitor J and Asenjo J A 2003 Metabolic analysis of the synthesis of high levels of intracellular human SOD in S Cerevisiae rhSOD 2060 411 SGA122 Biotechnol Bioeng 82 152 169 139 Shene C Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2003 Study of recombinant microorganism populations characterized by their plasmid content per cell using a segregated model Bioprocess and Biosyst Eng 25 333 340 140 Lienqueo M E Mahn A Vasquez L and Asenjo J A 2003 Methodology for predicting the separation of proteins by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and its application to a cell extract J Chromatography A 1009 189 196 141 Olivera Nappa A Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2004 A mixed mechanistic electrostatic model to explain pH dependence of glycosyl hydrolase enzyme activity Biotechnol Bioeng 86 573 586 142 Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2004 Is there a Rational Method to Purify Proteins From Expert Systems to Proteomics J of Molecular Recognition 17 236 247 143 Iribarren O A Montagna J M Vecchietti A R Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Pinto J M 2004 Optimal Process Synthesis for the Production of Multiple Recombinant Proteins Biotechnology Progress 20 1032 1042 144 Mahn A Lienqueo M E and Asenjo J A 2004 Effect of Surface Hydrophobicity Distribution on Protein Retention in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography J of Chromatography A 1043 47 55 145 Olivera Nappa A Lagomarsino G Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2004 Effect of Electrostatic Energy on Partitioning of Proteins in Aqueous Two Phase Systems J of Chromatography B 807 81 86 146 Andrews B A Schmidt A S and Asenjo J A 2005 Correlation for the Partition Behaviour of Proteins in Aqueous Two Phase Systems Effect of Surface Hydrophobicity and Charge Biotechnol Bioeng 90 380 390 147 Mahn A Zapata G and Asenjo J A 2005 A theory of protein resin interaction in hydrophobic interaction chromatography J of Chromatography A 1066 81 88 148 Salgado C Rapaport I and Asenjo J A 2005 Is it possible to predict the average surface hydrophobicity of a protein using only its amino acid composition J of Chromatography A 1075 133 143 149 Mahn A and Asenjo J A 2005 Prediction of protein retention in hydrophobic interaction chromatography Biotechnology Advances 23 359 368 150 Salgado C Rapaport I and Asenjo J A 2005 Prediction of retention times of proteins in hydrophobic interaction chromatography using only their amino acid composition J of Chromatography A 1098 44 54 151 Ezquer F Nunez M T Asenjo J A and Israel Y 2006 Hereditary Hemochromatosis an opportunity for gene therapy Biol Res 39 113 124 152 Salgado C Rapaport I and Asenjo J A 2006 Predicting the behaviour of proteins in hydrophobic interaction chromatography 1 using the hydrophobic imbalance HI to describe their surface amino acid distribution J Chromatography A 1107 110 119 153 Salgado C Rapaport I and Asenjo J A 2006 Predicting the behaviour of proteins in hydrophobic interaction chromatography 2 using a statistical description of their surface amino acid distribution J Chromatography A 1107 120 129 154 Salazar O Basso C Barba P Orellana C and Asenjo J A 2006 Improvement of the Lytic Properties of a beta 1 3 Glucanase by Directed Evolution Molecular Biotechnology 33 211 220 155 Lienqueo M E Mahn A Navarro G Perez Acle T Salgado J C Rapaport I Asenjo J A 2006 New approaches for predicting protein retention time in hydrophobic interaction chromatography J Molec Recog 19 260 9 156 Shene C Lucero A Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2006 Mathematical Modelling of Elution Curves for a Protein Mixture in Ion Exchange Chromatography and for the Optimal Selection of Operational Conditions Biotechnol Bioeng 95 704 713 157 Mahn A Lienqueo M E and Asenjo J A 2007 Optimal Operation Conditions for Protein Separation in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography J of Chromatography B 849 236 242 158 Lienqueo M E Mahn A Salgado J C and Asenjo J A 2007 Current insights on protein behaviour in hydrophobic interaction chromatography Journal of Chromatography B 849 53 68 159 Asenjo J A Ramirez P Rapaport I Aracena J Goles E and Andrews B A 2007 A Discrete Mathematical Model Applied to Genetic Regulation and Metabolic Networks J of Microbiology and Biotechnology 17 496 510 160 Salazar O and Asenjo J A 2007 Enzymatic lysis of microbial cells Biotechnol Lett 29 985 994 161 Kaltenbrunner O Giaverini O Woehle D and Asenjo J A 2007 Application of Chromatographic Theory for Process Characterization Towards Validation of an lon Exchange Operation Biotechnol Bioeng 98 201 210 162 Parra L Reyes F Acevedo J P Salazar O Andrews B Asenjo J 2008 Cloning and fusion expression of a cold active lipase from marine Antarctic origin Enzyme and Microbial Technology 42 371 377 163 Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2008 Challenges and Trends in Bioseparations J Chem Tech Biotecnol 83 117 120 164 Acevedo J P Reyes F Parra L Salazar O Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2008 Cloning of complete genes for novel hydrolytic enzymes from Antarctic sea water bacteria by use of an improved genome walking technique Journal of Biotechnology 133 277 286 165 Sepulveda D E Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Papoutsakis E T 2008 Comparative Transcriptional Analysis of Embryoid Body versus Two Dimensional Differentiation of Murine Embryonic Stem Cells Tissue Engineering Part A 14 1603 1614 166 Salgado C Andrews B A Ortuzar M F and Asenjo J A 2008 Prediction of the partitioning behaviour of proteins in aqueous two phase systems using only their amino acid composition Journal of Chromatography A 1178 134 144 167 Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2009 Protein Purification using Chromatography Selection of Type Modelling and Optimization of Operating Conditions J of Molecular Recognition 22 65 76168 Hold C Andrews B and Asenjo J A 2009 A Stoichiometric Model of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATTC 23270 for Metabolic Flux Analysis Biotechnology and Bioengineering 102 1448 1459 169 Okoro C K Brown R Jones A L Andrews B Asenjo J A Goodfellow M and Bull A T 2009 Diversity of culturable actinomycetes in hyper arid soils of the Atacama Desert Chile Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 95 121 133 170 Lienqueo M E Salgado J C Giaverini O Asenjo J A 2009 Computer aided design to select optimal polypeptide tags to assist the purification of recombinant proteins Separation and Purification Technology 65 86 94171 Gerdtzen Z P Salgado J C Osses A Asenjo J A Rapaport I and Andrews B 2009 Modeling heterocyst pattern formation in cyanobacteria BMC Bioinformatics 10 Suppl 6 S16172 Orellana C A Shene C and Asenjo J A 2009 Mathematical Modelling of Elution Curves for a Protein Mixture in Ion Exchange Chromatography Applied to High Protein Concentration Biotechnol Bioeng 104 572 581 173 Diaz H Andrews B A Hayes A Castrillo J Oliver S and Asenjo J A 2009 Global Gene Expression in Recombinant and Non Recombinant Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae In Three Different Metabolic States Biotechnology Advances 27 1092 1117 174 Contador Carolina A Rizk Matthew L Asenjo J A and Liao James C 2009 Ensemble modeling for strain development of L lysine producing Escherichia coli Metabolic Engineering 11 221 233 175 Lienqueo M E Shene C and Asenjo J A 2009 Optimization of hydrophobic interaction chromatography using a mathematical model of elution curves of a protein mixture J Molec Recognit 22 110 120176 Martinez V Gerdtzen Z P Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2010 Viral Vectors for the Treatment of Alcoholism use of Metabolic Flux Analysis for Cell Cultivation and Vector Production Metabolic Engineering 12 129 137177 Olivera A Picioreanu C and Asenjo J A 2010 Non Homogeneous Biofilm Modeling Applied to Bioleaching Processes Biotechnol Bioeng 106 660 676178 Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2010 Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Hydrophobicity of Proteins to Predict their Partitioning Behaviour in Aqueous Two Phase Systems a Review Separation Science and Technology 45 2165 2170179 Sepulveda D E Andrews B A Papoutsakis E T and Asenjo J A 2010 Metabolic Flux Analysis of Embryonic Stem Cells Using Three Distinct Differentiation Protocols and Comparison to Gene Expression Patterns Biotechnol Prog 26 1222 1229180 Merino M P Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2010 Stoichiometric Model and Metabolic Flux Analysis for Leptospirilum ferrooxidans Biotechnol Bioeng 107 696 706 181 Sandoval G Shene C Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2010 Extension of the Selection of Protein Chromatography and the Rate Model to Affinity Chromatography J of Molecular Recognition 23 609 617 182 Tan Y Rivera L Contador C Asenjo J A and Liao J 2011 Reducing the Allowable Kinetic Space by Constructing Ensemble of Dynamic Models with the Same Steady State Flux Metabolic Engineering 13 60 75 183 Lienqueo ME Shene C Quiroga A Salazar O Salgado J C and Asenjo J A 2010 Experimental Validation of the Predictions of a Mathematical Model for Protein Purification and Tag Selection Separation Science and Technology 45 2153 2164 184 Olivera A Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2011 Mutagenesis Objective Search and Selection Tool MOSST an algorithm to predict structure function related mutations in proteins BMC Bioinformatics 12 122 1 22185 Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2011 Aqueous Two Phase Systems for Protein Separation A perspective Journal of Chromatography A 1218 8826 8835 186 Rateb M E Houssen W E Arnold M Abdelrahman M H Deng H Harrison W T A Okoro Ch K Asenjo J A Andrews B A Ferguson G Bull A T Goodfellow M Ebel R and Jaspars M 2011 Chaxamycins A D Bioactive Ansamycins from a Hyper arid Desert Streptomyces sp Journal of Natural Products 74 1491 1499 187 Contador C Andrews B Liao J and Asenjo J A 2011 Identification of Transcription Factors perturbed by the Synthesis of High Levels of a Foreign Protein in Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Biotechnol Prog 27 925 936 188 Rateb M E Houssen W E Harrison W T A Deng H Okoro Ch K Asenjo J A Andrews B A Bull A T Goodfellow M Rainer E and Jaspars M 2011 Diverse Metabolic Profiles of a Streptomyces Strain Isolated from a Hyper arid Environment Journal of Natural Products 74 1965 1971 189 Benavides J Rito Palomares M and Asenjo J A 2011 Aqueous Two Phase Systems Comprehensive Biotechnology Ed C Webb Elsevier L V 2 697 713 doi 10 1016 B978 0 08 088504 9 00124 0190 Nachtigall J Kulik A Helaly S Bull A Goodfellow M Asenjo J A Maier M Wiese J Imhoff J F Sussmuth R D and Fiedler H P 2011 Atacamycins A C 22 membered antitumor macrolactones produced by Streptomyces sp C38 The Journal of Antibiotics 64 775 780 191 Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2012 Aqueous two phase systems for protein separation Phase separation and applications J Chromatography A 1238 1 10 192 Santhanam R Okoro Ch K Rong X Huang Y Bull A T Andrews B A Asenjo J A Weon H Y and Goodfellow M 2012 Streptomyces deserti sp Nov isolated from hyper arid Atacama Desert soil Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 101 575 581 193 Mayolo Deloisa K Lienqueo ME Andrews B A Rito Palomares M and Asenjo J A 2012 Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography for Purification of MonoPEGylated RNase A J Chromatography A 1242 11 16 194 Santhanam R Okoro Ch K Rong X Huang Y Bull A T Weon H Y Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Goodfellow M 2012 Streptomyces atacamensis sp nov isolated from an extreme hyper arid soil of the Atacama Desert International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62 2680 2684 195 Moisset P Vaisman D Cintolesi A Urrutia J Rapaport I Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2012 Continuous Modeling of Metabolic Networks with Gene Regulation in Yeast and In Vivo Determination of Rate Parameters Biotechnol Bioeng 109 2325 2339 196 Sandoval G Andrews B and Asenjo J A 2012 Elution relationships to model affinity chromatography using a general rate model J of Molecular Recognition 25 571 579 197 Acevedo J P Rodriguez V Saavedra M Munoz M Salazar O Asenjo J A and Andrews B 2013 Cloning expression and decoding of the cold adaptation of a new widely represented thermolabile subtilisin like protease J Applied Microbiology 114 352 363 198 Santhanam R Rong XY Huang Y Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Goodfellow M 2013 Streptomyces bullii sp nov isolated from a hyper arid Atacama Desert soil Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 103 367 373 199 Bull A T and Asenjo J A 2013 Microbiology of hyper arid environments recent insights from the Atacama Desert Chile Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 103 1173 1179 200 Olivera Nappa A Reyes F Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2013 Cold adaptation Ca2 dependency and autolytic stability are related features in a highly active cold adapted trypsin resistant to autoproteolysis engineered for biotechnological applications PLOS One 8 e72355 201 Cumsille P Asenjo J A and Conca C 2014 A novel model for biofilm growth and its resolution by using the hybrid immersed interface level set method Computers and Mathematics with Applications 67 34 51 202 Rodriguez V Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2014 Design and implementation of a high yield production system for recombinant expression of peptides Microbial Cell Factories 13 65203 Gossage L Pires D E V Olivera Nappa A Asenjo J Bycroft M Blundell T L and Eisen T 2014 An integrated computational approach can classify VHL missense mutations according to risk of clear cell Renal carcinoma Human Molecular Genetics 23 5976 5988 204 Campodonico M A Andrews B A Asenjo J A Palsson B O and Feist A M 2014 Generation of an atlas for commodity chemical production in Escherichia coli and a novel pathway prediction algorithm GEM Path Metabolic Engineering 25 140 158 205 Parra L P Espina G Devia J Salazar O Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2015 Identification of lipase encoding genes from Antarctic Seawater bacteria using degenerate primers expression of a cold active lipase with high specific activity Enzyme and Microbial Technology 68 56 61 206 Merino M P Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2015 Stoichiometric Model and Flux Balance Analysis for a Mixed Culture of Leptospirillum ferriphilum and Ferroplasma acidiphilum Biotechnol Prog 31 307 315 207 Rodriguez V Lascani J Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2015 Production of cell penetrating peptides in Escherichia coli using an intein mediated system Applied Biochem Biotechnol 175 3025 3037 208 Castro J F Razmilic V Gomez Escribano J P Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Bibb M J 2015 Identification and Heterologous Expression of the Chaxamycin Biosynthesis Gene Cluster from Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii Appl Environm Microbiol 81 1 12209 Contador C A Shene C Olivera A Yoshikuni Y Buschmann A Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2015 Analyzing redox balance in a synthetic yeast platform to improve utilization of brown macroalgae as feedstock Metab Engin Comm 2 76 84 210 Gomez Escribano J P Castro J F Razmilic V Chandra G Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Bibb M J 2015 The Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii genome de novo sequencing and assembly in single contings of the chromosome circular plasmid pSLE1 and linear plasmid pSLE2 BMC Genomics 16 485 211 Contador C Rodriguez V Andrews B A Asenjo J A 2015 Genome scale reconstruction of Salinispora tropica CNB 440 metabolism to study strain specific adaptation Antonie van Leeuewenhoek 108 1075 1090 212 Elsayed S S Trusch F Deng H Raab A Prokes I Busarakam K Asenjo J A Andrews B A van West P Bull A T Goodfellow M Yu Y Ebel R Jaspars M and Rateb M 2015 Chaxapeptin a lasso peptide from the extremotolerant Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii strain C58 from the hyper arid Atacama Desert J Organic Chemistry 80 10252 10260 213 Sandoval G Espinoza D Figueroa N and Asenjo J A 2016 MILP reformulations for the design of biotechnological multi product batch plants using continuous equipment sizes and discrete host selection Comput Chem Eng 84 1 11 214 Campodonico M A Vaisman D Castro J F Razmilic V Mercado F Andrews B A Feist A M and Asenjo J A 2016 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidands s comprehensive model driven analysis of the electron transfer metabolism and synthetic strain design for biomining applications Metab Engin Comm 3 84 96 215 Merino M P Andrews B A Parada P and Asenjo J A 2016 Characterization of Ferroplasma acidiphilum growing in pure and mixed culture with Leptospirilum ferriphilum Biotechnol Prog 32 1390 1396 216 Bull A T Asenjo J A Goodfellow M and Gomez Silva B 2016 The Atacama Desert Technical Resources and the Growing Importance of Novel Microbial Diversity Annu Rev Microbiol 70 215 234 217 Idris H Labeda D P Nouioui I Castro J F Montero Calasanz Bull A T Asenjo J A and Goodfellow M 2017 Streptomyces aridus sp Nov isolated from a high altitude Atacama Desert soil and emended description of Streptomyces noboritoensis Isono et al 1957 Antonie van Leeuewenhoek 110 705 717 218 Acevedo J P Reetz M T Asenjo J A and Parra L P 2017 One Step Combined focused epPCR and Saturation Mutagenesis for Thermostability Evolution of a New Cold Active Xylanase Enzyme Microb Technol 100 60 70 219 Wichner D Idris H Houssen W E McEwan A R Bull A T Asenjo J A Goodfellow M Jaspars M Ebel R and Rateb M E 2017 Isolation and anti HIV 1 integrase activity of lentzeosides A F from extremotolerant lentzea sp H45 a strain isolated from a high altitude Atacama Desert soil J of Antibiotics 70 448 453 220 Idris H Nouioui I Asenjo J A Bull A T and Goodfellow M 2017 Lentzea chajnantorensis sp Nov an actinobacterium from a very high altitude Cerro Chajnantor gravel soil in northern Chile Antonie van Leeuewenhoek 110 795 802 221 Sandoval G Espinoza D Figueroa N and Asenjo J A 2017 Optimization of a biotechnological multiproduct batch plant design for the manufacture of four different products a real case scenario Biotechnol Bioeng 114 1252 1263 222 Lucero A T Mercado S A Sanchez A C Contador C A Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2017 Purification of adenoviral vector serotype 5 for gene therapy against alcoholism using anion exchange chromatography J Chem Technol Biotechnol 92 2445 2452 223 Idris H Goodfellow M Sanderson R Asenjo J A and Bull A T 2017 Actinobacterial rare biospheres and dark matter revealed in habitats of the Chilean Atacama desert Nat Scient Reports 7 8373 1 11 224 Mejia Manzano L A Lienqueo M E Escalante Vazquez E J Rito Palomares M Asenjo J A 2017 Optimized purification of mono PEGylated lysozyme by Heparin Affinity Chromatography using Response Surface Methodology J Chem Technol Biotechnol 92 2554 2562 225 Mejia Manzano L A Sandoval G Lienqueo M E Moisset P Rito Palomares M Asenjo J A 2018 Simulation of mono PEGylated lysozyme separation in Heparin Affinity Chromatography using a General Rate Model J Chem Technol Biotechnol 93 1980 1987 226 Sanchez A C Chengwen L Andrews B A Asenjo J A Samulski R J 2018 AAV gene therapy for alcoholism Inhibition of mitochondrial Aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme expression in Hepatoma cells Human Gene Therapy 28 717 725 227 Bull A T Idris H Sanderson R Asenjo J A Andrews B A and Goodfellow M 2018 High altitude hyper arid soils of the Central Andes harbour mega diverse communities of Actinobacteria Extremophiles 22 47 57 228 Abdelkader M S A Philippo T Asenjo J A Bull A T Goodfellow M Ebel R Jaspars M and Rateb M E 2018 Asenjonamides A C antibacterial metabolites isolated from Streptomyces Asenjonii strain KNN 42 f from an extreme hyper arid Atacama Desert soil Journal of Antibiotics 71 425 431 229 Razmilic V Castro J F Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2018 Analysis of metabolic networks of Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii C34 by means of a genome scale model prediction of medications that enhance the production of specialised metabolites Biotechnol Bioeng 115 1815 1828 230 Saavedra J M Azocar M A Rodriguez V Ramirez Sarmiento C Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Parra L 2018 Relevance of local flexibility near the active site for enzymatic catalysis Biochemical characterization and engineering of cellulase Cel5A from Bacillus agaradherans Biotechnology J 13 1700669 231 Carro L Razmilic V Nouioui I Richardson L Pan C Golinska P Asenjo J A Bull A T Klenk H P and Goodfellow M 2018 Hunting for cultivable Micromonospora strains in soils of the Atacama Desert Antonie van Leeuewenhoek 111 1375 1387 232 Castro J F Razmilic V Gomez Escribano J P Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Bibb M 2018 The gifted actinomycete Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii Antonie van Leeuewenhoek 111 1433 1448 233 Razmilic V Castro J F Marchant F Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 2018 Metabolic modelling and flux analysis of microorganisms from the Atacama Desert used in biotechnological processes Antonie van Leeuewenhoek 111 1479 1491 234 Idris H Nouioui I Pathom aree W Castro J F Bull A T Andrews B A Asenjo J A and Goodfellow M 2018 Amycolatopsis vastitatis sp nov an isolate from a high altitude subsurface soil on Cerro Chajnantor northern Chile Antonie van Leeuewenhoek 111 1523 1533 235 Castro J F Nouioui I Sangal V Trujillo M E Montero Calasanz M C Rahmani T Bull A T Asenjo J A Andrews B A Goodfellow M 2018 Geodermatophilus chilensis sp nov from soil of the Yungay core region of the Atacama Desert Chile Systematic and Applied Microbiol 41 427 436 236 Castro J F Nouioui I Sangal V Choi S Yang S J Kim B Y Trujillo M Riesco R Montero Calasanz M C Rahmani T P D Bull A T Sutcliffe I C Asenjo J A Andrews B A Goodfellow M 2018 Blastococcus atacamensis sp nov a novel strain adapted to life in the Yungay core region of the Atacama Desert Int J Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68 2712 2721 237 Shene C Asenjo J A and Chisti Y 2018 Metabolic modelling and simulation of the light and dark metabolism of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii The Plant Journal 96 1076 1088 238 Contador C A Rodriguez V Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2019 Use og genome scale models to get new insights into the marine actinomycete genus Salinispora BMC Systems Biology 13 11 239 Sanchez A Ravanal M C Andrews B A and Asenjo J A 2019 Heterologous expression and biochemical characterization of a novel cold active a amylase from the Antarctic bacteria Pseudoalteromonas sp 2 3 Protein Expression and Purification 155 78 85 240 Carro L Castro J F Razmilic V Nouioui I Pan C Igual J M Jaspars M Goodfellow M Bull A T and Klenk H P 2019 Uncovering the potential of novel micromonosporae isolated from an extreme hyper arid Atacama Desert soil Nature Scient Reports 9 4678 241 Cortes Albayay C Silber J Imhoff J F Asenjo J A Andrews B Nouioui I and Dorador C 2019 The Polyextreme Ecosystem Salar de Huasco at the Chilean Altiplano of the Atacama Desert Houses Diverse Streptomyces spp with Promising Pharmaceutical Potentials Diversity 11 69 242 Cortes Albayay C Dorador C Schumann P Andrews B Asenjo J Nouioui I 2019 Streptomyces huasconensis sp nov an haloalkalitolerant actinobacteria isolated from a high altitude saline wetland at the Chilean Altiplano Int J Syst Evol Microbiol in press 243 Cortes Albayay C Dorador C Schumann P Schniete J K Herron P Andrews B Asenjo J Nouioui I 2019 Streptomyces altiplanensis sp nov an alkalitolerant species isolated from Chilean Altiplano soil and emended description of Streptomyces chryseus Krasil nikov et al 1965 Pridham 1970 Int J Syst Evol Microbiol in press Libros publicados Editar Juan Asenjo ha editado y publicado 5 libros de los cuales 3 corresponden a articulos de congresos 1 Asenjo J A and Hong J 1986 Separation Recovery and Purification in Biotechnology Recent Advances and Mathematical Modelling 1st ed Washington ACS Books 2 Asenjo J A 1990 Separation Processes in Biotechnology New York Marcel Dekker 3 Asenjo J A and Merchuk J C 1995 Bioreactor System Design New York Marcel Dekker 4 Asenjo J A and Andrews B A 1996 Recombinant DNA Biotechnology 3 The Integration of Biological and Engineering Sciences New York Ann Acad Sciences 5 Asenjo J 1998 10th International Conference on Partitioning in Aqueous Two Phase Systems Lecture Referencias Editar a b Rioseco Vergaa Maria P 24 de junio de 2019 Entrevista personal a Juan A Asenjo Premios Nacionales Consultado el 26 de junio de 2019 Miranda Noemi 2018 Juan Asenjo El permanente asombro de descubrir Beauchef Magazine 11 Consultado el 26 de junio de 2019 Mentes Brillantes Consultado el 30 de junio de 2019 Juan Asenjo Premio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas 2004 Las algas son recursos naturales poco explotados Consultado el 30 de junio de 2019 El hombre que tiene la cura para el alcoholismo Consultado el 26 de junio de 2019 Exploradores del atomo al cosmos Entrevista al Doctor Juan Asenjo director del Cebib y Premio Nacional de Ciencias Consultado el 30 de junio de 2019 Lols Fernando El Dr Fernando Lols entrevista al Dr Juan Asenjo Premio Nacional de Ciencias y miembro de numero de la Academia Chile de Ciencias Consultado el 30 de junio de 2019 Enlaces externos EditarPortafolio Academico Juan A Asenjo de Leuze Centro de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria CeBiB Datos Q5947585 Obtenido de https es wikipedia org w index php title Juan Asenjo amp oldid 138943993, wikipedia, wiki, leyendo, leer, libro, biblioteca,


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